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Pete Scholey

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Everything posted by Pete Scholey

  1. until

    Hi. Sorry it's sold out. Can add u to reserves. Unless you r Colin Mather in which case I now have. Pete
  2. Thanks. The slaughter is now sold out. Please ensure you read the rules pack as below http://adyswargamesden.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Sheffield-Slaughter-2017-Tournament-Events-Packv9-1.pdf
  3. Only 11 places left. Three months to go
  4. Yes. Tickets left. Email address is PayPal. Peterscholey@btopenworld.com £35
  5. Any rules questions etc please put on the post on twf. Thanks
  6. Yes. It's peterscholey@btopenworld.com. PayPal £35. Thanks.
  7. until
    Right. The Sheffield slaughter 2017 is going to be held at the usual venue, The Davy sports club, Prince of Wales Road, Sheffield on Saturday and Sunday 25 and 26 February. It will be a 2000 point generals handbook tournament with units from forge world being allowed subject to having a warscroll. 5 games of 2 1/2 hours each in length with each scenario being drawn randomly at the start of each round, with no scenario being played twice The first game will start at 0930 on Saturday and 1000 on Sunday. The venue will be open prior to this for registration etc. Full details will be outlined in due course. We will be using a scoring system as follows Major win. 20-0 Minor win 15-5 Draw. 10-10 In addition you will score victory points based on what you kill on the battlefield For example if you score 1400 battle points and your opponent scores 735. You get 1 victory point, rounded down for every 100 points you kill. This would give you 14 and your opponent 7 Prizes will be given for the top three places, best sportsman, best player chosen painted army and best in each faction. There will be 70 places. Tickets will cost £35 and will include lunch on both days. tickets will go on sale on 1 November at 7pm. Any questions contact me at peterscholey@btopenworld.com
  8. Event Title: Sheffield slaughter Event Author: Pete Scholey Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 02/25/2017 09:30 AM to 02/26/2017 06:00 PM Right. The Sheffield slaughter 2017 is going to be held at the usual venue, The Davy sports club, Prince of Wales Road, Sheffield on Saturday and Sunday 25 and 26 February. It will be a 2000 point generals handbook tournament with units from forge world being allowed subject to having a warscroll. 5 games of 2 1/2 hours each in length with each scenario being drawn randomly at the start of each round, with no scenario being played twice The first game will start at 0930 on Saturday and 1000 on Sunday. The venue will be open prior to this for registration etc. Full details will be outlined in due course. We will be using a scoring system as follows Major win. 20-0 Minor win 15-5 Draw. 10-10 In addition you will score victory points based on what you kill on the battlefield For example if you score 1400 battle points and your opponent scores 735. You get 1 victory point, rounded down for every 100 points you kill. This would give you 14 and your opponent 7 Prizes will be given for the top three places, best sportsman, best player chosen painted army and best in each faction. There will be 70 places. Tickets will cost £35 and will include lunch on both days. tickets will go on sale on 1 November at 7pm. Any questions contact me at peterscholey@btopenworld.com Sheffield slaughter
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