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Posts posted by mcmattila

  1. On 2/2/2020 at 7:05 PM, AndyPa said:

    I really like the dirt on the cloth! great job!

    Thanks a lot! The dirt was just simple drybrushing with the same colors as on the base. I do it with pretty much every model!

    On 2/2/2020 at 11:51 PM, Mot said:

    I love those fur cloaks. What colours did you use?

    Cheers! Someone asked me this on my plog on Dakka, so I'll just copy-paste from there:


    Brownish cloak:
    Ushabti Bone
    Zhandri Dust
    Steel Legion Drab
    Rhinox Hide
    Abaddon Black
    Agrax Earthshade
    light drybrush Screaming Skull + the basecolors except Abaddon Black

    Reddish cloak:
    Ushabti Bone
    Zhandri Dust
    Jokaero Orange
    Rhinox Hide
    Abaddon Black
    Reikland Fleshshade
    light drybrush Screaming Skull + the basecolors except Abaddon Black

    White-ish cloak:
    Ulthuan Grey
    Celestra Grey
    Eshin Grey
    Abaddon Black
    1:1 Nuln Oil & Lahmian Medium
    light drybrush White Scar + the basecolors except Abaddon Black

    Note on the basecoating: to make painting easier I started with the midtones (Zhandri Dust / Celestra Grey). The pattern was roughly painted in with the basecolors, and the borders were then blended by either mixing an intermediate color on the palette or wetblending on the model.
    Additional note on the highlighting: while I started by drybrushing each color band with it's lighter color, I ended up drybrushing basically the whole cape with the lightest color anyway (Screaming Skull / White Scar).


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  2. On 11/23/2018 at 5:31 PM, NafNaf said:

    First Gobbo painted for my converted Skaven warband. Pretty pleased so far. Onto the second one now :)


    These are absolutely brilliant! Looking forward to seeing the whole crew together. Weirdly enough, I really like how you painted that mushroom.


    8 hours ago, KoganStyle said:


    My Orruks painted with Blood Axe colours. Wanted to do something a little different with the skin. They miss their Vitamin D since its never sunny in the Underworld (that, and they can never die)

    Aren't Blood Axes the 40k Orks that wear camo? They look more like Evil Sunz to me.. But in any case, great paintjob! I like how you still have some purple in the skin, seems a little more alive than just gray.

  3. Sounds like you're spraying from too far, the paint dries up before hitting the model, which produces the dusty look. Also make sure that you warm the can and shake it properly before painting. I haven't used Corax White myself, but I'm fairly certain that the paint is OK. In the future though, it saves you a lot of money to just buy the cheapest spray primer you can find from your local hardware store! And regarding rescuing your models, look into paint stripping. I won't go any further into it as I don't know what products you have available locally.

    Here's a great video about using any spray cans, Luke fixed any issues I had with spray cans:


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  4. 23 hours ago, Adamcbutton said:

    Just got Nightvault the other weekend and painted my first ever Warband, I’m fairly happy with how they turned out

    Nice work on those Stormcasts! The blue-gray flame effects and Stormsire's head seem to have come out especially well, and that green armor is a shade I don't think I've previously seen. Your bases are also painted really well, though I would've tried some other color than green for the stones, to introduce a little more contrast.

    It's also really nice to see paintjobs on the new teams. It will probably be quite a while before I'll buy Nightvault as I'm only half-way through Shadespire, but I'm still very exited for all the new warbands that have been released/teased.

  5. On 10/18/2018 at 2:31 AM, Nacnudllah said:

    Averon Flamesire and his Flames of Penitence.

    Those are positively badass!


    I finally got my Boyz done! I guess instead of Ironskull, my boss' name should be Copper'ead :) These were on a hiatus since the end of July, but I thought that I'd get them finished in honor of Orktober. Really happy with how they came up! The recipes for orange and skin came from Tale of Painters' Amy, big thanks to her for sharing!



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  6. I finally finished my merry men of Khorne last night, and with that also the core set. Painting these guys was again something new with the amount of flesh and faces. I'm very happy with the paintjobs overall, the lighter skintones might have a tad too much contrast, but that's probably good for the tabletop. For the eyes and teeth I tried a 10/0 brush, which made things a lot easier and surprisingly hassle free, though I had to rinse the brush pretty much after every stroke. This was also the first time trying out the blood paint, lots of fun!

    I ended up doing some unintentional "conversion" work on this warband, as halfway through painting I noticed that I had shaved of one of Saek's horns while cleaning up the models :D I then removed the other one as well, as he might have looked a bit silly with only one horn.




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  7. On 14.4.2018 at 7:34 AM, Sleboda said:

    I have a sort of a goal to get all warbands painted before the next ones come out. With that in mind, here are my rush-job Chosen Axes in time before tomorrow. :)

    Rushed or not, those look great!

    On 14.4.2018 at 4:16 PM, Daveman said:

    I've never been a Games Workshop consumer until Shadespire but I've painted miniatures for board games recently and for Battletech a looooong time ago.  I'm firmly in the amateur camp and happy with just a basecoat, cleanup details then wash.  Figured I'd put my work up as I like to think that for the time invested they look pretty good and hopefully inspire others to give it a try knowing you don't have to do two thin coats, wash, drybrush, detail, wash again, drybrush again, etc.

    Nice, clean-looking warbands! They certainly show that as long as you keep the colors "in between the lines", you will get a good-looking warband! In the future if you want to enhance your painting with minimal effort, I'd suggest drybrushing some select colors, mainly metals hair or cloth, though you have to do this first as it can get messy. Another trick is to use shades to tint colors a bit, such as using agrax earthshade or nuln oil to darken down parts of weapons or armor. Both methods are very quick and don't require much accuracy. Of course, drybrushing and hence adding more definition to some areas of a model might make orther parts look bland..

    I'm going to go with orange orcs as well, as soon as I get those models!

  8. 51 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    They are made with a 10/0 brush, that was as tiny as I could find them at my local arts and crafts shop (I don't believe GW makes them that small). 

    Thanks for the tips, I think I might try this scratching in my future projects! And I'm looking forward to seeing your finished Guard!

  9. 20 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    It's done with either a bright silver (on the metal) or a light grey in a criss-cross pattern. The effect is deliberately very stark, because I then a apply a thin glaze of the highlight colour of the cloak over it, so the scratches become a lot less obvious and more subtle. 

    And yes, I've retouched the sword of the champion now and the warband is nearly finished. I'm hoping to get some decent pictures tonight. 

    Do you use a brush or something else? The scratches just look so.. micro :D

  10. On 5.4.2018 at 10:02 PM, Elmir said:


    Just a very quick update on the shadespire warband: First 2 models done! Just finishing off the bases to match the rest of my undead force left (will be snow themed). 

    I've started experimenting with adding textures on the armor and cloth via micro scratches. The shadespire models really are gorgeous things to work on!

    How did you do the micro scratches? They look great! Only criticism I could give is that the champion's sword could use a bit more chipping, like you've done with the warden's spear.


    I've finished my first two warbands, Steelheart's Champions and the Sepulchral Guard. Garrek's Reavers got bumped back in the queue by the brilliant Guard models, but they're next.




    I chose blue as the spot color so I could do some "Finnish" themed shields.

    I initially messed up the Guard's blue cloths with a wash (warden's cape was a blotchy mess!), but managed to fix it pretty nicely without repainting the whole thing. Also, the cloth on some figures looks glossy, that's from a coat of lahmian medium which should do a matte effect. I guess I didn't shake it enough.. Well, both of these warbands have certainly been learning experiences!

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