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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. Working on restoring an ebay wraithknight to glories worthy of Saim Hann. Just received a heavy wash, but will look much better once I start layering. \\
  2. Completed some more bases - ran out of my forest materials so used the next best thing. Will need to get around to painting the rims next. \
  3. Well this is where I am after a long night. Will continue over the weekend.
  4. Still have highlights to do, but the stormstrike chariot is coming together!
  5. Another update - our assembly is done, save a few dragons.
  6. Washes done, will get the rest of the squad to here before starting highlights.
  7. Been awhile, but I'm back to work on some stuff. Fire Prism still in rough stages, but it's making progress.
  8. Another Sword master joins the ranks of the Vanquishers!
  9. Not AoS related, but established some yellow for my Iyanden forces.
  10. Got some more work done on my Knight Judicator. Tried blending on the back of the cloak a bit more. Still a few things to clean up, like the quiver, before he's battle ready.
  11. Not AoS, but I started working on my first Craftworlds model yesterday. Pretty stoked how it came out!
  12. Started on the stormstrike chariot! A little too early for me to tie everything in together yet.
  13. Project Dominion is near to finishing. I have 4 Vindictors left and a Gryph-Hound. Once I've finished with these, I'll move on to two thunderstrike chariots & Knight Judicator. Also retook the Knight Arcanum photos with a better light source.
  14. Finally settling in after a new move and job, started working on my Knight Arcanum. Apologies for the makeshift background, don't have my lightbox setup yet. EDIT: Fixed the cloak, will go back and start working on the face. Going to have to start learning how to do them at some point lol.
  15. Guess I'll pledge to finish my current thunderstrike stormcast from Dominion. That would leave 6 Vindictors for a total of 20. 1 Knight Arcanum. 1 Praetor. Almost there!
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