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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. Working on Tzaangors - washes drying now. Will pick out details once dry and work from there.
  2. Worked on a little more terrain today. I let this dry overnight, ready to clean up any missed areas, wash the stone again to darken it down more, and then it'll be ready to highlight up.
  3. Work done this weekend! No washes yet on the new stuff, except the terrain piece Additional layering / blending I can do on the stealth suit weapons, but I don't want to overdo it too quickly and end up messing up what I'm aiming for. Pro tips, I managed the vast majority of this just blending / mixing / glazing contrast paints together with separate layers both semi-blended or just layered over each other. A combination of washes and drybrushing and the one or two normal base paints I need achieved the rest. Except the torch, that took some time and honestly, a lot of luck and some wisdom I gained from painting the Avatar of Khaine.
  4. Finished washes. Going to leave the model there for now until I get some more paints. Work In Progress Terrain Piece:
  5. Working on terrain, gotten through the wash stage mostly.
  6. Just need to correct the white and can proceed with highlights. Am going to do one more pass on the red armor base color to smooth it out / clean it up. Then will highlight.
  7. On the work table! Made some progress on my Autarch with wings, still establishing base colors. Assembled my 5 units of Wraithblades Assembled 4 Guardsmen of the Krieg variety. 36 more to go!
  8. What I've been working on over the last week! 6 Spitelancers and 2 Seeker Revenants built, 1 Seeker remaining
  9. Working on Guardians again - changing the scheme back toward a more traditional looking Saim-Hann.
  10. Another Kurnoth joins tabletop standard and working on the Lady of Vines.
  11. Built some more Aeldari and working on my first terrain piece.
  12. Awesome - they give me that vibe from the dawn of war III reveal trailer. As for toning down the white - your best bet might be to just go in with a smaller, lighter drybrush with a darker white to kind of blend it back in? Someone else may have better advice.
  13. Been making some progress building a lot of terrain and some Sylvaneth. Still have more terrain to assemble for my City of Sigmar board. EDIT: Did an AoS Objective and am workign on a shining spear
  14. Wow, after you mentioning it - I guess that seems pretty spot on! lol
  15. Working on Shining Spears - getting through the wash stage
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