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Posts posted by Dead_Ghost

  1. I think I've managed to suss out the grainy image:

    * Razordons: 40 up 50/120 (3)

    * Salamanders 40 up 50/120 (3)

    * Saurus Warriors 100/360 down 90/330

    * Stegadon 200 down 200

    * Troglodon 160 down 140

    * Lord Kroak 450 down 430

    * Sk Starmaster 200 down 180

    * EotG 220 up 240

    * S.OB on Carn 260 down 240

    * Chameleon Sk 120 down 110

    * Kroxigor 160 down 150

    * Saurus Guard 90 down 80

    * Saurus Knights 90 down 80

  2. 70 points a unit then if it is indeed "small".?

    And maybe 90 for the warriors, 80 for guard?

    Hopefully they'll reduce (increase?) the points bonus for taking 40 - though its nuts that you have to take 40 of them just to get the bonus

  3. 17 hours ago, Twh30 said:

    Thinking about starting a bcr army . Any essential advise?  Useful allies mayb?

    I would also say that it is incredibly easy to magnetise the big guy heads so that you can use them as either the Stornhorn or Thundertusk. for the sake of a couple of quid of magnets, you can 'double' the number of big guys you have. 

    Also, Gargant Hackers on the mournfang. 

  4. AAR for the recent 1k I took to the Hampshire Hammerers Doubles Tournament was;

    • Huskard on SH; Everwinter Master and Gryph Feather Cloak
      • Everwinter Master
      • Gryph Feather Cloak
    • Mournfang Cavalry (2)
      • Gargant Hackers
    • Mournfang Cavalry (2)
      • Gargant Hackers
    • Thundertusk Beastriders

    With my partner running Iron Jawz;

    • Warboss
      • 3+, reduce rend by 1 armour
    • Shaman
    • Warchanter
    • Brutes (10) 
      • w/spears
    • Ardboyz (10)
      •  mix of GW and Shields etc)
    • Gore Gruntas (3)

    Game One: Shifting Objectives: BoC//Seraphon: Major Victory

    The first game was against a Beast of Chaos//Searaphon dual list. The BoC were Tzangor focused and the Seraphon were very big creature heavy (carnotaurus, bastiladon etc). 

    We decided to forgoe an Arcane terrain piece, and went with the benefit of the terrain, with three pieces dotted down the middle on their side of the board, they had to funnel in towards the objectives where as we had full reign over choices. We also decided to take the second turn, with the hope of a double round, but could at least respond to their actions. 

    T1 we had a rear charge from some Tzangors into the Brutes and Shaman, which held back our flank attack. They then moved forward but came unstuck with the terrain. Haivng to present just one unit at each gap. 

    In response, whilst tidying up the tzangor rear guard incursion, we marched up the board. Dirty snowball taking out their General in our T1, and chomped through the units presented to us. able to hit first the saurus knight, then the carnotaurus etc whilst the bastiladon was trapped due to space and speed by the terrain. The brutes and big unit of Tzangors went to town on each other, brutes ending up the victor. 

    Some lucky major objective rolls and a failed charge by a unit of summoned un-gors cost them the match, but it was hit or miss for a while in the middle. 


    Game Two: Duality of Death: Kharadron//Slaanesh: Major Loss

    On the face of it, the Slaanesh didn't look any more potent than the Exalted Greater Demon of Slaanesh (Forgeworld), but holy hell, those Depravity points soon rack up. In addition, the slaanesh list had 3 heroes on steeds, perfect for that early objective capture. The Kharadron provided perfect anti-magic defence, as well as the necesasry tools to wreak havoc on big guys! 

    Again, we elected to go second, with the hope (need) for the double turn. The mournfang (bottom right) got vertiably steam rolled by the Exalted GD, the SH then charged in response, but due to buffs, only inflicted 5 wounds on the E.GD. She then 'fled' left chewing through brutes and 'ardboyz as she went. 

