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Posts posted by SoulBlightDryad

  1. 3 hours ago, Sumanye said:

    What are people doing to build their Kairic Acolytes with respect to cursed glaives and shields?   This has always been a problem and it's always bugged me that you cannot really build Kairic Acolytes wysiwyg without conversion and I was really hoping this would be fixed in the new book.  I'll probably wait for the FAQ before I build anymore acolytes, but honestly I think I'm just going to say hell with it and build my cursed glaives with shields.  Not really interesting in converting a bunch of models, but also really hate things not being wysiwyg.  I understand most opponents won't care, but I guess I just like my army to be accurate.


    I have also been trying to bring up thjs point. Make sure to e-mail GW and ask to make sure it gets answered. People online are near 50-50 with what to do.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Neffelo said:

    Again though, to even get the fate points required you already have a very heavy spellcasting army. you are already going to have at least nine casts and unbinds, usually more since you can fail or have them unbinded to even generate the fate points needed to summon them consistently.  When you are adding 2-4 more spellcasts/unbindings (Even if they are higher quality) in a list that is already likely generating 11-12 consistently you are just reaching a point where the LoC are not adding near as much value to the army.

    It also seems much more difficult to bring a battalion, which is a bit of a downside. We have so many powerful artifacts locked behind one. 

    As for realm spells,  a lot of tournaments and places still don't allow them, for whatever reason. This unfortunately something that varies significantly from area to area, so you can't count on that until it becomes standard. 


    MOST tournaments do include realm spells, including all the largest ones. Maybe just in your local scene they don't include them, but as time goes, it is rare to not have them (or at least some of them).

  3. On 1/17/2020 at 2:39 PM, Sinfullyvannila said:

    Yeah he’s pretty insane. Give him Treason of Tzeentch and he’s also debuffing additional -1. I consider him 160 though because I include Tome of Eyes in his cost since he doesn’t have a warscroll spell. Also, with pinks not giving Fate Points, having an extra cast is not as valuable as it would have been before.

    Still an absolute steal though.

    Why would pinks NOT give a fate point? They are casting a spell, that should count if it is successful. 

  4. Will a model with a Cursed Glaive also be equipped with a shield? See attached. The RAW almost suggest you cannot. However, the box art shows they keep the shield. The building instructions also make it so there is no other way to build them. So GW says Yes in the box art and building instructions (as the only possibility to have glaive and shield combo, there is not an option to leave off the shield without modeling issues), but the warscroll makes it seem like you cannot. It honestly needs an FAQ, so please help me submit the question (I have already done so, but it needs to be "frequently" asked. Please don't just say "yes" or "no", give reasons for answers one way or another.



  5. 4 hours ago, Thostos said:

      Now that GH19 is out,..im not sure what Warscrolls to use for the AoS Terrrain pieces.Im not speaking of the faction specific stuff,those are in the various battletomes,,im talking about pieces like the Baleful Realmgate,Ophidian Archway,ones like that.In GH18 they revised those to be much more basic and pretty much each one just had one of the effects from the terrain chart,,now those revised scrolls are not in the gh19,and if you go to the GW online store site,many of them still have the older,original warscrolls from pre 1st and 1st edition AoS.

     The new GH rules state that if there is a warscroll for the terrain piece,then that must be used instead of rolling on the terrain table.What warscrolls do we use? 


    The updates scrolls areal free and on the app.

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