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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I don’t want Dark Mechanicus, I’ve spent too much time and money converting my own army from Ad-Mech, Hedonites, and Necromunda kits. Chaos Dwarfs on the other hand, need to have at least twelve kits, three of which are monstrous daemon trains that can somehow turn into bull headed daemons.
  2. So we’re not getting anything until 7pm tonight? *sad chaos dwarf noise.*
  3. I agree with both of your viewpoints. Yes Cathay was essentially every oriental stereotype shoved in our face barring the Monkey King showing up with an army of shaolin monks drop kicking a bunch of daemons (for now). But at the same time, I loved the fact that the Tomb Kings were every basic thing people know about ancient Egypt. my belief on pastiche nowadays is as follows: if it gets someone interested in the culture being shallowly waded into, and inspires people to look into it, then it’s fair game. On the other hand, if the culture is being used to paint an already horrible popular idea of X culture, then shame on you. A great example in Warhammer that hasn’t been expanded upon yet is Araby. The original models and lore for Araby was basically The 1001 Nights and every medieval belief about the Middle East. However, later editions expanded upon the lore, making them the sole survivors of Nehekhara (and possibly worshipping the same gods), as well as the stereotypical Djinn. It was a refreshing take when it seems like whenever a writer has touched the Middle East in the last three decades it always turned into a “Islam and Terrorism is bad” festival.
  4. Heffalumps and woozles?! I must protect my hunny!!!
  5. Oh that's a great point. Japan has those Tapir-like yokai that eat dreams which would mesh with the Tibetan & Japanese monk aesthetics the Lumineth are heavily rocking. And certainly throwing yourself into the water to drown until a river spirit saves you would certainly cause a aelf pilgrim nightmares. (Just hoping their Pachyderm helms are just as epic as the Alarith cow helms. Emphasize those head trunks!. ) If GW decided to go the Hippo route then I think I might invest in lumineth. It is a well documented fact that Hippos are monsters in real life.
  6. Did anyone else read this in Peter Cullen’s voice?
  7. I like where this is going. What if the water was actually the tears of a fallen god/goddess empowering the remains of his/her followers? also, because I can:
  8. The only reason Lumineth are even half as awesome as they are is because they stole the heads off of statues of Hashut and put them on their helmets. The rest is all the kangaroos. if they do release those pachyderms I’m converting them into Slaanesh themed War-mammoths. Or maybe something to do with the Tomb Kings….. give me time to work this out. All jokes aside, if this is what GW is willing to show us on a Tuesday, imagine what they have in store for us at Gen-Con…
  9. So what you’re saying is that Cathay is the new Lumineth?
  10. Plus a Pegasus calvary hero. Yeah they really went all out on this one.
  11. Okay, here’s what I’ve managed to piece together from the video and posts from CA and GW. Grand Cathay Unit Roster Legendary Lords Miao Ying = Sigmar’s waifu Zhao Ming = Iron Dragon (Chamon Wizard supreme?) heroes Alchemists Astromancer units spearmen crossbowmen furework rifles warmachines war balloons Rocket Cannon being pulled by bulls (Insert *Chaos Dwarfs confirmed meme here*) Monsters Terracotta Big Boi Am I missing anything?
  12. until Plastic Chaos Dwarfs (and subsequent art) arrives I’ll be using this as my new profile pic. It’s just too epic to pass up.
  13. I just remembered something incredible! Miao Ying is the ruler of the Grand Bastion (the not Great Wall). During the End Times the Chaos Dwarfs, lead by Drazhoath the Ashen, captured The Grand Bastion and used it to attack Cathay…… CHAOS DWARFS CONFIRMED!!!!!
  14. now why can’t we get dragons like this in AOS? Think of the conversions….. also, those war balloons and terracotta giants were the best part of the whole thing for me. I mean, come on, warballoons and a not-hierotitan to play with? God I hope at least half of this stuff is made into plastic/resin in TOW.
  15. Alright, Tuesday is going to be amazing this week! so let's do some speculating! generally speaking..... what culture/time period do we think GW and CA are gonna pull inspiration from? I just want some form of Jiangshi inspired vampire unit.
  16. Alright, looks like it's time to speculate once again...... First off I'll just say it: I don't think that new Dwarf model is a chaos dwarf. My reasoning for this assumption is as follows 1. The supposed "beard" outline of the model follows the dispossessed style of beard (triangle towards the end) instead of the established rectangle beard of old chaos dwarf models and art (See attached picture below). 2. The general lack of spikes common to any chaos faction GW does. 3. My previous speculations. 4. The fact that the model has a sword scabbard..... Wait a thrice-damned minute!
  17. I had an epic demigod conversion planned for Gobsprakk..... He was gonna be a death god of Funerary Rites and Grave Secrets..... Aw well, I can't really complain. After all, if the worst thing about my week is a toy is expensive, then my life is good.
  18. *Does the Super Bowl Shuffle to Rocky Theme* OH YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! Hashut has returned! Thank you @KingBrodd for alerting me to this wonderful news! Where can I read the new lore? I need to know ASAP.
  19. Say what you will about Netflix originals, they sure can be a great meme template.
  20. Alright, I’m about to go on a Chais Dwarf rant, please correct me if I’m wrong about anything. from the posts above by @FFJump, comes a compelling picture that Chaos Dwarfs are on the way. The reason he-I’m going to assume you are male, @FFJump, out of habit- says this because of the following sources: 1. Grimdarklive mentioned evil beard bois are on there way after the Dominion preview. 2. Today’s Rumor Engine pic, which could also be the new Warpsmith for the upcoming massive CSM reboot for 9th edition. 3. An unnamed source (possibly a GW employee who lurks on this site or a similar board). 4. The Oathtakers rumor that came out alongside the Grey Knights vs Thousand Sons box rumor. Now, let’s go over what we “know.” Chaos Dwarfs have been mentioned multiple times throughout AOS’s history, but have never been more than a nice snippet of lore if we exclude Forgeworld products. The earliest name for them was “Furnace Kings”, and was mentioned in The Realmgate Wars. We know that they have a presence in Shyish in the form of Zhar Vyxa, a massive oil rig that steals souls, and in Soulbound in the form of The Forge Anethema. There are more instances of them being mention, but this is just the stuff off the top of my head. with the Kruleboyz preview and lore drops we know that they are trading with the more cunning orruks via the Hobgrotz (see picture below). From this picture we can tell that the Dawi-Zhar are once again active in the mortal realms. I can’t tell what the inspiration for the armor is, but I am going to assume it’s supposed to look like some industrial Assyrian/East Asian design in order to ties back to the original lore of both WFB hobgoblins and Chaos Dwarfs. In conclusion, we have a decent amount of evidence to support the release of plastics chaos dwarfs. We also have a decent picture of what they may look like. What we don’t know, is the following: 1. Lore 2. units 3. named characters 4. When they come out
  21. Shame that there aren’t any werewolves in AOS yet، , otherwise I’d buy that good boy on a heartbeat. The shambler could make a cool FEC conversion is one can get the more 40K bits off him.
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/09/03/4-ways-the-black-templars-take-zealotry-to-a-whole-new-level/ For @Black_Templar_Lad, looks like your boys are going to get a good release real soon.
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