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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Oh, I thought the two kits were one and the same, never mind me then. I'm also putting Ian Miller's new masterpieces in the pile of shame, as I started too many different projects these past two years thanks to COVID-19 giving me a lot of free time, Yeah, the soul bound characters (barring the vampire) are just gender swapped versions of the characters from Cursed Cities. I just want the book for the lore, nothing more nothing less.
  2. You know what? at first I was upset that we weren't getting an actual new model Monday reveal..... but I've changed my mind. Eternus (and the generic kit he is built from) are wonderful models that have interesting war and serious repercussions for the story. Be'lakor has successfully created his own named champion/"daemon prince" via corrupted Stormiest souls, and is seriously on the way to becoming a proper god in his own right. Will this new character actually advance the storyline in a meaningful way? who knows. Will we, the Warhammer Community, give this guy a better paint job? yes. Will I ask @MitGasand @Neverchosen for their opinion when I inevitably purchase this kit and convert him into a Tzeentchian Chaos Lord? most certainly.
  3. Same @KingBrodd, but we must resist the stumpy temptation.
  4. TOMB KINGS REBORN?! Nah, more likely slaves or new vehicles.
  5. With the amount of hype the Votann have been getting, they’re definitely a two week release. My money is on Disciples and Lumineth battletomes, plus Necromunda as a “bundle” week (multiple IPs at once) because they’re not that important in the grand scheme of things.
  6. Sorry brother, the only dwarf-related rumors that have any traction lately have horns and beards that would make Gilgamesh weep with envy.
  7. Much like @KingBrodd and @The Brotherhood of Necros, I think that the new hunter is a terrifying sign of what’s to come. These new ogres look like they’re twice the height of a normal man, with the muscle and fat to prove it. Most importantly, this guy looks HUNGRY, when nearly every other ogor has looked satisfied or joyful. The fact that he’s using the parts of his kills he doesn’t eat as tools and clothing helps sell the nomadic lifestyle. If ma eaters are coming in Warcry, I hope they look more like this guy, and that they have special rules to use them in other armies.
  8. It didn't work when my name was "Loyal Son of Khemri," or for @Public Universal Duardin (Yet). @KingBrodd is just the rare exception to the norm for GW and responding to their fans.
  9. @Gothmaug, I'm thinking of replacing their axe heads with the "great blades" from the Tzaangor kit, and going with the classic Ogroid Thaumaturge color scheme. I'll post them on my narrative thread "The War of Funerary Delights." It's a darn shame that the technology that was meant to improve the hobby has begun to negatively affect it's creativity at the same time. This is best seen in the various conversion/kitbash pictures circling around the web, where it seems like more and more green stuff and third party parts are being used to actually get a "unique" feeling in everyone's creations. As we are grateful for you @KingBrodd, for keeping the spirit of this thread joyful at times where it should be depressing. May the dice always roll what you need Your Swoleness.
  10. True, Be’lakor is indeed not our friend…. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use his model as the base for one! It’s my super big project for the first four months of 2023, I’m calling it the Sapphire Firaun, it’s so expensive I’m going to hunt down the kits and bits needed separately. The Chosen Champion could use a different helmet. It may sound like Heresy, but if you chop off the horns from the helmets and glue/mold some spare Tzaangor Horns on them they’ll probably look good.
  11. Then it's a good thing that our lord hasn't heard your comments regarding his recent aesthetic choices..... Regardless, let us agree to corrupt and convert as many new kits as possible to our master's cause, and save the blackmail for our enemies. I'm personally trying to figure out how I take the Ogroids and dedicate them to the Tzeentchian side of Be'lakor, what are your plans for the future?
  12. You do remember that I consulted with you on that project? Don't think I'm above snitching to save my soul.
  13. I won't tell if you don't tell him about my attempts to rebuild LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! or my Hedonites army....
  14. Those Chosen are amazing! I am going to feel so bad about kit bashing them to better fit into my army. Hope is the first step towards disappointment.
  15. A moment of silence for those who had to go to sleep before the reveals……
  16. Indeed it is! Though unfortunately it looks like my prediction of it being tied to Chaos Dwarfs is no longer true. It might be the aforementioned Ogor model.
  17. My daemon prince broke a currently irreplaceable part, So I will re add my commitment from last month's pledge and paint 60+ battle ready Tzaangors.
  18. THey'll probably post some ridiculous video teasing chorfs or an upcoming dlc for Total War that'll tie into TOW.
  19. Kharn’s kit isn’t that old though, so I’m betting on a the rest of the berserkers being revealed. The giant axe dude could be the Underworlds leader or Chosen, followed by Votann and Gargants.
  20. The gargant has a birb! BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA HOW ADORABLE!!! Also, looks like we have Khorne sightings in both 40K and AOS inbound.
  21. I'd argue that we should call it being Buried, in honor of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! But that's just me. @KingBrodd and @Neverchosen! It looks like meats back on the menu boys! SING IT WITH ME NOW:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDiskn8XwCE
  22. Here's hoping we also get some more news regarding TOW as well. I can't remember when the last lore drop occurred, but is has been some time.
  23. You’re both correct, I am hoping too much when it comes to Warcry and the chorfs/mechanicus. However, I do think my other predictions are relatively safe choices. We know Tzeentch and Lumineth are getting new tomes, and so far 2023 seems to be the Year of the Brass Bull (Khorne).
  24. Khorne Underworlds Warband, followed by the Khorne and Tzeentch Battletomes and Warcry Warbands. Best case scenario, we get the rest of the Slaves to Darkness Winter box revealed. Greatest scenario: we get Chorfs and Dark Mechanicus teasers.
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