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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 34 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I just went back and did a quick skim of the chat. There was one person who made a couple of negative comments about the old world. There were way more people slagging off AoS in the FEC segment. The user 'apologising' was one of the people attacking AoS. 

    Ah yes, a troll who tries to spark up arguments to make a group look bad. But then in turn makes another group look even worse when found out. I know this startergy!

    I swear some people have too much time on their hands.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Segersgia said:

    It seems we were a little hasty on saying no boxset...

    In my opinion this is one of the first things they should've of gave clear information on and even with this post it still feels rather... obtuse? Is that the right word? 

  3. People need to understand not to buy into the hype, keep your expectations low, that way you're never disappointed. I got tired of being baited ages ago.

    So when it comes to previews they just like to pad out a whole hour usually and do like... four previews and one extra hint at the end that barely shows anything. That's been their thing for awhile now. 

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  4. 44 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

    "It's the internet," is the excuse of arseholes and jerks everywhere, and anyone who finds themselves using it unironically to justify their treatment of other people needs to do some serious self-reflection.

    I do enough reflection to the issues in my daily life than think about what happens on the Internet. That's just me. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

    And if you don't think that someone who loved Warhammer enough to get a job designing rules for it wouldn't fix the problem immediately if they had the power to, then you're very much mistaken. A lack of quality QA (whether that's time, tools, testers), an out-of-date update-delivery mechanism, personnel being moved to other projects - all of these things can (as I have personally witnessed) make it impossible to immediately deliver fixes you desperately want to see happen.

    "If they care about memes on the Internet so much then fix the problem. That's it," straight-up does not reflect the reality of game development and how fixes actually reach the hands of the player.

    Don't care about the reality of game development. It's not my problem as a consumer. Release a bad product and I will criticise it. They've released good products so I know they can do it.

    Now if being called sin guy or bin guy wounds their creative spirit to the point they can't work properly. All the belly aching in the world won't  make it go away. It's the Internet. But do you know what would help deal with that? Releasing consistent books.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

    Sure. GW is a corporations are not your friend. You should not feel the need to go to bat and defend poor products over brand loyalty. But you should care about the feelings of the developers actually making these things, because they're actual people. Chances are that they aren't 100% satisfied with the finished product, either, but that's what they were able to produce under the company's structure, release model, and budget.

    I work in game dev. I have been very vocal about my frustrations with Halo Infinite's transaction model. I have been vocal about my frustrations with the Sylvaneth and their Wyldwoods. I have torn the crud out of the current state of the Necrons book. The D&D 5e Ranger is straight-up the reason I no longer play D&D. I have said all of this because I genuinely believe that these flaws are flaws that reduce the quality of the things I love, and should be addressed. I have I have also felt like my frustrations were not being addressed by the company that makes those things.

    But every time I have talked about these things, I have not once even referenced the people behind those choices in my criticisms, because that's beside the point and adds nothing to my points. I know from personal experience not to assume why things aren't getting addressed.

    And when I felt consistently like my frustrations weren't being addressed, like with the mess with the D&D 5e ranger? Well, first I got angry, unhealthily angry. But then, I realised that the anger wasn't worth it over a game, a hobby I do to enjoy myself. The D&D team, for whatever reason, wasn't going to adequately address my concerns with the Ranger, and if that meant I wasn't going to enjoy D&D, it wasn't worth me continuing to play D&D. I walked away from D&D and found new games. I took my frustrations and channeled them into making my own Rangers TTRPG. And I'm currently doing the same with AoS and 40K - moving away from these games that I'm finding more and more frustrating to read about and engage with. I love the hobby and the universes, but the games are making me frustrated enough that I find myself getting more anger out of them than joy.

    My point is, if you are that frustrated about the state of AoS that you are going to insult the people behind the mechanics and state that you don't care about their feelings, that's a you problem. This is a game, a hobby. There are areas in life where it is worth disregarding the feelings of human beings when addressing those human beings' actions. Games and the Warhammer hobby are not that area.

    Yes, it's frustrating when a hobby you love feels subpar and there are clear fixes. Yes, it can feel like bashing your head against a problem that feels like it should have been caught before release. Your frustration there is valid! Your criticisms of the material can be valid! But the response of going after the people creating that material is not. If you have begun to reach that point, I suggest you take a serious look at the place that AoS and GW has in your life, the aspects of the hobby you actually enjoy, and whether or not those aspects can be kept while removing yourself from the aspects that cause you frustration and anger.

    Never have insulted them. But I don't care, if they care about memes on the Internet so much then fix the problem. That's it.

