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Posts posted by Reezark_SP

  1. 13 hours ago, Luke1705 said:

    You right. Brain f a r t. Just in general I wouldn’t rely too much on mortal wound output at range from skyfires now that they don’t work on 5 and 6 even if you give them +1 to hit (from the shaman for example). And -1 rend d3 damage, while good, is something the tree people are generally good at avoiding with their high base armor save for the most part.

    Alright now that I've had some sleep and thinking about how to best hurt those blasted Kurnoth Hunters hiding in trees, how would you think a Warpflame Host would perform? Something along the lines of:


    Herald of Tzeench of Burning Chariot (General)

    Herald of Tzeench on Disc

    Lord of Change

    Burning Chariot x1

    Burning Chariot x1

    Burning Chariot x1

    Exalted Flamer x1

    Exalted Flamer x1

    Flamers of Tzeench x3

    Flamers of Tzeench x6

    Warpflame Host

    1980 points so there is a decent chance I'll get a triumph reroll. Maybe against other armies I'd spend the last 20 on Soulsnare Shackles but since Sylvaneth don't really need to move, just teleport from trees to trees, the reroll might be more useful here.

    Everything flies, so shooting and magic nukes aren't blocked by trees, chariots can cause mortals when they move, and I figure from the mass shooting of the Flamers, 1 or 2 wounds are bound to get through, and with luck, Capricious Warpflame will deal another D3 mortals as well.

    I guess now my question about the Warpflame Host special ability, if an enemy unit is within 9" of multiple units from the battalion, can I roll 1 die for each of my units within the range or do I only roll 1 die regardless the number of units?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Luke1705 said:

    Skyfires are going to struggle to see through the trees just like your spells do. Gotta get in there and tango with the skyfires in close combat or enlightened.

    The tricky thing about Sylvaneth is that you can block their forest placement if you’re careful. It’s only 18” range on their spell and they can’t put the forests within 1” of your models or any terrain features, and any of the up to 3 forests have to be placed within 1” of each other. So you can kind of have an idea of where he might be able to place a forest.

    Additionally, when they travel to their forests, they can’t be within 9” of you, but they need to be within 3” of a wyldwood.

    TLDR: keep a model within 6” of all edges of a wood and they can’t travel to it. Smartly block areas of the board where you don’t want them to put new woods.

    Thanks for your advise I will try to keep that in mind but why would Skyfires have a hard time? Its my understanding that the protection trees provide is void if the shooter or spellcaster is flying.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Anything with fly can see over/into the trees.  So lord of change is great against them, flamers and mounted heralds are also good.

    Yes the Lord of Change was pretty much the only thing that did anything of note against the whole army. Vs. trees though everything else you suggested will be hitting on 5s and no rend. Meanwhile the troops in the trees (dont know their name, but the "mini" large treemen with sythes) have a 3+ save and get to reroll failed saves, then heal at the end of the combat, so I'll be very lucky if they get a wound in and if I did it'll just be healed in the next phase anyway.

    Maybe mass Skyfires since they have a decent chance of causing mortal wounds?

    Heralds on disc and chariot could work too I suppose.


  4. Regarding the rule change for Tzaangor's shields but not Acolyte's shields, the rule for both units is called Arcanite Shield and since Arcanite Shield was updated in the Tzaangor's warcroll in the BoC book, the update still applies to Acolytes as they also have Arcanite Shield. 

    Yes I agree its very convoluted to refer to a warscroll to a different unit in a different book thats just what I've been told.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Kharneth said:

    Odd. They're clearly referred to as double-handed. I don't really think it matters,  I can't imagine someone giving you a hard time over that. Even in the pictures they're holding the glaives with shields, I wonder why they added that phrasing. 

    It probably doesn't matter that much anyway since the rules were updated so that only one model in the unit needs a shield and the whole unit get the extra save. 

  6. 37 minutes ago, Kharneth said:

    I never take them above 10 and always give them the Scroll and Vulcharc as they do not replace weapons. I don't believe you can use shields with the glaives, so you'll lose 3 shields. Maybe you can use the shields against ranged attacks? I assumed the "double-handed" description meant that it replaces the sword and shield. 

    Hmm it would be really lame and annoying if they cannot use their shield while armed with a glaive since building the models as instructed they are clearly holding the glaive in one hand and their shield in the other. 

