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Posts posted by Deepkin

  1. 5 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:

    From a new player perspective, I don't see the point. At all. Yes it will be a success. Yes the new gameplay will be certainly cool. But I find this announcement counter-productive to the point of irrelevancy. AoS is not even 5 years olds, and still, they announce the resurrection of its predecessor. Anyway, even if dug Total war warhammer a lot, I guess I am not the target.

    The point is people loved the Old World and like to see it supported and not abandoned in the really weird way GW did. 

    The hype train is here boys, and got no breaks

    • Like 3
  2. 100% called this over a year ago. Seeing the INCREDIBLE success and popularity of Old World games like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Total Warhammer 2 and Vermintide, and just the power of nostalgia in general (and the fact the Old World RULED), GW would be crazy to not make money off of it. 

    Im pretty happy. Im sure certain party poopers will wail and gnash their teeth at a beloved setting coming back (it never left!) but too bad, so sad, stay mad. 

    • Like 11
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  3. 13 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    If it is anything to do with the old world I am rage quitting the hobby, burning my rulebooks and taking a hammer to all my existing models.

    i refuse to partake in anything that rewards in anyway the kind of people that in the year of our Lord, two thousand and nineteen, make a point of moaning about WHFB on nearly every single AoS related social media post, or in comments in god forsaken places like BoLS or Spikey Bits (in fact for those last two just visiting those sites at all should put you on some kind of government watchlist).


  4. 16 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:


    Last but not least: for 500pts, I expect a major miniature, a center piece on the table, a majesty of monster not a tiny orange beard, more little that a  horse.

    Implying there is a more majestic sight than a proud dwarf atop a pile of dead skaven?

    That's a grudgin'

    • Like 4
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  5. 8 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Gotrek costs 520 pts.


    to all the people crying „He is so op“: 

    Yes he is, but he is also balanced. You won‘t kill him and he will kill anything he touches - accept that, outmaneuver him. He has only a  4“ movement and he is a single model which costs < 1/4 of your army. He is no threat and can at best defend one objective (any blob of buffed up Witches is better than him).

    also: this game is about objectives, not about pure killing power. Killing power is an issue once it‘s on Models with high movement (and fly), he has neither.

    Gotrek won‘t be nerfed, he doesn‘t need to - he is perfect as he is.

    Edit: The Player playing Gotrek will also have to play very smartly to get the most out of this huge investment.

    ALSO Gotrek can‘t be played legally as of now (unless you play GA: Order).

    He can be allied into any order army despite the points limit, per his own rules.

    • Like 4
  6. I mean, its a 520 point 4" move model with 8 wounds.

    Do you also tip your king when you play against Gristlegore multi-fight blender monster? Or Khorne bloodthirster super-friends? Or any number of annoying smashy model combos (almost all of which can move further, faster and with the ability to take advantage of oh-so-fun army abilities and so on)?

    This isnt even getting into things like "all plague monks all the time," "hearthguard berzerker-star," and other such things.

    Honestly, he's a cool model with awesome lore and rules. Why not try playing against him a little bit before deciding "ugh broken, bad, game ruined"?

    • Like 10
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  7. As an ally to Ionrach, does he not then get run+charge turn 2 and fight first turn 3?

    And can also screen him with Ishlaen guard because of Forgotten Nightmares. 

    Is Gotrek a better Eidolon than the Eidolon?

  8. 1 minute ago, zilberfrid said:

    That was for a proposed other Gotrek.

    This Gotrek dies to 600 points of crossbowmen with a general spending one CP in a single round.

    Do I misunderstand the rules that bad? Because he clearly says "if attack, spell or ability does more than 1 damage, change it to 1." That seems pretty cut n dry.

    Also factor in that Gotrek gets look out sir and also chaff is a thing for Gotrek too, i.e. yeah if he just stands in front of your firing squad he is toast but fat chance of a good player obliging you in that manner.

  9. Panzer gets it. Dwarf>duardin confirmed.

    Old World pride going realmwide.

    Gotrek shall be the god of a new faction: it will have airships and armored beardy guys and naked mohawk guys and cannons and magic forges and its runes will have runes.

    We shall call them...the Dwarrows? No no, thats not right... Dwarves? Hmmm, closer, closer but I feel like Im off by a letter or two...

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  10. So on one hand I feel like artifact counts as ability.

    On the other hand, if Dispossessed are the only ones that can teleport him, I will allow it based solely on the principle of DFY (dwarfs, ****** yeah!)

    Also, Old World>Mortal Realms confirmed ;)

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, KHHaunts said:

    As for rules

    Take an unforged.

    Keep save the same or.up.it to 5+ at the most for sheer toughness.

    Give me some sort of destiney based bonus save. That perhaps is better or worse depending if the attacker has monster and/or hero keyword (gotrek should only go down fighting the biggest baddest thing on the table)

    His new axe isent a daemonslaying one as far as i know so bonus there but dependingon its abilites perhaps something similar to decapitation strike.

    A buff for fighting monster/or heros

    Something with the master rune not sure as its unclear what it does. Perhaps a healing ability?