    Anyway this is all I'm going to say since this is technically off topic.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:



    Have I said nobody is allowed to have a opinion on a book? No I have asked you all to be mindful about throwing round words like bin and sin. You can post on this forum and say you don’t like something (but please keep it constructive) but being part of TGA (and I would like to think outside in the real world) means you try to be polite. One of the reasons GW stopped saying who wrote books was because of things like this. If you think being polite and trying to be a decent person is forced happiness, this may not be the forum for you.

    As somebody who has just finished a year of multi critical projects that have had all sorts of outside influences (you budget has just been halved or we want it next week due to a promise to the board), I suspect it’s not just a case of writing better rules. 

    This is going to make me sound like an ******, but I'll be blunt. I don't care about GW's feelings. As Austin said there is a certain decorum on how things are done. But GW have released good books and good warscrolls. So, me as a consumer has certain expectations. When those expectations are are not met, obviously I'll get annoyed and upset. Since this is quite a high value hobby for many people.

    Again going back to my my own issues and why I have little sympathy..

    Look at all the work put in the Slaanesh feedback and still, I haven't seen anything pleasing. Hell, put the DOK book and the slaanesh book together on release, how is there such a discrepancy in terms of their design and writing?

    Not looking for something crazy here, it's why I went for soulblight.

    At this point I'm not going to care about his or her feelings if it feels like I'm being ignored, at the end of the day.

    So in this case, if X bothers the writers so much, fix it. End of. It can be done, we've all seen it done. So in my eyes there are no excuses unless books aren't peer reviewed. Which I think would be crazy. But considering the strange design bends and heights with the books and warscrolls that might be the answer.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++
    Just to make it very clear - no more bin and sin references to people working on the books. It’s not nice and I’m pretty sure if I started calling people the “bin guy” about work they do, you would get annoyed.


    Honestly, the meme would stop if GW just wrote better books and warscrolls. They can do it, just look at some of the books and warscrolls in the game. Yet, some books just feel low effort in general. If people are feeling that way about your product then perhaps something is wrong.

    • Like 20
  9. 2 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    She has hair! She isn't one of us.

    Ha! Well, GW could change their minds, I could be wrong but the paint scheme made me think of Idoneth straight away. The armour with a blue tinge. Because in the case of DOK, they're colour coded black, red and gold for the GW army paint scheme. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, NotAWzrd said:

    Could be Daughters of Khaine? 



    Idoneth, look at the paint scheme on the armour. Throwing my hat in that circle. Bone dude is maugan ra, course avatar of khaine was in the video, ghost boy with a lantern, rest is 40k.

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  11. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    RE: Alfabusa specifically, his point is that TTS being a parody and legally covered under fair use essentially doesn't matter. It might be 'safe' technically but that's never stopped Youtube from unceremoniously booting stuff before based on a whim. Moreover if GW did want to quarrel about this (as they have before, regardless of the legality), even defending himself most likely would be financially ruinous and immensely stressful. As a new father, he just doesn't want that.

    Which is the point really, GW gets their chilling effect by virtue of being the 800-pound gorilla here. Alfabusa is in a difficult position and his being 'in the right' technically (quite apart from being a small creator who has brought however many people into the fandom) is essentially orthogonal to the whole affair.

    Maybe there could be some compromise but even then the power would be so skewed in the relationship between them that I completely get why Alfabusa is making the sad decision to step away.

    People forget this part, no matter if you're in the right if you don't have the funds to fight the issue it doesn't matter. GW know what they're doing with their new IP guidelines, it's to kill off competition/fan work for their new subscription service. 

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  12. Just going to say if they're keeping the scale the same and not dialling back how much you need for a full army, people better be ready to sell a kidney. Especially since it's going to be like Horus Heresy, so expect resin. Then the question remains if the armies get smaller is it really whfb? 

    I don't think total war players will be ready to drop that kind of cash, I could be wrong. They still reacted badly to the current prices. 

    • Like 1
  13. So, here's my opinion. We're not really going to find out whether GW is happy with the sales of Dominion until we get to the financial report. That's the crux of the matter, no matter how GW spin it, people can easily read between the lines. The thing is with AOS at least in my opinion, people play a wider range of factions. It's not like 40k, where if GW makes a new space marine release, people will just buy it up. Stormcast players themselves, at least from my observation aren't like that either. For example, take it from GW themselves, look at one of their previous reports, GW outright essentially said AOS' wider range is doing well, than a singular faction.  

    Overall though, again, my opinion. I don't think Dominion is a good box. I'll go into why I personally have no interest. 

    First thing, I don't care about Hammers of Sigmar, they have too many characters, most barely know anything about them either. If you look at the net, guess which faction gets more traction and interest when it comes to stormcast? Hallowed Knights. Since this day, I think it has been a misfire to make Hammers of Sigmar the poster boy stormcast faction. Hallowed knights fit the paladin theme far more better, plus they're easier to paint on top of that. Also, I just don't like Yndrasta either. 

