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Posts posted by Zuriaxis

  1. 13 hours ago, daviseford said:

    Hey guys, I just added Skaven to the AoS Reminders App. It has all clans ready to use! Skaven has been the most requested army for this tool, by far - and I can understand why after adding SO many rules to the code :)

    If you haven't heard of/used AOS Reminders yet, give it a whirl - enter your army, traits, artifacts, etc, and it'll spit out a nicely printable list that you can take with you to tournaments. Very helpful for army with lots of stuff happening in each phase - like Skaven!

    I need a favor from you guys - please go through and check out the rules and make sure I have them right.  I did my best to keep up with the battletome, but please, check it out. Leave any issues here on TGA, or on Github here: https://github.com/daviseford/aos-reminders/issues

    You're a gentlerat and a scholar!

    • Like 2
  2. 24 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    @Zuriaxis I completely understand. I'm bringing Thanquol with a 50\50 weapon mix to see how it works out this weekend in dealing with the Hordes\elites people tend to bring around here.. I think Thanquol is somewhat of a trap unit in some cases but we'll see. If I were to replace him, I would bring along 2 Warpfire Throwers minimum in every list to meld into the big Clanrat blocks.

    Your summary of each units involvement in the game was nice, I think a lot of us are going to be hashing out quite a few lists until we get everything down.


    Thanquol is one heck of a beast, just as long as you can protect him from flanks/massed shooting attacks. I think that we'll find Warpfire/Clanrats block combo as you mentioned will be our bread and butter answer to enemy battlelines/hordes, and will because a standard catch-all for Skryre/Skaventide lists. As for Thanquol, I wouldn't quite call him a trap unit unless you're playing sub 2000; even then his spells and firepower alone is going to toast even elites.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kirjava13 said:

    How did all the other elements in the army do? What was your biggest problem?


    Well, we did open war (which I hate) and got the V deployment, where one army gets from two corners to the middle, and the other is divided into two and gets two separate corners. I began deploying in the V shaped space with my Clawlord at the tip of the spear with the two Clanrat units at either wing; when I realized he was all-inning one corner I deployed my Doomwheel on that side, followed up by my two weapon teams with my Bombardier in tow.

    I could go into specifics as to what happened, but pretty much I was unable to bring all my Clanrats to bear on his army. I'm pretty sure he fielded far more than 1K, he had a 20 man unit of shootas, 20 man unit of stabbas, what looked like a doubled, combined unit of squigs with some herders, two units of Fanatics (these guys SUCK to fight against), and a variety of shamans and  a lot support staff alongside some sort of melee oriented leader. He fielded a lot of nets and those things are pure BS.


    Skaven Breakdown:

    Warlock Bombardier: A nice inexpensive unit that can buff itself or other Skryre units in your outfit. Weak save and HP, and a dubious attack. I only hit once with him in three turns and did 3 wounds on a hit, the other two times I failed to wound. Only one spell cast hurts it as well but it's a relatively inexpensive support hero.

    Clawlord: I forgot he benefited from Lead From The Back, okayish damage and durability. I'd recon he's better for larger games where you can afford to spend points on an auxiliary damage dealer/army buffer.

    Clanrats: Much better than they were, they hold on very well with Strength in Numbers and improved Clanshields, until then get too low. I rolled a 6 twice for my morale on a single unit over two turns and it wiped them out. I gave a bealgured unit x2 attacks turn 2, only for them to be affected by the goblin nets and being under 30 models, did a bunch of nothing. Other one crashed into his supporting heroes but they stubbornly held on.

    Doomwheel: Potentially good movement, the single turn I used it it only moved 9 inches and did okay damage with overcharged warp bolts and vigordust. Charged a shaman, shootas and fanatics, wiped out the fanatics. Died turn 2.

    Rattling guns: One of them died right off the bat in the first half of turn one, the other died when I overcharged and it rolled a double. Got some nice warp-lead out it before it grinded itself to bits.

    Vermintide: Majorly useless, barely did anything at all.

    Bell of Doom: wasn't able to cast this, but I wish I did instead.


    I'm going to try again with a revised list, or ply for a bigger game.


    38 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Hmmm... My analysis? 


    But you know, warpfire. 

    Hah, went with Rattlings because  I could buff the ****** out of them; but year in this instance I should've used warpflamers. Unfortunately I showed up and played a pickup game. When fighting another horde army, I think I'll quietly slip them in.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    Skyre acolytes : how to get them for cheap/hordes? How to convert monks in acolytes?

