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Posts posted by libr4rian

  1. On 5/10/2021 at 4:42 PM, Spears said:

    I'm mostly excited about the prospect that the nighthaunt units are no longer gimped in NH by their potential abuse in Legions of nagash. I don't think the points hits to grims for instance would ever have been needed if they weren't summonable in lon.

    SGL still can bring NH units as Allies (FEC as well)

    ...but 'Deathlords' and 'Soulblight' keywords disappeared from SGL book 😕

  2. 33 minutes ago, Benlisted said:

    So, question that's been on my mind as SG get revealed/released... where does this leave LoG?  I know we're not technically one of the LoN, just always had the same rules (hence not getting their batts or allies) but does the book being made totally obsolete impact us in any way?  Or is it "keep using LoG rules until we say not to" i.e. probably with the next GHB or new edition...

    That's my question exactly! What now? I used to play LoN using a lot of Nighthaunts models, literally I had 2 armies having only 1 &1/3 armies bought :) I'm guessing It will end now.

    ...and what with Nagash, The Lord himself? Will he be an option in Nighthaunts like he is in Bonereapers?

    ...so many questions.

  3. I know its a rumour but:

    I heard once that reason why such great and quite modern army (compared to many models from other ranges) as Tomb Kings disappeared was very sad mistake. Rumour has it, that moulds for Tomb Kings range has been accidentally destroyed. If it is true, I don't think they will made new moulds for "old looking" range because it is more profitable make new moulds for new models. More people will buy it. And as all we already know high quality moulds for plastic ranges are very expensive.

    I was going to start new TK army just when AoS came out and then TK's disappeared. I was very disappointed, so I'm looking forward to see new dethrattle army. I hope it will have nice and interesting look, and will combine somehow with NH and LoN.

    (...but as an archaeologist I will always miss TK's. If I could afford old second-hand models I would buy them, but today's prices are out of my range)

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