    And finally upgrade "epic deathblow" to "legendary Deathblow": automatic D3 Mw upon death with a chance of atleast D3 more if not D6 on a 4+

    That would be profoundly underwhelming ruleswise tho. Unforged were one of the worst models in the Dispossesed list. Definitely not the caliber of rules that someone like Gotrek deserves.

    • Like 2
  12. Okay yes yes the new Bonecast Eternals have "me and the boys" faces, and their Mortarch is the most metal thing since Lemmy. 

    You're all missing the point.

    Warhammer Legends is getting points values for matched play. Within 1-2 years time, I predict a Horus Heresy-style Warhammer Legends ruleset and setting. Expected taglines:

    "Fight in the World-that-Was."

    "Play your Total Warhammer campaign, but with better graphics and shorter turn times!" 

    "Your cake: have it, and eat it too!"

    I am legitimately happy about this. Thorgrim Grudgebearer shall march again. The dwarfs endure!

    • Like 3
  13. I wanna see rules for Fyreslayers and Dispossessed. I want them to be competitive but something tells me they will suffer from Ironjawz-syndrome: hitty but super slow and bad at objectives.

    • Confused 1
  14. On 7/31/2019 at 9:55 AM, Poppityping said:

    Hi everyone. I just finished reading the Warcry short story the iron promise, as it heavily features chaos dwarfs (or 1 at least). There is a very curious passage from the story however, where the chaos dwarf states that they "tricked a god into raising this mountain for us, and took his secrets" 


    I can help! So in Josh Reynolds' book Spear of Shadows, he talks about the Furnace Kings: Dwarfen smiths and slavers who betrayed Grungni and joined Chaos. Grungni himself manifested within their halls and cast them down, scattering them from their homeland (but not destroying them all).

    I suspect this Dwarf is a descendant of those Furnace Kings and telling his people's version of the tale, where they duped Grungni instead of being traitors.  The Furnace Kings are clearly at least one version of Chaos Dwarfs within the Mortal Realms.

    • Like 1
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  15. You keep couching this in terms of "why wouldnt you want to be considerate to your opponent" and "well if I was completely me-centric (i.e. a selfish ******) of COURSE I'd play it the way you do" and I think thats where a lot of the issue lies, at least for me. You have a clear preference for pretty strict WYSIWYG, for whatever reason, and youre arguing for it by implying that if we dont agree with it, we're selfish and mean to our opponents.


    So that kinda rubs people the wrong way, in addition to your concerns seeming faintly ridiculous (like seriously, who is ever gonna be confused? if they are, just ask). From my perspective, and the perspective of my gaming group, your position seems way odder and more punishing to new players, far moreso than letting people model cool minis and then explain if there's some sort of issue. Its the sort of rules-lawyering legalism that has turned many of my friends off from the hobby in the past. 

    So if someone was like "ooooohhhh heeeey your model doesnt match the picture on the card, thats wrong of you to do" pretty much everyone i play with would just laugh that off, maybe explain which model is which, and if the person persisted, we'd probably just not play them, because who has the time for that nonsense? 

    • Like 2
  16. Its a hobby first and foremost. I can't imagine what sort of player would ever make this an issue. Conversions and creative minis are part and parcel of the hobby, this is such a foreign issue to me that I question what people youre playing with if this is an issue you frequently encounter. Because it sounds like an awfully stressful environment if this is something you actively worry about.

  17. So you wouldn't stop someone from playing with their models in-game, but still have an issue with it? Whats the point of the issue then lol. Might as well not mention it.

    Warcry is like AoS Mordheim or Killteam, its all about the individualized warband and conversions. Who gives a ****** if the model isn't in the same pose or whatever as it is on the card? Theres like 8 models or less in an Ironjawz warband anyways, just ask if its unclear.

  18. How are Thralls the best 80 pt unit in the game? 8 wounds and T/S3 makes them seem pretty weedy to me. Same stats as goblins, more or less, for almost twice the points. 

    I am honestly curious, because I definitely want them to be the best 80 pt unit in the game :D

  19. How usable are Allopexes now? A unit of 3 is 360 points, and puts out 30 attacks, half of which have rend -1 or -2.  It also has nine shots in the shooting phase, albeit with no rend. A unit of six Morrsarr is 340 points, and puts out between 24-36 attacks, of which 12 have rend -2 when you charge (which is all that matters, typically). Once per game, it can MW bomb as well. 

    I am bad at probability, so maybe someone else could mathhammer it all out. But just preliminary stats make it look like Allopexes aren't quite as bad as before. They were140 per shark before, IIRC, so this has been 80 point swing in their favor (6 Morrsarr are 20 points more expensive, and 3 Allopex are 60 points cheaper than previous) which is helpful. 

    In the end its all a bit of a wash though, as I dont see how Allopex play all that differently from Morrsarr: fast cavalry unit charging in and doing damage on High Tide. I guess they are slightly less dependent on the charge, since they rend at all times, but are also 2" slower. The shooting seems fairly insignificant, 3 shots (who would ever take the net launcher?) at 3+/3+ and no rend isn't very exciting. 


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