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Posts posted by Deepkin

  1. On 5/17/2019 at 7:27 AM, Jetengine said:

    They bought pikes because like most european* colonists and explorers they assumed that their weapons and tactics would work anywhere.

    *Fantasy spain or italy iirc.

    Except in real life, the original Spanish conquistadors didn't bring many pikes, and instead relied on good old swords and shields (rodeleros) along with some guns and crossbows, because real-life Euros weren't dumb and knew pikes did not work well in rough terrain.

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    • Haha 1
  2. I still hold out hope that Doomseekers or Grimwraths will be rebadged as a unit of heroes. Like take 1-3, counts only as 1 leader choice for purposes if army comp. Would fit with the theme of Fyreslayers as norse heroes writ large (or rather...well, ****** it they're still brolic as all hell, that counts).

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  3. I am excited to see what playstyles emerge. I hope we see some viable differences, like march of the magmadroths list with Lofnir, grimwrath-spam with greyfyrd, hearthguard berzerker deathball, and more familiar "our vulkites will blot out the sun" builds as well. 

    I love giant monsters and desperately want Magmadroths to be good.

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  4. If poleaxe keeps the "on 4+, deal an additional mortal wound" and Lords of the Lodge keeps the "pile in twice with Hearthguard" rule, Hearthguard Berzerkers may legit be one of the best infantry units in the game.

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  5. Greyfyrd Grimwrath with Blood of the Berserker and the Chamon artifact that gives -3 rend, coupled with a nearby Runemaster using Expert Cohesion and Prayer of Grimnir's Fury.


    For even more lulz, use Sword of Judgment and aim him at a hero/monster you want deader than the deadest dead times infinity.

    Khazukan kazakit-ha!

    • Haha 1
  6. I dunno man, would making the other units morr viable even do that much? If you have 12+ morrsarr or 9+ allopex, what is really the difference in playstyle? Its still fast moving cavalry that hits hard with a lot of attacks buffed by an Akhelian King. It would be cool to swap out the models (he says, as he paints up his growing collection of eels) but it would end up playing pretty similarly. 

  7. Allopex at 110 points (30 point drop) has a comparable wounds-to-point value as Morrsarrs, and comparable attacks: a unit of 3 is 330 points, outputs 30 melee attacks (15 with rend) and 24 wounds. A unit of 6 morrsarrs is 320 points with 24 wounds and 24-36 attacks (if you roll straight 6s for the d3 tail attacks), of which 1/3 have rend when charging. 

    So Allopexes at 110 points might be worth it. 

    Also Daniel, youre talking about Aspect of the Sea. Storm is the cheaper choppy one, not the spellcaster. 

  8. Here is my first try at a list! I desire to be competitive, but also stick to my theme (why yes, I do also enjoy having my cake and eating it too!), which is Akhelian raiding party.

    Idoneth Deepkin 2000 points


    Volturnos: general, 280 points

    Soulscryer: 100 points

    Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm: 400 points, Cloud of Midnight.


    Morrsarr Guard: 9 Morrsarr. 480 points.

    Morrsarr Guard: 6 Morrsarr, 320 points.

    Ishlaen Guard: 3 Ishlaen. 140 points.

    Namarti Thralls: 10 thralls. 140 points.

    Namarti Thralls: 10 thralls. 140 points.

    Hits 2000 on the dot. Thoughts? I really want to include the Eidolon, but he is a lot of points. Should I nix the thralls and go only eels? One unit of 20 thralls or two of 10? 

  9. Slightly different question:

    how do you guys paint that pale skin? I have been following the Warhammer TV guide; Ionrach base, drakenhof shade, highlight with deepkin flesh, but Im having trouble with it looking very splotchy, particularly with the wash. Anyone had similar issues, and got a solution? Or any other tips? :)

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