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Posts posted by JetBlackSVW

  1. A bit disappointing that they didn‘t buffed the Reaver Blades for Bloodreavers. I am still stuck with the Starter Set Reavers and because we play only WYSIWYG my Bloodreavers are always rather weak against Armies with high saves☹️

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  2. On 3/10/2019 at 5:12 PM, InSaint said:

    I personally think one more Battleforce is a great addition. This will give you;

    • 1 more cauldron kit to turn into a Bloodwrack Shrine which is an amazing spell-caster with plenty of mortal wounding capability
    • 2 more 5x Khinerai Heartrenders. 4x5 of them will provide fantastic board control, objective grabber and possible lone character assassination 
    • 5 more Melusai to form a squad of 10 which is a great size to deal enough damage and remain relevant from casualties 
    • 10 more Witches, self-explanatory

    And if you want to be ultra competitive, Witch Aelves are universally powerful and equally comparable to Melusai in terms of offensive capabilities unless facing high saves target (2/3+ re-rolls 1) due to the sheer amount of attacks with re-rolls hit and wounds. Currently, the most powerful temple is Hag Narr with the 5+ FNP. Combined with Blessing of Khaine prayer, your opponent will be facing 100+ wounds at 4+/5++ re-rolls if played correctly.

    DoK is a higher Tier army than SCE Sacrosanct. 20 Evocators with Gavriel alpha-strike will almost nearly wipe out 30 Witch Aelves but the point cost does not equate out. Just remember to wrap up your cauldron  with Witches for 3" buffer to prevent him from harming your general.

    Thank you very much, already bought a second Battleforce:)

  3. I am disappointed that you can‘t use your existing models like in Kill Team. Really wanted to use my Khorne stuff and the Slaanesh half of Wrath of Rapture. This was the best feature of Kill Team for me, using units of factions without committing to big armies.

  4. I'am thinking about starting DoK as my second army besides Khorne. Although DoK and Khorne seem a bit similar (melee focused, buff centric and of course blood!) I really like the DoK models.

    I already bought a Battleforce Box, what would be the best way to go from there? Do you really need more than 30 Witch Elves or is possible to build more elite focused lists?

    Another question, how does DoK deal with a Sacrosanct heavy Stormcast Army? A friend of mine is playing such an army and gives me a really hard time when I'am playing Khorne.

  5. On 3/6/2019 at 4:02 PM, Zamik said:

    What do you all think Khorne’s worst match-ups are? I haven’t played against many other factions, but I just cannot crack Seraphon for the life of me. What are your tough Khorne match-ups?

    I have a really hard time against Sacrosanct Chamber Stormcasts, they have deep striking, great range (Ballista and Raptors), good defense (Staunch Defender) and high damage (Evocators).

    A bit of shame that Khorne has good tools against magic, hordes and monsters but almost nothing against ranged combat and elite units, e.g. Wrathmongers are one of our best units but suck against Sequitors and Evocators.

  6. I really hope the updated battletome fixes the problem of our army being so damn slow. Almost all of our damage is limited to melee yet we have no deep strike, WoK Thirster buffs Daemon units only, Bloodstoker ability cannot be spammed and so on.

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  7. 53 minutes ago, Zamik said:

    I'm really starting to want some wrathmongers for my army! One of my friends plays Stormcasts and has TONS of Retributors, and I'd love to turn those Starsoul maces right back on him! It's a 2+ to hit with one of those, and a 6 gets d3+1 mortal wounds--Mwuh hahahahaha!

    Retributors with Starsoul Maces are actually not the best targets because the maces can't be buffed by Crimson Haze. You also have to be careful to not accidentially buff units like Sequitors with their rerollable hit rolls.

    Another problem against Stormcast is their bad 5+ save, which makes them very vulnerable against ranged combat and Bloodfury doesn't trigger in the shooting phase.

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  8. Is anyone using Bronzed Flesh?

    I thought about using it in my next game, because I don't have the models for a turn 1 letterbomb and so my army is really slow and therefore really vulnerable to shooting.

    I want to use this prayer on my key units like Bloodsecrator, Skullreapers and Daemon Prince. Killing Frenzy does not really perform well for me when I struggle to get units into melee combat before they get decimated by missle weapons.

  9. On 9/4/2018 at 4:57 PM, Oreaper84 said:

    Also I want to play with a Daemon Prince (Khorne marked and with axe) as my general......


    Crimson crown is nice....command trait is to taste....this you will have to play around with


    hope this helps!


    On 9/4/2018 at 7:32 PM, Praecautus said:

    I've run immense power and crown on my prince and then just let him fly around splaying things. Kinda fun ?