    We lost the roll for the double turn, which would have been crucial for getting those charges in. Instead the SH got popped full of lead by the bristling array of Kharadron weaponry on the right flank, and the Deamonettes pinned the brutes down preventing the IJ heroes from making the most of the board. The TT made good with it's dirty snowball, but even he was brought low by firepower and attacks. 

    In the mean time, the depravity points just kept ticking up, with a hero on steed, three harpists and regular greater demon summoned! 


    Game Three:Total Commitment: Sylvaneth//Seraphon: Major Victory

    Our final game saw us facing a seraphon list again, with Slyvaneth allies, but this time running two blocks of 40 blow piping skinks! 

    After the SH's last mediocre outing, this time he (and his two mournfang buddies) outdid themselves, crashing into a block of 40 skinks, killing 30ish with the rest running away, before crunching through 20 dryads. The IJs, under threat of losing 3 points to ripperdactyls, held some forces in reserve, with the brutes going all out to hit a major part of the Sylvaneth force, including drycha, and the other 40 skinks. 

    The TT again did wonders, snowballing left right and centre including killing off a unit of tree revenants on T1. 
    This was a bittersweet match, as we managed to win quite decicively, but to some opponenets newer to the game than us. They had the potential for a great list, but I feel were let down by a couple of choices - i.e not hitting the TT with the skinks or the bow'd Kurnoth Hunters, which let him run riot.

    If you guys happen to read this at any point, I know you felt a little disheartened,  keep persevering!



    Anyway, good games all round, and a great atmosphere and opponents. 

    • Like 3
  5. 2k Double Tourney coming up, and looking for artefact advice. 

    Partner in crime is running an brute focused Iron Jaw list, whilst i'm (obviously) running BCR.

    Pretty typical 1k list

    * Huskard on SH

    * 2x 2 Mournfang

    * TT Beastriders

    To that end, i'm looking for suggestions on what kind of Artefact to take. We're not running any endless spells, so no cogs etc, so maybe something to propel myself forward? or maybe the -1 to hit? 


  6. Played a 2k match against Iron Jawz last night. I didn't truely appreciate the comments regarding IJ being a 'hard counter' to BCR until I got run down by Brutes. Most notable thing i took from it, was that my best unit isn't part of the BCR list, that's right, the Troggoth Hag. 

    2k List

    • Frostlord on Stonehorn 
    • Frostlord on Thundertusk (Thermalrider Cloak)
    • Troggoth Hag
    • Mournfang *4
    • Mournfang *2
    • Mournfang *2
    • Sabretooth *4
    • Chronomantic Cogs

    IJ List

    • Boss on Mawcrusha
    • Big Boss on foot
    • Warchanter
    • Shaman
    • 10 Brutes
    • 5 Brutes
    • 20 Ardboyz
    • 3 piggies
    • 3 piggies 
    • Chrono Cogs 
    • Iron Fist

    We played the mission with six objectives, and the ability to burn them. Unfortuantely, it wasn't a great scenario for me. With the IJ player getting the first turn and the speed advantages of he could muster between Cogs, Waaghs etc. He could hit and burn my objectives 1st turn. So I had to provide some defence of them to try and get the points myself. 

    Thundertusk got deleted turn 1, and my mournfang took heavy casualties across the board. but the Troggoth held her own, vomiting all over the place for great amounts of damage. Turn 2 IJ took first turn again and capitalised on their earlier success. My turn two, I rounded on the Two brute units, killing off one, and demolishing the other, but in the end it was decided. BCR had lost.. miserably :D

    • Like 1
  7. So, I've been looking again at the 2k braggoths list that 'won' the tournament earlier this year and how to make it work given that list ended up 10 points over. 

    * Frost lord on stonehorn

    * Mournfang (2)

    * Mournfang (2)

    * Mournfang (2)

    * Frostsabres (4)

    * Gore Grunta (3)

    * Gore Grunta (3)

    * Troggoth Hag 

    * Chronomantic Cogs

    * Quicksilver Swords

    * Braggoths Battalion

    Should leave me with 50 points, meaning I start the game with 3 CP. 

    I have the spare pair of fangs that are needed for the minimum battleline, but they can run with the Frostsabres. 



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