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Posts posted by Deepkin

  1. 1 hour ago, xking said:

    No it's not, AoS Is Mythic fantasy, Epic Fantasy and Heroic fantasy.  With a splash of high and low fantasy. Unless you are some chaotic evil dwarf corrupted by the abyss.  Nobody is burning down entire villages Because a noble was short one coin on his payment.  

    Marauders raiding a village to steal money, supplies and slaves makes sense. Orderly Dawrfs doing it  because of a coin short  on payment  does not. 

    Says who? The realms are vast. Don't impose your limited scope of ideas on a setting not your own.

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  2. Instead of a German renaissance steampunk theme like the Empire, they should try something different for AoS humans.

    Maybe like a more medieval Francophone thing, based on old romances and chansons and Arthurian legend. Lots of fae magic and cavalry charges and oath swearing and so on. Intricate heraldry, big helm crests. A hobbyists dream.

    Perhaps give them some sort of female figurehead who determines political and martial primacy through the nautical distribution of various bladed implements?

    For weird AoS factor, give them crazy flying cavalry. Horses mixed with eagles and lions and so on. Wings and hooves and beaks. 

    To emphasize their dedicated training, maybe some sort of rule to represent their ability to maintain formation during charge?

    Grimdark it up with ratty little peasant followers who carry around relics of revered Stormcast or something, I dunno, who cares they're peasants.

    Would be cool, I think. A new twist, you know?

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  3. 34 minutes ago, dekay said:

    Isn't that arguing in bad faith, though? Mantic made a giant. A giant is a fantasy archetype and you can do a lot with it (as seen with Mantic normal/frost/corrupted giants, based on the same model). Then, GE puts their own spin with mega gargants. Also pretty standard giants, in three distinct flavours. No real conflict with Mantic here (even though I kinda prefer mantics design in that case, even without a price factor i'd probably go with those when putting together a giant army ;)). But then, colossals appear and they're not really another interpretation of 'giant' archetype. They're almost straight (but reposed) copies of the three giant designs made by GW. They're not another take on 'sea giant' and 'siege giant' idea. They're copies of kraken eater and gatebreaker in particular. And this is the part that's not cool. This is not the same situation.

    For different example, Lost Kingdom line has big turtle-men that are clearly marketed to be a kroxigor proxy, and that's all fine by me: they're a distinct design, look cool enough, and if someone prefers their kroxigors to be turtles, there's a model for that. They're not straight up off brand resculpt of kroxigors. Plus, kroxigor is an ancient model that's hard to love, and it's sorta on GW for not updating it yet.

    We should really start a separate thread for that discussion, though ; )

    Yeah man, it's like how Vampire the Masquerade had vampire bloodlines and then, like, a couple years later we got Warhammer Vampires with distinct bloodlines.

    Or like how Michael Moorcock had this whole Chaos thing with a crazy many pointed star as its symbol and black-armored, pale-skinned men wielding demonic runeswords as its servants.

    Or like how Michael Moorcock had decadent, island-dwelling elf-like things with really tall helms that ride dragons.

    Or like how this guy Tolkien had rune-carving, grumpy mountain-dwelling dwarfs with long beards and a grudge against orcs and elves and enjoyed axes.

    Or like how Landsknechts in Renaissance Germany had halberds and pikes and greatswords, big hats and bigger pants.

    It's almost like Warhammer is in general a pastiche of different IPs and ideas shamelessly cribbed from other sources, and it prices its models at an extraordinary premium and profits enormously year-after-year from a brand built off the pastiche of other ideas made by other minds. So when people who, lets be honest, are also just fellow consumers of GW's content, wax poetic on the moral failings of those making pastiches of GW's content, I question the sincerity of those beliefs, if not also their meaningfulness.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    100% agreed, and an insightful expansion on my thought. Nobody is saying the folks who make these things are not talented in their own right. It's just such a shame when skills like that are applied to such an obvious bottom-feeding effort. 

    We, as artists (which we all are as hobbyists to one degree or another), all copy things here and there. Cool paint schemes, color recipes, lore inspiration rather than writing our own, and so on. Some level of copying is very difficult to avoid.

    The difference is the financial/business aspect. Someone else put in all the work and resources (time, money, team brainstorms, consistency checks, etc.) to produce a thing. It takes a lot to create something to sell. It takes risk. It could fail despite all the money spent too make it succeed. Heck, if folks have read my thoughts on the GW gargants, they know I really like them but abhor their price to the point where they are one of the very few models GW made that I wanted and yet refuse to buy. That said, they absolutely should charge whatever they want! They put in the work. They took the risk. They should set the terms and reap the potential reward.

    Then some lazy, unoriginal idea-thief decides to simultaneously waste the skills of their team and take a reward they in no way whatsoever earned.

    It's cheap. It's dishonest. It's morally and creatively bankrupt.

    Reward those who put forth honest effort and innovation, not lazy hacks.

