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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. You mind sharing this information with the rest of us who didn’t buy the over $200 box?
  2. These seem to be the most logical pairings to me. I’m surprised Tzeentch and Seraphon are first this time around, I thought we’d get destructionvs chaos before chaos vs order.
  3. There’s a reason one of the greatest horror movies of all time was called “The Birds.”
  4. Lovely art for lovely models. I can’t wait to paint them blue and twist them to the Archtitect’s tune….
  5. It pains me to do so, but I must play daemon’s advocate. We know that we’re getting mono-god cults this time around (Hashut and Nurgle in the box set), so it’s possible that this is an item on the Tzeentch warband.
  6. I already have the lord of change bits I need, it’s the other two that are the problem.
  7. I meant 40K, but the Cypher Lords helms are a good idea (maybe if I put them on the Splintered Fang). Also if you think my current projects are monumental tasks, wait until I tell you about my Be’Laker conversion. It involves Tomb Kings Bits, a Lord of Change, and Magnus the Red.
  8. Tempting…… or maybe a “chaos” genestealer cult! With a daemon prince/patriarch Cobra Commander, and Baroness as a magus. Plus the bikers could be the Dreadnoks……
  9. You know, I’m surprised no one’s done a Cobra themed Warhammer army (probably chaos). Think of the potential….. side note: there’s a G.I. Joe RPG system now, I kid you not.
  10. @Neverchosen I’m certainly tempted (that sorceress would look great in my Disciples of Tzeentch army), though I’d probably just get the one month subscription and wait a year.
  11. I don’t know about some of you guys (@MitGas), but I got a lot of painting to do before next week. That new Curseling is going to look wonderful next to my hordes of Tzaangors.
  12. If they’re like the old Forgeworld army, then gun line and artillery based armies with a solid block of infantry to ground them.
  13. Correction: when Chorf fans are given double the models of every other army.
  14. Still looks like GW is having some production issues. I’m basing this on the fact that they haven’t released the new Possessed and Accursed Cultists kits for Chaos Space Marines.
  15. I’m sticking with the Curseling, after all it’s getting a new model! But I honestly hope that the chaos designs shown in this dlc (and beyond) get used by gw to update the range. There’re some truly lovely sculpts for a whole range of units in there, it’d be a shame if they never make it out onto the tabletop.
  16. This is a bit off topic, but shouldn’t we have seen a Valkia trailer for Total War today?
  17. Those berserkers look so good! I swore I wasn’t going to touch the World Eaters and hold out for Emperor’s Children…. But I don’t think I can hold out.
  18. To me he looks like a former college heavy weight wrestler who decided to become a coach.
  19. I mean…. the guys a black smith. he’s more focused on making sure everybody’s weapons are sharp enough to claim skulls, not on having the kind of natural body the worshippers of Slaanesh wish they could have.
  20. If that was true the Lizardmen wouldn’t have made it to Age of Sigmar.
  21. Killing off the Tomb Kings and their pantheon of deities was one of GW’s biggest mistakes in my opinion. The Tomb Kings offered death players an army that didn’t bow down to Nagash but still had the “metal” feel only an army of the undead can produce. GW’s tried to hype up Nagash as this powerful and cunning deity….. but so far he’s the only god in the setting to be Pimp-Slapped in some way or form by every other faction. Hell, I created my own death-god so that I can justify using Nagash’s rules without playing him. like @Enoby I love the fact that Chaos Gods essentially leave their worshippers to their own devices. It allows both us and GW to create our own Mortal & Daemonic champions to expand the narrative in their own way, and still push the Chaos Agenda.
  22. I live for the advancement the plot @KingBrodd, no matter which plot is being advanced.
  23. Understandable Your Swoleness, we all need to scream into a pillow at times. Though I’m upset that we didn’t get any Warcry news. I am admittedly excited about the Necromunda update, mostly because I’m using the Vheciles for a dark-mechanicus army. Here’s hoping we get SOMETHING within the next few days.
  24. I'm subtracting unconfirmed rumors and anything related to The Old World thread.
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