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Posts posted by Izotzuhure

  1. At the moment, the list I'm thinking of is something like this: 

    Allegiance: Hallowheart


    Lord Arcanum (160) - General

    - Veteran of the Blazing Crusades + Ignax Scales

    Battlemage (90) - Hysh

    Battlemage (90) - Ghur

    Battlemage (90) - Azyr

    Anointed on Frost Phoenix (320)

    - Whitefire Tome to get access to Sear Wounds

    Gotrek (520)


    20 x Freeguild Guard (160)

    10 x Freeguild Guard (80)

    10 x Freeguild Guard (80)


    Whitefire Retinue (140)

    Endless Spells

    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Umbral Spellportal (70)

    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

    Prismatic Palisade (30)


    Total: 1990 / 2000

    If I removed Gotrek I could probably optimise it with something better (either another phoenix plus khinerai or phoenix guard to have a proper anvil, for example) but I would like to have a go first to see how he works considering I could make him go faster (Ghur battlemage spell) without making the enemy army get closer to me. Also, he hits quite hard while being very difficult to take him down. Hysh spell could make him more tanky and Ignite Weapons even more killy. 

    The Lord Arcanum is there to give me access to the Comet and have a tankier general. I could use a Knight Incantor instead, losing 1 wound but gaining the option of adding the Racist Swords.  Also, I modeled the comet like the Moon from Majora's Mask and I think is kind of funny to see how it falls all the time. Swapping the command trait for the +3 to disperse so I can spam it is also on the table, though the guard is quite low on bravery. 

    The Phoenix is completely independent of the rest of the army as it has a healing spell, getting +1 armour and the chance of D6 healing wounds. It wouldn't get the amazing extra casting but it's only a 6 to cast. Worst case scenario, someone else could cast it for her. 

    Geminids and Palisade give me some good defensive options and I can disrupt the opponent's movement with the latter. Depending on the terrain I could even use the Comet to affect the movement as I could place on a chokepoint making them change their options. Hordes wouldn't be a problem thanks to Spellportal + Cyclone and I could damage more elite armies with a combination of the Azyr spell + Roaming wildfire. 

    P.S. Yes, the whole army is inspired by The Legend of Zelda, not only the Comet. 

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  2. Even though I'm all for Hallowheart and its magical prowess, the clown possibilities of the Phoenicium seem quite funny: 

    x3 Dreadlord on Black Dragon

    x3 Drakespawn knights 

    x7 Drakespawn chariots /x9 Scorgerunner chariots

    Knights hold objectives while dragons and chariots make a v line towards the enemy. Chariots charge, causing impact damage and die (6W & 4+ save only) so they can give +1/+1 to the dragons. You could even swap the 7 drakespawn chariot for 9 scourgerunner ones plus a CP to get some shooting with MW chance, faster and weaker chariots making it easier for the CA to trigger. 

  3. I think I really like the idea of a Hallowheart army. What do you think of the following ?:

    Lord Arcanum with 4+ mortal wound save

    3 battlemages as part of the battlalion

    Frostphoenix with book and healing spell 


    20 spearmen as retinue for the Lord Aecanum

    2x 10 sword and shield guards

    Umbral spellportals




    Purple Sun


    Between the CA and the battalion I should have an average of +4 to cast. I cast the portals, throw everything inside, and then, question time, could I disperse an Endless Spell casted in the same hero phase? Cause then I could give the general the +3 to disperse to ensure nothing comes back through them. 

    Gotrek and The phoenix run to the points. I can use the Ghur spell to give Gotrek +2 to run and charge without affecting everyone. They should be able to put on a fight while the guard come from the back line to help contest objectives. 

    I don't know, I like the idea of Gotrek and a self-healing phoenix fighting while endless spells wreck havoc around them with 9 spells per turn. 

    The general should be a key target for the opponent, but with a +3/+4, LoS! and the retinue should survive quite well. I would also have ulgu and hysh plus the palisade for defense and affect their movement  

    I've never played a heavy ES plus magic army, but this looks fun. 


  4. 54 minutes ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    If I remember correctly you gain the cast bonuses that the caster took in mortal wounds and the negated ones don't count. But if you gain the dice roll your good to go with negating

    This is the description of the CA according to the video: 

    "You can use this CA at the start of your hero phase, if you do so you can pick one friendly Hallowheart wizard unit and roll a dice. That wizard suffers a number of MW equal to the roll and in addition until the start of the next hero phase add that roll to the cast roll of all friendly Hallowheart wizard units within 12” of them."