    This was their chance to course correct and they didn't. 

    Now, the destruction side of the box, another misfire. I like lord of the rings, just recently finished reading the book, so I like the look of the orcs, but here's the issue. It's more orcs, orcs that don't seem to mesh well with the orcs we have already. What I think GW should of done is introduce a whole new destruction faction, that aren't orcs or update an existing line. Like, I don't know, Ironjawz maybe? Then after that introduce the new orcs as their own standalone faction. 

    In the end even if the box is selling poorly, I'm not bothered, why? Because if GW has any sense that would mean they would reassess what boxes they do and what factions they put in them. My hope is for both 40k and AOS, that they move away from the outlook that every starter box has to have the poster faction in it, or just continue to make boxes with two different factions facing one another. 

    • Like 4
  14. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I just had a thought.

    The Vyrkos were created by a Wolf-y godbeast, right? In the end times The First god of humans, (Wolf and hunt god) and Patron god of Middenheim Ulfric, took possession of a human captain and fought alongside vampires and all of the survivors until the bitter end.

    Would be cool if he was reborn in a slightly twisted manner in Shyish. :D * and created the Vyrkos. Their somewhat Slavic Design would fit as well.

    This is why I love the bloodline, the mystery around them. Here is my theory. 

    In the white dwarf they mention that hrunspuul might just be nagash in another guise, it's more or less a mystery. To me it would be strange for Nagash to have control over Vyrkos vampires if they were completely unrelated to him. My personal theory that Nagash has bought hrunspuul to heel, possibly serves nagash as a sort of Cerberus figure or used his blood to make the Vyrkos. 

    Honestly I sort of fancy the idea that if Vyrkos was an experiment by Nagash, they might be vampires as his envisions them to be, predators who dominate the living than dressing up and pretending they're mortal, like legion of blood and Night to some extent. Because in Age of Sigmar, technically Vyrkos is the only "new" bloodline, the rest of the vampires are children of Mannfred and Neferata, who all change or mutate depending on how they live, or where they live in the realms. Then these vampires form dynasties. 

    Personally I don't think they have any relation to Ulric. Though the fact that they separated the vyrkos stuff in the FAQ tells me that GW aren't done with the bloodline anytime soon. Actually, I think they got the most new models out of the Soulblight release I think. 

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  15. Just have to say it's pretty nice to see all that all the Soulblight players are excited for the next edition, the cheers on the separation of the court on facebook was great to see, picked it up myself now. Personally, I wish that the future battletomes for 3.0 to be around Soulblight's level, for me, it hits the right spot of strong and not overbearing, flavourful and not boring. *coughslaaneshcough*

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  16. Personally I find Vyrkos far more closer to classic Dracula than mannfred/von carsteins after reading bram stoker Dracula, it's what drew to the bloodline actually. The bloodline is far more shrouded in myth and mystery which makes it rather interesting, because you got the mix of both feral and regal. Some who either control the beast or those who don't. 

    Dracula and his ilk, were far from regal monsters going by the book, they seemed more like creepy undead creatures that can manipulate the animals of the night, along with the dead. Plus he had a shaggy wolf form. I'm sure GW did not take any inspiration when making Radukar, The Beast, lol. Plus Annika's appearance, was literally lifted from the movies/book. Let's not forget the eastern euro influence on the bloodline. 

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  17. 5 minutes ago, Enoby said:


    Who knows, I hope so at least, plus GW might have taken your messaging into account if they're going to revise things for the FAQ(so far they haven't made me hopeful), I hate saying this now, but we have to wait and see what happens and then react accordingly. In the case of keeping up the pressure if no changes are made. As been mentioned, communication would help a lot in this regard, a simple "I hear you," or "x faction hasn't been forgotten," would go a long way to alleviate concerns. 

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  18. 22 minutes ago, Phasteon said:

    Just because those people yelling about balance and rules flaws are the loudest doesnt mean that they are right or even a majority. 

    I think this point came up often enough by now, if you think the devs created a „bad“ game, by all means go ahead and play something different. 

    Just because YOU personally dont like the design choices they are not „obviously“ bad/wrong/whatever. 

    Not talking to someone specific here, just generally speaking. 

    Clearly slaanesh is well-pointed and well-designed, GW clearly know what they're doing. When even the play-testers and most youtubers can't defend the points, thanks, I'm sure you know best. Yes, I'm also playing something different, but if people are unsatisfied with a product they have the right to voice their complaint, for if they don't, GW won't know if something has gone wrong or not. 

    Corporations aren't our friends. In my eyes there is clear favouritism going on with certain factions considering the glaring balance differences between books and pointing.    

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