  7. On 12/1/2018 at 10:04 PM, mmimzie said:

    @Kharneth hit the nail on the head for this one. They don't do alot, they are appart of a shooting spam that can occur if you get tons of blues and pinks on the table, but really they are a cheap and mildly durable way to get wounds on the table.  I think brims are maybe too throw away and they die to literally anything. The acolytes are abit better in that reguard. 

    I like to make mine as annoying as possible. Multiple groups of 10 with Scroll for extra shooting range the the bird to maybe put a mortal wound on enemy wizards. Everybody else gets shields/blades and shields/glaives.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kharneth said:

    Depends on how many Fate Points you're getting in addition to Horror kills. 

    The Pendulum will do 3.5 wounds per unit and costs twice the price of the Swords. Statistically, the swords will do 4 wounds to a single unit. So, Pendulum+2 units will give you a reliable 14 blue horror points and 1 fate point. A single unit+swords will get you 8 blue horror points and 1 fate point. Pendulum+3 units will get you 21 blue horror points. 

    If you take Arcane Sacrifice with an Arcanite hero you can get another d3 killed (avg 2). If you take Mark of the Conjurer on LoC/Kairos you can get 4 fate points (or 6 with Chronomantic Cogs). 

    Say you used Quicksilver Swords with Mark of the Conjurer Lord of Change on Pink Horrors. You'd kill 4 Horrors, generate 8 horror points and 2 fate points. Now you'll need to cast 10 spells in order to get a 2nd unit of blue horrors. 

    Say you used Pendulum with Mark of the Conjurer Lord of Change on two units of Pink Horrors. You'd kill 7 Horrors, generate 14 horror points and 2 fate points. Now you'll need to cast 4 spells in order to get a 2nd unit of blue horrors. If you took Chronomantic Cogs, you could cast a 3rd spell with the LoC to give you 2 fate points, leaving you with only needing 2 more (and you already have 2 units of Pinks). 

    Pendulum+2 units of Pink Horrors seems to be pretty reliable. You'll likely be generating a few points more than you'll need (on average) which gives you room for failing spells or being unbound. 

    This is all theoretical, I've only played one game and my Quicksilver Swords dealt 3 wounds turn 1 and 1 wound turn 2. 

    Hey thanks for the analysis I think thats exactly what I'm looking for. For your information this is the list I am building towards:

    Lord of Change (General) (Tzeench's Inferno)
    Wellspring of Arcane Might
    Mark of the Conjurer

    Tzaangor Shaman (Fold Reality)

    Gaunt Summoner with Familiars (Glimpse the Future)


    Acolytes x10

    Acolytes x10

    Pink Horrors x10 (Bolt of Tzeench)


    Enlightened on Disc x9

    Skyfires x6

    Endless Spells:

    Quicksilver Swords


    I am not sure if the shooting from the Skyfires will be better or to try more aggressively to get as many Blues out as possible. If Blues is the better way to go, I can drop the Skyfires in favor of a Curseling, a 2nd unit of Pinks, and a Pendulum. 

  9. So I began playing Tzeench recently by picking up a Changecult box, a LoC, Curseling, and Gaunt Summoner. Loving the magic superiority however ever since my Curseling sent a Comet back into the heart of a Stormcast army, the people in my playgroup dont even put wizards into their army anymore just to keep the Curseling neutered lol. Now I really like the idea of adding in the Changeling and dropping a huge endless spell like a Purple Sun or Pendulum in the worst possible area and nobody can stop it since they thought they "got" me by not bringing a wizard lol. 

    So now that I've read through some of the advice I've seen here and my own personal experiences such as Tzaangors looking good on paper but rather meh on the table, and 6 Enlightened of foot being way more scary than I originally thought, here is what I am going for now:


    Lord of Change (General)
    Incorporeal Form 
    Phantasmal Weapons or Ethereal Amulet

    Gaunt Summoner with Familiars



    Tzaangor Shaman

    Acolytes x10

    Acolytes x10

    Pink Horrors x10

    Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc x9

    Endless Spells:
    Quicksilver Swords

    Purple Sun of Shyish


  10. Hello everyone I picked up the BoC book over the weekend. I gotta say its a really neat army and the new fluff is really cool. I may have to start collecting Beastmen soon when the models become available again. Love the color scheme of the Darkwalkers and that greatfray's abilities happen to be really cool also. I think being able to "deepstrike" so many units also pairs really good with the Desolating Beasherd battalion which looks really fun to run. This is my first take on the army I'd like to run. What are your thoughts?

