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Posts posted by Luke1705

  1. 1 hour ago, Ravinsild said:

    I've been wanting 3 Bloodthirsters for the longest time (Wrath of Khorne, Insensate Rage and SKARBRAND), but do I now need 4 to run anything viable? I love Bloodthirsters, but I feel like if I run 4 I literally don't have much more of an army. It feels like they're all or nothing though, you either commit to all of them, or run none. 1 BT will probably die too quick and then you just have a slightly weaker normal army with some points that could have gone elsewhere. IDK. 

    I think 3 bloodthirsters is probably more balanced. The viability of 4 probably depends on how many command points you have (and if we can indeed activate 4 thirsters 8 total times in a single combat phase with enough CP in reapers of vengeance, which it seems we can)

  2. So here’s a list thought:

    Reapers of Vengeance

    Exalted Thirster (khartogh the blood hungerer - 4+ in fight phase goes first like fanatics)


    Wrath Thirster

    Rage Thirster (general - 2+ FNP vs magic, deny on 8 auto denies and causes d6 mortals to caster)

    Tyrants of Blood

    10 Reavers

    10 Reavers

    10 Reavers



    Obviously one-dimensional but what it does, it does really well. As long as they get to hit first, they hit last. A more balanced version probably drops either one of the small thirsters or downgrades the big guy to a small thirster for a priest and the axe spell plus some more chaff

  3. 9 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    It also stops you using the reapers command ability to fight twice with each bloodthirster and use the battalion out of sequence fighting as well.

    If it wasn’t worded that way and you had the CP you could fight with all 4 bloodthirsters twice before your opponent went. With its wording you fight with 3 in a row first then use Skarbrand last and fight twice with him then pass it back to your opponent who no longer has an army. 

    This seems to be one of the best new strats however as bloodthirsters have terrible defence for their points it straight loses to ranged armies. 

    I’m actually not sure you can’t do all 8 thirster activations if you have the CP for it (would require 4).

    Both abilities are worded to proc immediately after the first fight. Simultaneous sequencing says that the player who chooses the order of 2 things that happen at the same time is the player whose turn it is.

    So I could insert a fight twice in between any of the bloodthirster activations because they all happen immediately after (both the second activation for the first thirster and the Battalion’s next thirster activation)

  4. 25 minutes ago, Bululu said:

    Well ive rereaded my non-english battletome thanks to a someone on general aos discussion thread. At least on my battletome it says that once a priest fails to cast a judgement, that judgement cant be cast again on that phase. So what does mean is that you can put multiple "axes" on the same turn if you dont fail the casts. Cant say if its a translation error.

    In matched play you can’t have more than one of the same spell thing on the board at the same time IIRC. I don’t imagine it’ll be different for us

  5. 25 minutes ago, Luke.w said:

    What is everyone thinking in terms of new top tier lists for Khorne? Still gore pilgirms? Tyrants of blood? Mulitiple battalions? Would be interesring to hear some thoughts.

    Tyrants of blood and brass stampede (not both in the same list I don’t think, but now that I consider it maybe haha)

  6. 25 minutes ago, mmimzie said:

    20 evocators with thier personal spell and only 10 of them making it into melee range. 

    30 witch aelves

    9 enlightend with help from a spell casting LoC

    15 fanatics

    40(#?) Buffed spear skeletons

    Honorable mentions:

    9 morrsarr do 30 wounds, but 6 could easily do it on turn 3. 

    Arkhan could do it, requires luck. But he can out range a none magical supremacy LoC really easy and cast his spell uncontested. 

    Most armies can do it on a double turn. 


    Anyway there are alot of units/armkes that can demolish a unit of 9 enlightend. 

    Evocators can deep strike yes but you can screen those out.

    Same with morrsarr because let’s be honest they’re not starting on the table.

    Sure in a mirror matchup tzeentch could kill tzeentch.

    I forget what Arkhan’s average output is, but it is certainly not more than 10. Anything can happen with luck but we’re talking averages here.

    Most other units you can charge in such a way that only their front line is going to hit you, so 10-15 models tops.

    If you’re really afraid, just keep as many models as you can at 4.1” away (in practice this is like 7 usually) and then when they go, you hardly get hit. Even if they stay where they are, you’re still piling in 3 with 2” reach on the spears so unless they also have 2” reach, you’re fine (unless they’re Morrsarrs or Evocators. Tbh though with stormcast I think our mortal wound output is enough to deal with them. And I run skyfires so my enlightened would definitely charge something beside the Evocators haha)

  7. 15 minutes ago, CountryMou3e said:

    who's going to have which spell in that case? The shaman can only take one. I also get what you are saying but there are better heroes to use if you need something tanky, it will make you play him quite defensively as the chaff wont be able to keep up?  

    Depends which ones you take. If you go:

    LoC - Bolt of Tzeentch

    Kairos - Fold Reality

    Gaunt - Shield of Fate

    Shaman - Treacherous Bond

    If you’re only taking Kairos and no LoC, I would give the summoner the arch sorcerer command trait so far you can still get shield of fate.

    Chaff keeping up with the shaman doesn’t matter. You can pile wounds on the enlightened that he has to stay close to anyways because you can bring those guys back.

