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Posts posted by shinros

  1. Dead is obviously AOS and I do think divine as some people here have mentioned is the ecclesiarchy rumour engine images. GW could surprise also on the divine front with a possible devoted of sigmar teaser, but I think that's a stretch. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Don't forget GW doesn't (or shouldn't ) anticipate for brand new armies to sell as well as established ones, esp when those new armies are small like new AoS ones. Lumineth also got hit hard being brand new, but getting stuck in Corona outbreaks which stalled its launch. I think they will grow once they've one or two more temple units out and GW seems to think so since they are already gearing up for more!

    Yup, I don't know what goes on in GW's head, but it shows that they have a diverse range that people are interested in which also gives them more of an excuse to experiment in terms of model design. I don't want AOS to fall into the xeno's trap where because Space Marines sell the most, they get the most attention, fuelling the cycle. 

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  3. 12 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I'd read that a bit more tempered. The statements about mega Gargants and Lumineth do not contain any qualifiers on success. They are factual statements highlighting the most prominent releases for Age of Sigmar with a bit of narrative flair/marketing. There is a separate, adjacent statement about Age of Sigmar continuing to perform well.

    "The Lumineth, a new race, kick started the year for Age of Sigmar and the Mega Gargants in October set a new benchmark for monster kits. Our full range of Age of Sigmar continues to perform well."

    In other words, Age of Sigmar's sales is not concentrated into one faction like Space Marines for 40k, which in my mind is a good thing. Overall I do think both factions didn't do bad in terms of sales considering they're bought up. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Carnelian said:
    "...muttered the Lord of Pain." TO HIS PAINMASTER 
    May Teclis judge him

    Yeah... but Slaanesh tends to at least think about the names of their warband, at least the Slaaneshi Lord is impressed by the group that call themselves the flayed. 🤣

  5. When it comes to Lumineth and popularity Teclis being an honorary mention for best 2020 model has dispelled my view on what might be popular or not. I tend to think forums, reddit etc are by large a minority, the dedicated members of a fandom, I think it was proven again in that example. Many here can say the cow models look bad or haven't sold etc, but I imagine there are tons of people who don't bother with online community and have readily gobbled up the models. 


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  6. 26 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think the Vampire Hunter/Death not being shown off here makes it more likely they're a Warhammer Quest thing. New York Toy Fair is typically in February which is where they show off most of their board/Boxed Game offerings. 

    Possibly, I recall in this thread a long time ago someone dropped a rumour about a death themed warhammer quest. 

  7. I just realised something, Slaanesh now also has halflings. The blissbrew homunculus is also quite a small fella, man I hope that's the case. The small dude is serving the new named character food and we all know that halflings are good at cooking. 



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  8. Just now, SirSalabean said:

    What could the green skinned one be? Looks too dead to be an ork 

    Zombie, considering his attire, I think the vampire pirates might be a thing. If the vampire hunter is not a one off model, it seems our new human faction is going to be devoted of Sigmar, makes sense considering the events of Broken Realms Morathi. 

  9. Got loads of Slaanesh backlog I need to get through, the new mortals is giving me the drive to get through it. But, I want to post this video, 3D artwork of Morathi, in my opinion it shows how far AOS has come that someone took the time to make something like this. Whoever did this needs more exposure in my opinion. 



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  10. I'm going to say it bluntly, I said this in the rumour thread. No one cares about the human experience, at least in my opinion and  all human experience that you're aware of in WHFB was explored in the rpg games, just like AOS Soulbound. Fantasy like AOS, still largely focused on the large characters doing stuff in a largely static setting. This is the opposite in AOS, large characters doing stuff in more malleable setting. 

    The proof is in what people pay for, none of the warhammer fantasy books save times of legend sigmar and some of the gotrek books earned back their money. While it's the opposite for AOS, also when a novel was specifically written to explore the normal human experience in the realms the series was canned because it did not earn enough money. This book series was spear of shadows. This book fell into a similar situation like the older fantasy books. 