    Doppelganger cloak is another item to consider


    On 9/7/2018 at 10:43 PM, Mikeymajq said:

    Immense power and the uh.. amulet that gives him an 8" reroll 1's to hit. And 1's to wound if he charges is what I run. I did 9 wounds with the axe and just gibbed my opponents SC general. Didn't even get to use my talons the whole game. Plus the amulet buffs your other units too which is great.


    Thank you very much, guys! I ran him with Immense Power and Mark of the Slayer and I killed Vandus Hammerhand  in one turn on Saturday, dealing 8 damage with the axe alone.


    Another question for everyone here in this topic, how do you protect your Bloodsecrator against ranged missle attacks and abilities? Last game against Stormcasts he got killed in the first turn with just the Celestar Ballista and Vandus Hammerhand's Storm Breath ability. Of course he got a bit lucky with his rolls, but there was no terrain in my deployment zone that was high enough to cover my Bloodsecrator fully.

    Should I bring tall terrain and place it in my deployment zone? What if my opponent disagrees? Would this be considered rude?

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  10. I need some help with certain abilites:


    Murderous to the Last, does self damage from the Demonforged Weapons that kills one the models trigger this ability deal damage to this unit?

    Frenzied Attacks, can I re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the Vicious Mutation when the Leader has a Daemonblade equipped?


    Taker of Heads, can I heal a wound from past turns or shooting phase or I am only able to heal a wound that has been inflicted in this combat phase? And I am able to heal when I kill a model first and then get wounded afterwards?


    Also I want to play with a Daemon Prince (Khorne marked and with axe) as my general in the next game. What would be the best combination of trait and artefact when I want to maximise damage? Immense Power as trait seems to be really good as the DP has two weapons, but I also would like to buff the hit rolls with something like Slaughterborn. When I take Slaughterborn I could use Deathdealer as artefact but that only applies to one weapon.

    Your help is appreciated?

  11. 21 minutes ago, Praecautus said:

    I love my blood warriors - in my last game I got 10 plus the aspiring deathbringer in range on turn 4 with lots of command points, they pumped out 7-9 attacks a model if i recall

    Does the command ability of the Aspiring Deathbringer still stacks? I heard that isn't the case anymore.

  12. What is your general tactic against armies that are a mix of ranged and elite infantry units like Stormcast Eternals?

    I feel we have a lot of anti horde, anti magic, anti monster (Wrathmongers) but way less possibilities to deal with ranged combat and tanky elite units.

    My only opponent right now plays Stormcast and although I have won some games against him it's always is a struggle, I have no reach and it takes way too long to kill his units.

    I have no Bloodthirster and therefore no Bloodletter bomb.


  13. 1 hour ago, Karol said:

    plus his army is painted the wrong way, he wanted to have stormcasts from different orders, and the rules now say armies have to be the proper color.

    I don't think anyone cares about this rule, even in tourneys. Most people are more than happy to play against a nicely painted army no matter the color choice.

    Even the manager of my official GW store painted his Stormcast army in an unconventional color scheme so he won't be able to enforce a rule like this on others.


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  14. What is the best way to play Wrathmongers?

    I used a unit of Wrathmongers in the last two games against my friend's Stormcast and each time they were my worst perfoming unit. Maybe it was just me playing them wrong, but these are my problems with Wrathmongers:

    -They get hard countered by ranged combat because of their poor 5+ save and Bloodfury doesn't trigger in the shooting phase, even if an enemy unit is in 2" range.

    -Bloodfury isn't very effective against against infantry units consisting of 5+ models, they get more out of your buff than you can use their strength against them.

    Also how can you buff your charging units with them, e.g. I charge with a unit of Blood Warriors and want the Wrathmongers behind them? The only way it seems possible is charging with the Wrathmongers themselves but they might have no charge buff and then enemy models are also in buff range and not only my Blood Warriors.

    Or are Wrathmongers in general a bad choice against a Stormcast army that is a mix of ranged and elite infantry units?

  15. On 5. Juli 2018 at 2:31 PM, Praecautus said:


    Thanks it's bigger now ?

    Sure here you go. It's a kit bashed dark eldar scourge, chaos shield and blood letter horns on a hero base. The spear is the dark eldar one from the kit with a skull stuck on.

    Nice kitbash! I have the original GW model, but it is still unpainted?

    A question for anyone here, which Aspiring Deathbringer do you prefer? I don't like the model of the plain one for 80 points, the Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer on the other hand looks quite cool, but costs 20 points more and has a different ability.

    Skar Bloodwrath is interesting, but I think the requirement of killing 8 models is kinda hard to fulfill against certain armies. When I play against the Stormcast army of a friend of mine, I very rarely kill 8 models in a turn (1250 points games).

    Edit: I am dumb, it's not only ememy models, but also my models count.

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