  8. 2 hours ago, CountryMou3e said:


    He’s a force multiplier. Makes the enlightened even better. You can always hit the fold reality button to bring back enlightened (indeed that is what Kairos is for) but you can’t do that for a dead shaman. So there’s no reason to let him die and let your enlightened get worse. You could argue that the enlightened are good enough without him (probably true) but why let him die? There’s no upside for you.

    Also,  some missions you need heroes or wizards to score. He’s great there because who is mulching through 36 wounds in a turn? Not a lot of units, especially if you charge properly. But anyone can kill a lone hero.

  9. 7 hours ago, mmimzie said:

    Hmmm no idea now that you bring it up. I'd air on the side of you only get your battle shock phase as being as part of your  turn.

    Throw it in questions and see with the rest of TGA has to say on the matter. 

    Seems pretty straightforward to me. I understand the confusion but your battleshock phase is in your turn. Your opponent can take battleshock during your battleshock phase but it’s still your phase. If they wanted the ability to proc every battleshock phase, they would say “do this during THE battleshock phase”

  10. Stunt, comments on your list:

    I don’t see the bray shaman as necessary when the enlightened already move mega fast. MAYBE you don’t make the charge turn 1. If they’re off in Siberia. But they’re not charging you before you charge them. That’s what matters and the bray shaman isn’t changing that.

    Too many endless spells. Maybe keep the spell portal but it depends if you have the points

    I’d keep the lord of change in your list but turn the shackles, bray shaman, gors, and magister into Kairos. Much better use of 380 points


    edit: also your tzaangor shaman absolutely needs to have treacherous bond. Non negotiable

  11. 1 minute ago, Gilby said:

    As people wanted to be explicit, app says "last updated", not published, FAQ uses the word "published". So use what's in the book and don't stack the ability they've moved off of the skyfires/enlightened onto the shaman.

    Both the app and the BoC battletome use the “last updated” language anyhow so the semantic distinctions are moot.

  12. 1 minute ago, Sumanye said:

    The warscrolls were updated after the book dropped, were they not?  I could be wrong, but that is what I remember.  

    The warscrolls have a publication date of September 2018 in the app. The warscrolls in the book have a date of September 2018. Would love to hear arguments for which is “newer” or how the “beasts of chaos book has no publication date for the skyfire warscroll” in light of page 78 of the BoC book. See attached images



  13. 16 minutes ago, Sumanye said:


      To the second comment, this is a good point, but either way, the one in BoC was not published after the one in the app, so the app warscroll is still the newest. 

    I’m not sure how you’re coming to that conclusion since they both have a publication date of “September 2018”?

  14. 3 hours ago, mmimzie said:

    I think its a strwtch to use the app war scroll. You can but i think your being abit of a stubborn person and just trying to game that extra +1. 


    That said the skyfyres eeven with the +1 still kinda suck. So meh. 

    I think it’s an honest question. It’s pretty annoying that GW can’t update their app. I use the app exclusively for most things because it’s usually pretty accurate in my experience.

    Also I don’t have issues with skyfires. They work really well to be the first activation which allows your enlightened to go second. They can snipe characters reasonably well. Their close combat is not awful. They’re probably a big expensive but that’s what fold reality is for.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Sumanye said:

    But you don’t go by the newest one though.  The last FAQ makes this explicitly clear, you go by the warscroll with a date, which is the one in the app.

    edit:  the warscroll says Sep 2018 btw, also when BoC was released right?  So it’s not clear that the book is even the newest.

    Yeah they absolutely updated the app to come in line with the beasts of chaos book, which happened at roughly the same time no doubt. Edit: “however it’s not clear that the date on the warscroll postdates the battletome, which has its own printed date of September 2018. So you can’t use that logic to say ‘app trumps battletome’ “

    Clearly there is an error here, either by the dude who coded the app or by the publishing team who worked on the digital book, the print book, and the warscroll cards. Want to guess which is more likely?

    They’ll either update the app one day to be in line with the book or release an errata that says “hey we misprinted thousands of books and the digital copies were also wrong and the people who printed the warscroll cards never noticed the error”

    By all means feel free to play skyfires that hit on 2+ when they’re nearby a shaman. At the end of the day, it only really matters when you go to a tournament, where a TO a will rule it one way or the other. Personally, I would rule in favor of the print and digital versions as a TO because that seems the most likely to be their intention, but YMMV.

    • Like 1
  16. The skyfires’ newest warscroll is the one published in the BOC book, which is (sadly) different that the version in the app (and from the way they were in the DoT book).  We know this because we know when the books were released. So although the app has a mistake in it, you go by the BoC book. It’s just annoying for a pure DoT player to have to get the BoC book (or find out from people who own it) how your warscroll has changed


    EDIT: TLDR no they don’t get +2 to hit

  17. 1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

    So apart from the archmage, which mage would be most useful for us? I think having some more magic allies could be fun, and may open more modeling opportunities for us in the longrun.


    heck, to add to this, which monsters / creatures could be fun to add to our armies?

    Well Morathi but tragically it cannot be done.


    Edit: my buddy plays sylvaneth using her as an ally and I am jealous.  Dislike all of the other DoK but she is super cool (and very good)

  18. On 1/11/2019 at 2:11 PM, DanielFM said:

    Any thoughts on this from tournament players?

    Neither the soulrender nor any of the deepkin battalion are viable if you want to place highly in a tournament setting


    As far as your list goes, I’d change the sea aspect to storm. I’d also ditch the shark and the turtle, but I assume those are the models that you like that you know aren’t so great

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