    So, technically, you wound't have to suffer the MW in order to gain the extra to your cast, right? Also, if worded this way, you could even use a unit of Sisters of the Thorn to suffer the MW and then they could heal themselves with the healing spell. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    As in proportional to itself? Because there's really nothing to compare it to to decide how it should look. I'd argue many tyranids have a similar problem if that's the case. I reckon it'll look more cohesive irl, since the cart on its back takes up a lot of space. I'd say it has the proportions of a flightless bird, and it works for me.

    Maybe it's the perspective of the pictures that we have at the moment, but it looks like it has a massive torso with the added weight of the 'backpack' compared to its bottom part of the body. 

    Actually, the comparison with a bird makes it less off though I would say that the position of the Carnifex (which this model has been compared) feels better for me in contrast to this one which looks upright. Again, maybe it's just the pictures. 

  6. 48 minutes ago, Neffelo said:

    I am a bit surprised nobody has translated up the Bonetithe Nexus rules. Granted, it may just be too difficult to make out anything. 

    You have four abilities to choose. Two have a wholly within 18" range and on a 4+ you can do either -1 to hit to the enemy unit or only one dice to run and charge rolls for the enemy unit. The other two have a range of wholly within 36" and on a 2+ a mortal wound or -1 to cast, spell and disperse. All effects last until your next hero phase. 

    The hero on horse gets +1 damage to the spear during charge. Also during charge, extra 3" pile in and rolling a number of dice to the charge roll, with every 6 (?) causing mortal wounds. On a regular basis, reroll 1s to wound against order and destruction and all failed wound rolls against chaos. It has two CA, one can give the rerolls to a unit and the other gives +1 attack during shooting. 

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  7. I've started collecting Sylvaneth after a long, long time of doubt and now I'm toying with two Gnarlroot lists. The first one has only four drops and the second one has more bodies.  


    List 1

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth - Mortal Realm: Shyish
     - Glade: Gnarlroot
    Alarielle the Everqueen (660)
    - Deepwood Spell : Throne of Vines
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Nurtured by Magic 
    - Artefact : The Vesperal Gem 
    - Deepwood Spell : Regrowth
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - Artefact : Ethereal Amulet or the Acorn
    - Deepwood Spell : The Dwellers Below
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact : Chalice of Nectar 
    - Deepwood Spell : Verdurous Harmony
    10 x Spite-Revenants (120)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    Treelord (200)
    Outcasts (100)
    Lords of the Clan (60)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    There might not be that many bodies, but the four drops will likely allow me to choose who goes first most of the times. With that in mind, I can add two or three trees on the first turn plus 20 dryads next to an objective. The Ancients are not the most reliable heavy hitters but they can always do some damage and cause some units to go last. 

    I don't know what item to give to my second Ancient. It could either go with the Acorn for extra woods or the Ethereal Amulet for tankiness or the Fire Cape for mobility. 


    List 2

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth - Mortal Realm: Shyish
     - Glade: Gnarlroot
     Alarielle the Everqueen (660)
    - Deepwood Spell : Throne of Vines
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Nurtured by Magic 
    - Artefact : The Vesperal Gem 
    - Deepwood Spell : Regrowth
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact : Chalice of Nectar 
    - Deepwood Spell : Verdurous Harmony
    Drycha Hamadreth (320)
    - Deepwood Spell : The Dwellers Below
    10 x Dryads (100)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    Forest Folk (140)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

    Many more bodies, Drycha, teleporting squad and the Geminids.

    What do you think? 

  8. Hi everyone! This might be a silly questions, but I've been looking around and haven't seen anything about it (having a cold might not help either). Can you give an artefact to heroes you add using the wargroves? They will have to be realm artefacts, of course, but is it an option as they wouldn't count as allies? Nobody seems to be doing it but I though I should check just in case.  Thanks! 

  9. I wonder if there are any plans to make new Slaangor, Khornegor and Pestigor... Even if it's only at rules level (run and charge, pile in 6", Disgustingly resilient or something like that) with a future update in next Battletomes. 

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