    Greatbray: Darkwalkers

    Cleaver of the Brass Bull
    Nomadic Leader

    Great Bray Shaman
    Desolate Shard
    Tendrils of Atrophy

    Bullgors x3 

    Bullgors x6

    Ungors x10

    Ungors x10

    Gors x30



    Bestigors x20


    Endless Spell:
    Wildfire Taurus

    Desolating Beastheard.

    Everything except the Cygor, and Cockatrice are in the battalion so its a 3 drop, 2 Artifact, +1 command point at the start army.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, DantePQ said:


    1) Reavers are good, they're not broken but have uses, they are awesome at guarding objectives and doing a lot of little stuff

    2) Most armies have useless battalions - what you're proposing is just giving powerful effects to units that you want to include and it doesn't work that way. Daughters of Khaine have bad battalions as well, Nurgle doesn't have much, Death isn't using many as well. I love how battalions are constructed in recent Battletomes. 

    3) so what ? There are many units overpriced or underpriced in AoS. Sure Aspect of the Sea maybe is too expensive but on the other hand you got unit of 12 W, that's got bunch of attacks, flies 14'' and igonres rend for 140

    4) IDK are not shooting army 

    5) many other armies lack them as well (DoK?)and still you got access to generic CA and Akhelian King and Volturnos have amazing CAs. 


    I love my Reavers. I only use 1 unit of 10, but wow do they get the job done. I really don't understand why they have such a bad rep on this site. Last time I played with them they put a ton of wounds into a unit of 6 Hexwraiths and brought down a Mourngoul from full health down to 3 wounds, making it easy for my eels to finish off. 

    I think the key is you have to keep them in the backfield until you tie up their target with something else like a unit of Ishlaen. On turn 2 they should be in a position to pincushion the enemy (move 8, reroll runs, and Flood Tide should be more then enough help to do this).

    I also think that them being only 1 unit of 10 they don't appear to be a threat compared to everything else on the table so they're rarely targeted. I also try to keep them close to a table edge and make my opponent think that whatever he commits to attacking my Reavers may be on the receving end of an apperance of my Soulscryer and friends.

    I'm not saying Reavers are the end all be all but they're definitely FAR from bad and personally I can't see not including 1 unit of 10 at the very least in any of the lists I make up. 

    • Like 1
  12. Nighthaunt guy plays Mournghoul, a bunch of Spirit Hosts, Hexwraiths, and the character that lets everything generate mortal wounds on 5s instead of 6s.

    Nurgle guy plays the Maggoth lord who resembles a Nurgling, some 10 blightkings, 20 plague bearers, a couple of blightkings on drones, and Spume w/some blightkings to deep strike from the edge.

    Sorry I can't be more descriptive I don't know all of their units by heart.


    While yes it is a pain facing the Nighthaunt because everything is immune to rend and it sucks when they get lucky and generate a ton of mortal wounds, you just got to be careful.

    I use Volturnos as my general and tend to save up all my command points so I can give 3 units +3 attacks. I also use a soulscryer to keep my morsarr and allopex units off the board until I need them. The best defense  IMO is to not be on the board at all lol. If all goes according to plan my Leviadon, morsarr, and allopex are in combat with what they want to be in combat with on turn 3 and they all get Volturno's bonus. So far that has been enough to wipe out whatever it is I want dead.

  13. 20 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    That isn't a very useful comparison. DoK and IDK have one thing in common, the aelf keyword. I've seen your list I know you understand this.

    IDK are actually a pretty marginal army, and tend to struggle against any army that doesn't have an attachable weakness. Something like low unbinds, or any army that I'd untradionally hardy. Things like redundant saves, healing, respawn. Nighthaunt are possibly the worst faction to roll up against in several sceneries. But nurgle is bad as well.

    Interesting that you called out Nighthaunt and Nurgle specifically as being bad matchups. Out of the 3 people I play with on a regular basis (at least once per week) one plays Nighthaunt, the other plays Nurgle, and the third has a bunch of armies and changes what he plays a lot. The Nighthaunt and Nurgle guy I win against most of the time but lost to the third guy's old Empire army.