    Just because a character is large and bombastic, doesn't mean they can't be compelling. The question is whether they are well-written or not, so far, overall the newer AOS supplements, Malign Portents, Wrath of the Everchosen, Stormvault and Broken Realms Morathi is far more better than any whfb supplement I've read. Most of the older whfb army books actually doesn't have much information in them. Again, leading into the RPG game to fill in the blanks, just like AOS, it answers the questions on economy, main settlements, what do they trade and so on. Since it's an RPG game you need to answer those questions. 

    In the end Baron is right, in my experience most people do exactly that, they say it's bad without actually reading anything. Anyway, I can't do much to change your opinion, you think AOS lore is poor, fine, that's okay, in my mind I find AOS to be far more compelling considering it's been out for only five years. 

    In the end we have to wait and see what GW does with old world, I recall certain voices being upset at the ice weapons of kislev. That doesn't bother me in the slightest considering Kislev's history with their ice witches.  

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    • Confused 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    That's exactly the kind of scenario that gets people exctied, because at that point the game could be ~ a n y t h i n g   y o u   w a n t ~.

    Then when it isn't exactly that you get pages of people howling in annoyance. I hate to do this, just recently, look at this very thread and the Christmas reveal. Oh well, enough of me being a grouch. 

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  12. Just now, Overread said:

    I suspect most just haven't thought about it. 


    They aren't even TW players; they are just fans going over things they loved before and hoping they might somehow make it into the new. Without really thinking about timelines or practicalities or such. It's shooting from the hip wishlisting. 

    Perhaps, maybe I'm just too cynical, but it's strange to me to see people get hyped for something when barely any information has been given, in most cases you are setting yourself up for disappointment. That's why GW haven't answered the most important question, what scale are they dealing with? I doubt even they know at this point. Because if it's the same scale like WHFB, the game has to be balanced in a way that you won't need a great amount of models, but then is it a mass battle game at that point? I still recall what happened when CA tried to advertise the miniatures on their forum. I kid you not, this is one of the highest upvoted posts, this is just from memory.  

    "Why should I pay x, when I can unlock warriors of chaos for about ten quid?"   

    Now, if they go the warmaster route, that's automatically going to turn a huge swathe of people off, but at that scale you can more easily create the mass-battle sort of picture they are likely shooting for and most likely at a far more reasonable price. On the other hand though is that what the majority wants?  

    This is just me, but I have literally no interest in this project until that question is answered. We don't even know if it's going to be mainly resin or plastic, that question is also going to affect people who may want to start the old world. In the end, I think GW should not really say anything until they have something tangible to show. We all know what the map looks like, if you have any keen awareness for the setting it's clear it's being set in a time frame where GW can sell people things than dust off their old models. Since apparently GW still asks teams why x release is not making as much money as before and so on. (Again, I would be surprised if they encourage the use of old models.) 


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  13. 7 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Where are these "constant references to old models?" I just think it is wise to temper expectations until we know more.

    There isn't, people's expectations are flying all over the place. All we know that the game is going to be on squares and the time period is set in a place where most of the characters people love aren't even born yet or dead. Hence my surprise with people asking about karl franz, Vlad, etc on forums and videos. I suspect most of these people (I kinda hate to generalize) are total war players. 

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  14. Honestly it's the internet, you're going to get people who say silly things, but personally as an old whfb player, I've moved on. I don't know how people can get excited about something we know nothing about. I will also be surprised if GW will let people use their old armies in some capacity. According to people who worked at the company even though it's better, they're very focused on profit, after all they're still a business. 

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    The King of Bretonnia presented in the article was the king during the events that occurred in 2200... that means that Old World happens 300 years before the Fantasy classic game. That means that the Empire is at the Civil War, the events of Mordheim are in fact active in this years, the gunpowder weapons are strange in the Empire, the Magic College was founded 100 years after.

    If someone wants to play their old armies would be a letdown with this premise.

    Yup, some people think it's going to be exactly like whfb. GW wants people to buy whole new armies. What will make or break the project iny my opinion is the scale and price of the models.

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