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Posts posted by Izotzuhure

  1. Has anybody tried double KoS in Invaders? They seem quite strong if they go together, one as a general with Best of the Best and Icon to maximise Flaming weapon and then having both getting access to Hurler of Obscenities for extra rend. 

    Also, would you activate both Speedchaser and the Exalted chariot's impact hits after charging or would you need to choose one effect only? 

  2. 58 minutes ago, crowned said:

    I'm glad that Rogue Idol is getting some love. It's THE centerpiece model for a bonesplitterz army. I am also not sure about Kragnos and Krondspine. Usually I prefer the older models and was quite happy that a tournament player even ran an Arachnarok - one of the coolest models you practically never see anymore.

    A Question to the new GHB rules: Can Morboys be battleline for Bonesplitterz? If so, we could get a bunch more attacks in with the new 1/2" rule. I always liked the morboys a bit more due to their +1 bravery. I simply had to play with spears because 1" attack range has been very unforgiving during pile-ins.

    They can be BL as part of Drakkfoot. Which, tbh, an army with 3 10xMorboys in Conquerors and then loads of  Stabbas in Drakkfoot could be a huge pain for the All Fly Nurgle armies. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

    It specify " at the end of hero phase" !

    Bringing her back is at the end, yes, I was talking about the healing part.

    But, yeah, Rule 1.6.1 explains that 'in the hero phase' abilities (healing) happen after 'at the beginning' and before 'at the end' (bringing her back)

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  4. Quick silly question, which I already assume is going to be NO:

    Alarielle's healing ability is in the Hero phase, but it doesn't specify that it needs to be at the beginning. Could it be possible to heal her after bringing her back? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

    Now that is rad. I've been looking for a chance to buy the ThighQueen, and this might be it! I'm hoping Drycha is still a powerhouse, too.

    Oh, yeah, definitely! 

    Also, the Everdusk Season of War will be really powerful on KH builds as they give overgrown around them if they are contesting an objective... 

  6. The new tome sounds like a lot of fun! The Cairn Wraith with the -3(-4) scythe and hatred for the living could be a nice way to deal with hordes or to kill a hero next to a big unit. Silly, but cool. Also, the Horrorghast seems quite strong combined with Terrified. 

    Glavewraiths look like the perfect unit to tank Unleash hell from a redeploy/teleport with a potential +4 to charge. 

  7. Considering taking the following to an event: 

    Allegiance: Nurgle

     - Host of Chaos: Munificent Wanderers

     - Mortal Realm: Shyish

     - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery


    Archaon the Everchosen (830)*

    - Lore of Foulness: Cloying Quagmire

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (115)*

    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

    - Lore of Foulness: Magnificent Buboes

    Great Unclean One (350)

    - General

    - Command Trait: One Last Gift

    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell

    - Artefact: The Witherstave

    - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions

    Rotbringer Sorcerer (120)*

    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction

    Sloppity Bilepiper Herald of Nurgle (130)

    - Artefact: Mucktalon


    10 x Plaguebearers (110)**

    10 x Plaguebearers (110)**

    10 x Plaguebearers (110)**


    Emerald Lifeswarm (60)

    Chronomantic Cogs (45)


    *Command Entourage - Magnificent

    **Hunters of the Heartlands



    TOTAL: 1980/2000 WOUNDS: 82

    My mind tells me to take the Cogs as they would make more sense, but my heart wants to take the Suffocating Gravetide to block paths and be annoying.

    What do you think?

  8. Question, could you use Supa sneaky and then the Alpha-Beast pack? Imagine, I set-up a Rogue-Idol 9" away from the enemy and then move D6". The CT happens before deciding who goes first, and the Battlalion before the first battle round, so I assume the former would go first, right? And if you don't move it afterwards, the enemy wouldn't be able to Relocate. 

    Then, you move D6" with the other Rogue-Idol, use Sneaky miasma on it for a normal move and then move again. A fun-silly way to have two Rogue Idols charging on first turn, one of them potentially buffed. Also, if you have used the Dirty trick to remove some units, you could easily get rid of chaff so you can charge where you want. 

    Edit: Just re-read the texts. Alpha pack happens before and Supa sneaky at the beginning of first battle round. So, you could still move d6" one of the Idols while the other is within 9" and then move, if you don't mind your opponent relocating. 

  9. I like the idea of doing something like this: 

    Kraken eater - General with Very acquisitive and Glowy Lantern. Flaming weapon 

    Gatebreaker with Amulet of Destiny 




    Soulscream bridge 

    Rerolling charges triumph. 

    Not at home, so I can't check whether a mega could even fit within 6" of the bridge,though. But it could be a nasty alpha. 

    Though, I'm considering how useful Gatebreakers are now as you can't stack +1 to hit. They still hit hard, but with Flaming weapon on, you get similar damage on the others. You need to get it off, sure, but it allows you to play around their point increase. 




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  10. 9 hours ago, Nightseer2012 said:

    Avengorii VLoZD with Deathlance, Eye for an Eye, and casting Flaming Weapon can get his lance up to 6 damage on a charge.  Requires a spell and getting injured, but it is fun to think about getting 18 wounds on just your lance on a charge.  Back that up with all the Flaming Weapon buffed attacks from the Zombie Dragon, and you've got a good time, lol.

    You could give them the Arcane Tome for an extra spell and use Lauchon to move in the Hero phase for a MW. 

    Edit: Oh, it needs to be in the Combat phase,my bad! 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

    If he saves them, you can just not charge him and that's 7 spells wasted.

    I think that bonereaper teleport might only be if he takes a wound as well. I might be wrong...

    He will likely be a bit of a beast, but I'd hope so at 970 + likely always wanting the spell portal so over 1k

    Yes, he needs to take a wound, but it's pretty common to use something like a Burning Skull to trigger it. 

    Sure, you can ignore him, but if you position him well, holding those MW until your next hero phase could be really strong. 


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