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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. Working on the Wraithlord, no highlights yet, but washes on everything except the silver areas.
  2. Built 12 windriders over the weekend - left off the under-slung weapon on every 3rd model to magnetize both shuriken cannon and scatter laser weapon options. Still have 3 more to build. I also have a farseer skyrunner and two warlock skyrunners to build.
  3. Repainted my Exarch - still some clean up to do, but just pressing onward at the moment.
  4. Going to lean up the armor with the base color, the zoomed in photos make it look a little rough! Also going to finish painting the gems!
  5. Almost done with Jain Zar - still need to do the gems, ruin, and basing. A few other details too, the sickle blade is not finished yet.
  6. Started working on a mini-project! Shadowsun and two pathfinder teams with the Chalnath upgrade sprues. Working on Shadowsun now, still have highlights to make - hoping to make the finished result lean more toward a grittier direction than I'm used to.
  7. Working on restoring an ebay wraithknight to glories worthy of Saim Hann. Just received a heavy wash, but will look much better once I start layering. \\
  8. Completed some more bases - ran out of my forest materials so used the next best thing. Will need to get around to painting the rims next. \
  9. Well this is where I am after a long night. Will continue over the weekend.
  10. Still have highlights to do, but the stormstrike chariot is coming together!
  11. Another update - our assembly is done, save a few dragons.
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