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Posts posted by DJMoose

  1. 50 minutes ago, Ser_namron said:

    So blood sisters dont even get there MW attacks during any hero phase activates since its " at the end of combat phase" correct?

    If so this is the worst change ive ever seen. Completely neuters the ability because of when they decided to make it activate.  Top tier rules writing as always.

    Okay, now I'm upset. >_<

  2. 3 hours ago, Mcprowlington said:

    Its says pick an enemy unit and roll a dice for each model in "this" unit. So it's like evocators. If it meant the enemy unit, it would say "that" unit. 

    Honestly i'm really surprised they didn't touch lifetakers. Or do a quick pass at the other temples, but i guess that was very wishful thinking.

    Ok. That interesting wording.  I hate it because the wording is the difference between doing 1 mortal wound to a single model and 20 mortal wounds to a single model. If it's the same as an evocator then that's actually not terrible.

  3. The wording on the Turned to Crystal ability is awful. Depending on how you read it a Blood Sisters unit would either a) roll a 3+ for each model in their unit and inflict MWs or b) roll a 3+ for each model in the enemy unit and inflict MWs. My guess is the intent is each model in the enemy unit, which in that case is a HUGE nerf.

    So much for taking down a Mega-Gargant in one round of combat.

  4. 2 hours ago, novakai said:

    Hold on, the Ironscale would have to make Blood stalker/ Blood sister Battleline or the DoK side of the box can't be field legally without any natural battleline

    Maybe on the points/organization page it will list them as battleline. Because usually that's where those entries have been and not on warscrolls. Or it will have the "battleline if" clause for the Medusa AND the Ironscale. Or Melusai and Khinerai are all considered battleline in a Zainthar Kai temple.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, Silphid said:

    You are probably right, well spotted. Since it also specifies “at the end of the combat phase”, can’t even make shenanigans with Morathi’s or the Slaughter queen’s CA to make them fight out of phase for more MW...

    Assuming the blood sisters stay the same with this nerfed Turned to crystal attack, at 140pts  they would feel overcosted. Thoughts?

    Honestly if they nerf the crystal touch attack they should go down in points. IMHO they should stay as they are, because otherwise there goes our most reliable source of MWs. While one attack on a 3+ is statistically better than one attack on a 4+, not being considered a melee weapon eliminates any chance of +1 attack shenanigans. So that I understand. They did remove the +1 to hit for the leader for the Blood Stalkers so maybe that will happen for the Blood Sisters as well. I suppose we will just have to wait and see.

  6. I am rather disappointed by the Turned to Crystal ability. 3+to cause a mortal wound is okay...but D3 would be much better due to her being a character. Or why not just give her the crystal touch melee weapon abilty like Blood Sisters, but it hits on a 3+ instead?

    There is some combo potential with the Ironscale and the Zainthar Kai temple. +1 attack for a CP and a potential +1 attack if you can pull off some wounds with the Ironscale. However I agree with what was said earlier; it's unfortunately not worth it to have your Ironscale go first instead of your big snake unit.

    We still do not have the whole picture yet. Hopefully there is something that will let us activate a unit immediately after the Ironscale or let us activate a unit twice.

    With the right combo, +1 attack could be very strong due to our already powerful prayers and buffs. But seems like a lot of work and chance for a gimmick.

    I'm still going to get the Morathi book but still seems pretty underwhelming thus far. Maybe they had to keep these abilties and things lackluster because of the power of our prayers and buffs?

  7. 15 minutes ago, foxicious said:

    Just keep in mind, that we have only seen the allegiance ability so far. Zainthar Kai might still be a good temple. Hag Narr's strength also comes from its command trait for example.

    I am also still looking forward for the remaining battalions, Morathi and the Ironscale.

    This is what I am hoping. Once we have the full picture of Zainthar Kai it will be a good pick of a Temple.

  8. Anyone else see the wonderful artwork of a Blood Stalker in the background of the Broken Realms website?

    Maybe I'm just grasping at straws but the artwork of this snake lady sure looks like a similar style to the art on each Temple page in the battletome.  And considering there are only Scathborn in the Shadow and Pain box, I really hope the Zainthar Kai Temple is an all Melusai/Khinerai temple.

    The hype is real though.  I literally started collecting Daughters of Khaine because of the Blood Stalkers and it's such a shame they are so inefficient as a unit.  Here's to hoping they (at least) have an updated warscroll with an unmodified 6 to mortal wound.  That's the minimum needed to make me actually field them again.

    Blood Stalker.png

  9. 2 hours ago, Graywater said:

    I run the shrine and cauldron combo for the reasons you listed. It's expensive but effective. I dont think khailebron is bad, but their -1 to hit is dependent on what your opponent is bringing. Its great against shooting armies, but does nothing for you against melee. I much prefer a buff thats always effective over one that is sometimes. Curious to see a teleporting morathi. What was the thinking/her purpose in doing so? 

    The advantage of using Morathi in a Khaelibron list is you can teleport her and then transform her on your first turn, making her the bully and distraction carnifex she is meant to be. Instead of having her fly across the board and get wittled down she will immediately be up in your opponent's business and will last for at least two battlerounds. Allowing the rest of your army to do what they need to do.

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  10. 3 hours ago, pixieproxy said:

    What are people hoping for from the Khainite Shadowstalkers? From what I understand the other Warcry Warbands aren't bad, it's just that the marauders for STD just overshadow every other troop

    Teleport shenanigans and poisoned attacks is what I want.

  11. 7 minutes ago, oscswa said:

    Thanks for the answer but I don't mean the buff from Hag Queens but the Relic of Khaine artefact "Hag Brew": Adds +1 to hit on all melee weapons. Do you know if that affects all attacks from the Cauldron or only those from the hero who equips it? :)

    Hagbrew adds +1 to wound for all of the bearer's melee weapons. This would include all attacks on the cauldron as they are a single model. The ability would specify if it did not include the mount, which a cauldron technically is.

  12. Hey there folks.

    Been prepping for a tournament coming up in August and yesterday I fought Cities Of Sigmar with some Steam Tanks.

    During the game a question that came to mind is how does Pit of Shades work against units with random movement? I seem to recall some kind of a FAQ but I cannot seem to locate it.

    Any ideas?

  13. 6 hours ago, Hannibal said:

    Hi all,


    short question: What about the half-snakes of Daughters of Khaine? I like the models and the fact that you can build an army with these as battleline is really interesting, though I´ve never seen anyone playing them nor did I see a tournament list in which the snake–ladies appear.


    1) Are they any good?

    2) What about an army consting of these snake-ladies? Is it well suited to be played in casual games and local store tournaments?


    Thanks in advance



    Blood Sisters, the polearm-weilding snakes, are fantastic. Fast with two wounds and three attacks base, with okay mortal wound output they are my favorite unit. I frequently use two units of 20 with a Bloodwrack Medusa as my general to make the Blood Sisters battleline.

    Sadly Blood Stalkers, the archer snakes, are rather lackluster. Which is a shame because I love the models. They are also a 280 pt tax to take if you want to run the Temple Nest battalion.

    Blood Sisters are fairly competitive, being slightly faster and more durable than Witch Elves, while Witch Elves have the sheer volume of attacks. Blood Sisters with Hagg Nar rerolls, Devoted Disciples Aura, and Witchbrew are absolutely deadly. And you can still add a prayer or spell buff on top of that.

    However, they can still have a tough time when they hit a brick wall unit like Hearthguard Berserkers or high damage units like Ironguts or trolls.

    I have done fairly well in the few tournaments I have played in with the Temple Nest Battalion and my gaming club plays competitively fairly often. I highly recommended the snake ladies.

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