    I've seen plague monks and/or blood bowl skaven converted to make acolytes, both are very convincing.


    I tried a 1000k list yesterday at my local shop, didn't go very well against Goblins.




    2x 40 Clanrats

    2x rattling guns


    Bell of Doom



    Bombardier was largely useless and only hit once, and was only able to get vermintide out. It did 2 mw total. By turn 3 I was ground down to nothing.


    New idea!

    Verminlord Warbringer


    2x 40 Clanrats

    3x rattling guns

  5. 1 hour ago, Kirjava13 said:

    Yeah, me too in truth. It's just an irritation, but I would rather have the book than not.

    Sky Skaven Spotted! Clan Skryre has definitely got flying machines of their own. Arch-Warlock Steelklaw has his own skyfleet: "Built around cannibalised Kharadron craft and the fevered designs that have poured from Steelklaw's mind, dozens of armoured dirigibles, lightning-ships, warpfire barges and klawbombers take to the sky." The best bit? It's called "The Much-Great Sky-Kill Air Armada" 😂

    Link please! That sounds awesome.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

    Reading the fluff now. It's standard Skaven stuff so far! Anything not specifically Skryre-related I will keep to the main thread. The artwork's pretty nice. My main gripe is that the Skryre battalion is pictured with a Poison Wind Mortar, which is like... are they just rubbing salt in the wound?

    Oof that sucks. That's going to hurt for a long while.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, TheMuphinMan said:

    The forgeworld clawlord on brood horror is an extra point in bravery aura (for what that is worth) I was about to say the warbringer has the masterclan keyword so he can take the " Do not take battleshock tests wholly within 13" of bearer" artefact but just checked over the warscroll and it looks like they took that away which bums me out because i wanted to have a immortal verminlord warbringer with the protection of the GHR 5+ fnp, the 5+ fnp artefact and the 5+ divert wound.

    Well, keep in mind a FNP effect for a wound dice can re rolled only once as far as I know, unless Sigmar differs from 40K. I think I'll just make a Grey Seer my general for the ease of it.


    59 minutes ago, angrywicket said:

    I'm pretty sure the new Bell of Doom endless spell makes it so you don't have to take battleshock tests.

    I'll be honest, Bell of Doom kinda scares me as a spell. I would hate to set it up and then have my opponent detonate it on top of all my guys/dispelled the following turn. Not a big fan of predatory spells.

  8. Okay, so for a Verminus heavy army with Clanrats, if your general wasn't Masterclan and you don't have a Screaming Bell, how would we control morale losses for Clanrats? I really want to make a Verminlord Warbringer my general, but it looks more and more like a Warpseer with 5+ CP gain trait and the battleshock artifact wedged between two blocks of Clanrats is just going to be an absolute utility machine. A little disappointed  Verminus doesn't get a way to negate that as Strength in Numbers only counts for so much. Or maybe I'm overthinking it?


    I just reeeeeaaaly want to field a Warbringer but Masterclan is too good to pass up. Edit: I have an unbuilt Verminlord so I have to decide.

  9. 9 minutes ago, angrywicket said:

    I'm also pretty sure there is a command ability that lets you double a Doomwheel's movement. 2 times 4d6! Here we go!

    For when you positively have to touch every single enemy unit from here to Ostermark.

    • Like 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, Xelotath said:

    Should be a fun list to try although I’m worried there will be some overlap between the Bell and the warpseer battleshock abilities

    Well, the Warpseer is pretty awesome! Alternatively, you could trade it for a Warbringer but imo the more time goes on, the more I'm liking the Warpseer for the extra default command point and battleshock coverage, meaning you can piecemeal your army.

  11. Yeah, I'm in agreement with mass Clanrats for playstyle. At the very least, 3 basic squads will provide a speed bump or event decent DS bracketing. I wouldn't mind even taking 3 maxed squads for the sheer durability.


    How do you folks move your rats? My opponents are pretty cool with me just shoving them forward however many inches but then again I don't play comp.

  12. 2 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Only one or two of Verminlords are unfortunately, check Warscrolls on the app. Also, I really don’t think the Clanrats thing is happening, it seems pretty much certain now. It’s a shame, but that’s how it looks. 

    Hold up, is Skaventide meaning general Skaven or an alternate pick/subset of Skaven? Because if Clanrats and Stormvermin are battleline for Skaventide armies then Skryre should be able to take them no problem. Let's seek some clarification on this before we rip our fur out in understandable frustration.

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