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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. More reinforcements, and importantly, paints, are on the way!
  2. Faceplates, helmets, and plumes worked on. Weapons cleaned up.
  3. Got a little more work done on my rangers and a storm guardian!
  4. Got some more done on the avatar and more bikes based.
  5. Five storm guardians' armor highlighted! Five more still to receive the 2nd highlight.
  6. Rebased the lower robes and working on the upper robes in the armor gaps. Also picking out the silver details and weapon hafts. Finished the armor on another storm guardian:
  7. Applied an umber shade on my bases and also have have begun painting the rims. They need a second coat though! Letting the first one dry. Also started on my weapon plaforms.
  8. It's because my work is never done . I am actually going to do that this time because you reminded me. Good shout !
  9. 14 helmet guardians completed. 6 helmet-less guardians remain.
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