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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 2 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

    With 11 models now assembled for my Cutthroat Mutineers its just the First Mate left to assemble when my crow companion arrives from ebay. The hand crawler purely being an accessory piece,













    I absolutely love your Ogors! The unit as a whole just feels so perfect but they ogors stand out the most.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    spear rumor confirmed as the beastmen warband in Beastgrave starter box

    How would that work do you think? There couldn't be more than 2 ogors, if that, since even stormcast are only at 3 models for a warband..

    It could be an ogor and some grots!

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Whoa ok, this image from the community site is new.

    New bad guy: definitely has a nose.  And a lot of mouths if you want to interpret it that way. Deither Helsnicht had a lot of mouths when we last saw him in the End Times so my money's still on him.


    I say it represents the mawtribes, what with the bones and the ogoresque face. Plus the tithe video made it clear that it was a character for death, seeing as how there was no mention of the world that was.

  4. 1 hour ago, Minis by Night said:

    I might be one of the only few, but I have been loving every warband so far. Now don’t get me wrong, some are clearly better than others, but they’re all nice new takes on chaos and how it functions that I feel like we only get to see in the rare moments in the books where there is no one trying to kill each other(run on).

  5. 5 minutes ago, novakai said:

    they still have a lot of impending releases like Chaos Renegade Knight and all the Blackstone fortress stuff (and hopefully the Sylvaneath tome). so I think at this point July and beginning of August is really packed with releases

    Not gonna lie, I’ve been looking forward to the chaos knight codex(not a power gamer, just enjoy the model a lot).

    • Thanks 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:

    Isn't the release date for Warcry July 20th?

    That’s when GW said they’ll allow people to play it for the first time. My guess next weekend we’ll see the next Tome, a new warband, and sisters of battle.

    edit: to clarify I meant that we’ll see it at warhammer day.

  7. 28 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Yeah, the faction has a lot of potential. It wasn't one I had paid any attention to at all before being set the assignment, but it wasn't hard to identify the core themes, and take a look at the old Ogre Kingdoms books for some interesting ideas. I'm very intrigued to see what they eventually come up with for them. I agree that the fact they were using it at the assessment exercise last year makes it unlikely that they were already working on something at that time, but the fact that they used that faction for the lore writer exercise as well does seem hopeful that it might be in development now.

    I look through my copy of the old Ogre Kingdoms book(got it at half price books) and it is great. So many conversion ideas and character designs that were never implemented.

    • Like 2
  8. 14 hours ago, StoneMonk said:

    Sorry I've not been able to move more of the narrative along! Busy at work and my limited hobby time has been on terrain :/ - The new mercenary rules is really good news for my pirate army being fully table legal! Keep up the posting, these guys are all looking amazing.

    I'd love to use some of these pictures to invite twitter and facebook to come join us...I'll ask directly for permission and it's cool if you want to say no :)

    Great to have you back sir! You have my permission by the way as I don’t have a twitter account.

  9. 1 hour ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Tomb Kings are coming...

    Please let this be true, I’ve just started rebasing my army.

    1 hour ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    ...and they are a shooting army.

    And now I’m glad I picked up that unit of archers.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    You don't think it would be cooler if the ghouls - or the top guys, at least - were carrying/wearing torn pieces of heraldry and armour that they had scavenged from a battlefield somewhere?

    That’s why god gave us green stuff, wire, and spare bits. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, PJetski said:

    People "hate on" the WarCry reveals because we still dont know anything about how the game actually plays - some people don't get excited over just seeing cool models.

    They look like a sneaky warband but I can't even begin to imagine how that translates to the gameplay because I have no context.

    @PJetski I know, and I apologize, I don't often go into rants like that. It just seems that people are throwing ****** for minor reveals like this a lot lately. I'm relatively new to this hobby(fourth year as of this year), but from what I have heard GW didn't used to be so informative when it came to new releases such as this.

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  12. I don't know why people have been hating on nearly every Warcry war band reveal, they are great models. The Iron Golems look like a mix of classic diving suits and scale armor(plus they have a CHAOS DWARF IN PLASTIC PEOPLE), the Untamed Beasts have that classic barbarian look of furs and manly horned helmets taken to the logical AOS 11, the Splintered Fang..... well actually people to seem to like the splintered fang. In my opinion the Cabal is great, they have that whole "creepy assassin/spy" look which I greatly enjoy, with the leader(?) pulling off a Batman style landing. What's not to love?! Finally, let's be real here guys, did any of us actually expect something as long awaited as a Gutbuster battletome to be revealed at a non GW held event? 

    • Like 5
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  13. 2 minutes ago, ChaosLord said:

    Amazon Kindle app can read non-audio books out loud to you. I'm an avid Audible user and understand it's not the same as having pro voice actors, but it's an option. I wouldn't bet on GW doing high quality audio books. I just don't think their fiction sells at the same kind of volume as say a Brent Weeks or Brandon Sanderson to be able to justify it.

    I think you're missing the point here sir.

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 3
  14. 13 minutes ago, 123lac said:

    Get rid of them. No more Aelf problem.

    Tomb Kings and Bretts got the axe, why not Aelfs too?

    Don’t forget the beloved Greenskins! The ORCS of all people got axed while the pointy ears are still here?! Somebody bust out the Dammaz Kron!!!!

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