    So. Yeah. That's my thinking on that.



    What a supremely odd take. And voiced with such vehemence, too. I don't know that GW needs such a mighty defense, they certainly seem to do well on their own. 

    Let the guy making hobbit-Bretonnia live in peace. If you think his stuff is derivative, don't buy it. I don't think many of these indie "GW-adjacent" miniature guys are exactly raking in the cash. Certainly, they don't make enough to warrant such vitriol.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    It's funny to me that this is such a common sentiment.  The Old World is literally Europe with Elves and Wizards.  AoS is so weird you can't even describe it with words or pictures in a concise way that makes sense.

    AoS is like World of Warcraft, but with more coherent storytelling. 


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  6. 3 hours ago, xking said:

    "Cities of Grungni" = karaks(destroyed by chaos) , maybe when we get a Dispossessed release.

    "Cities of Grimnir" = play Fyreslayers

    "Cities of Valaya" she is dead or missing

    "Cities of Taal"  - a god that does not seem to be into cities, he also does not seem to be that powerful considering his lack of agency. 

    "Cities of Morr" - Morr is dead, there is the underworld god 'morrda' however. But he seems to be hiding from nagash.  


    "Cities of just thinking for yourself" = Play Kharadron Overlords(sky ports) and even then, their existence was only possible due to the breathe of Grungni.

    You opted for Cities of being a Killjoy i see

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    I stand corrected - it was Kemmler not Krell.

    In the original Terror of the Lichmaster Kemmler was near death when he found Krell's barrow, and made a pact with chaos in order to have his life extended and their champion at his side.... Yup... Kemmler, not Krell.

    Jacsen, the undead champion had a burning skull and a piercing scream!


    Huh. Sounds like a thriller of a scenario.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    I think 3k was made because wh:tw was gaining ground in China.

    I don't know anything about Total Warhammer's popularity in China. I know China is an already large (and still growing) market in video games, and I suspect that's why Three Kingdoms was made, in addition to the considerable cross-market appeal with western gamers who think Romance of the 3 Kingdoms is cool due to exposure to popular games like the Dynasty Warriors series. As in most things, the real reason is multi-factorial. Similar to this decision to input Cathay. Which, judging by the overwhelmingly positive reception I've seen, was a financially sound decision.

    I do wish Chorfs had been a launch faction, but I do not doubt they will be DLC at least.

  9. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    There is an extreme argument for Cathay to be in the TW series-- it is THE largest human empire in the Full Old World. They are mentioned as having fought back numerous Chaos invasions and daemon incursions, just like Kislev. Being based on ancient China means there is a huge amount of mythical creatures to include in the roster, as well as room for new magic lores.

    In order to make TWW3 feel like its own game instead of an expansion to 1 and 2, CA needed to use more of the Full Old World map that never got shown in WHF; that means Darklands, Cathay, the Steppes, Ind, etc. Because 3 will use the eastern parts of Old World, we should also expect Ogres, Hobgoblins, and Chaos Dwarves as DLC. Possibly Ind or Nippon as well too.

    Them having a Chinese audience now because of 3K is definitely a bonus, but don't say there's no lore argument for the biggest human empire to be represented in a Total War game.

    The trailer and accompanying WHC article solidified my suspicion that the Old World reboot will be used to actually expand the Old World (hence Full Old World and not just the hyper-specific pseudo-Europe corner). We know Kislev gets a new range for TOW, we've now seen Cathay should as well because of TWW3. If Chaos Dwarves ever come back to the table it would be through this reboot IMO.

    Cathay is cool but I can guarantee you a massive part of the decision to make up a whole new roster and characters (the only Cathayan character we ever really got was Dien Chang from Beasts in Velvet, who was just a Tzentch cultist that did kung fu and hated Imperials) was because of the gigantic market that is Chinese gamers. 

    CA, much like GW, wants money. Three Kingdoms was a big hit in China, and Chinese gamers market in general is gigantic.

  10. One of the winged lancers is riding a horse, to be fair.

    It does look like GW style artwork. But such can be faked, obv. Kislev is obviously going to be in the third Total Warhammer though, both based on common sense and the teaser they released today, and I can imagine they might include some of the stuff from the upcoming Old World in it. Be a way to get people hyped for models years in advance, if nothing else.

  11. The ice weapons do look kinda dumb.

    I wouldn't care to firmly speculate on whether FW or GW does it. But if I had to guess. Since FW seems more and more scaled back lately, I wouldn't be surprised if GW proper does it in plastic rather than resin. But either way, I can't imagine they would start a whole new model line in a whole new scale (which they've never produced before and which is not very popular relative to 28-32mm ranges) which by its nature will have less of the intricate detail GW seems to love putting on its model. Again, GW wants your money. They revive the Old World line and its compatible in scale with its descendant AoS and with 40k and they will make money not only off people playing the new Old World game, but also off people buying models  for proxies, conversions, etc. They know what's up. 

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