  14. Still experimenting with my list but so far its been this and its been a lot of fun to play.

    Enclave: Dhom-Hain.

    General: Volturnos

    Soulscryer (Coral Ring or Kraken's Tooth)

    Morrsarr Guard x6

    Thralls x10

    Thralls x10


    Allopexes x3

    Reavers x10

    Khinerai Heartrenders x5


    I'm considering dropping the Thralls for 2x3 Ishlaen Guard. Thralls are amazing if they can get into combat with something big on turn 3 but if not they are pretty meh. Ishlaen Guard are more "all purpose" which is what I need. As long as they stick close enough to the Leviadon thats a 2+ save thats immune to Rend. They seem perfect for holding the line and then follow up with Reavers just behind them and shoot 30 shots into whatever the Ishlaen are tanking, or charge in with Alloplexes or Morrsarr guard that the Soulscryer brings in.

  15. 2 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    Yeah the stacking seems to be that way for his ability. Certain commanders are limited so a unit can only benefit once but Deepkin don’t have that limit. 

    I think you could do with some more support heroes (soulscryer). Also I’m not a fan of endless spells from lists that only have one caster. I would probably drop a shark and the spells to add a hero or two. 

    Thanks for the rules clarification I'm glad we played Volturnos correctly but wow is that ability powerful now I mean I can't see playing anything other than Volturnos as my general lol

    Anyway yeah the endless spells really were only considered because I had 80 points left and if I had 20 points free I would totally add a Soulscryer. I suppose I could drop the Reavers and then ally in those sweet new Sequitors. That would give me the points I need to get the scryer.

    Or drop the spells and use the last 80 points for allied Heartrenders.

  16. Also quick rules question regarding Voltrunos.

    If I save up command points so that I have 3 by turn 3, I can spend all 3 command points to use his command ability 3 times correct? Meaning, I can potentially have 9 units get +1 attack or 3 units getting +3 attacks? This is how my group interpreted how command abilities work now and I was the Deepkin player so I was happy to have such an advantage but wow when that turn 3 came around my Morrsarr, Aspect of the Storm, and 20 Thralls got +3 attacks and it was pretty insane lol.

  17. Hey guys what are your thoughts on something like this?

    Enclave: Undecided but leaning towards Dhom-Hain.

    General: Volturnos

    Tidecaster (Coral Ring or Kraken's Tooth)

    Morrsarr Guard x6

    Thralls x10

    Thralls x10


    Allopexes x3

    Reavers x10

    Endless Spells:

    Some thought:  I usually prefer to run Thralls at least 20 strong but I needed the 3 battle line however in the games they will stick close together and essentially act as 1 single unit. Reavers I know are not looked at very fondly but to be honest they've been doing great as long as you tie up other units so you can safely get within 9" and unleash 30 shots. Reavers and Thralls can also crowd around objectives where model count matters.


  18. 15 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    Thanks. So I can use the book Im happy...

    Theyre driving me crazy with all this

    Same here! BTW they also said that any official changes will include designer's notes so if you see any changes in the app  that are out of the blue and don't have designer's notes just ignore them and stick with the book :)

  19. 4 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    The thing I dont like is the change of Ishlaen. Not ignoring rend and that 3+ on charges made me love him. Now its ok that 6++ save but it would be nice the rend thing, or at least a 5++

    It was announced that the points values and the rules in the app are wrong and to stick with the book, so you still get the cool 3+ save on charges are rend immunity :)

    • Thanks 1
  20. 18 hours ago, Lord-Of-Scotland said:

    what do people think of the Akhelian Corps battalion??  

    I like the Nautilar Akhelian Corps as it allows you to take 2 Leviadons :)

    One list I was playing around with before the points in the app got messed up was the following:

    Enclave: Nautilar

    Volturnos (General)

    Tidecaster (Coral Ring)

    Morrsarr Guard x6

    Ishlaen Guard x3

    Ishlaen Guard x3

    Alloplex x1

    Leviadon x2

    Endless Spell:  
    Malevolent Maelstrom

    Akhelian Corps

    Before the points got messed up I believe this was exactly 2000 points.

  21. 8 minutes ago, Gurtyel said:

    Just curious, how much damage does the soulrender´s talumhook deal in your app? is it 1 or 2? Also, it seems the points you got are consistent with the GHB 2018 points which are wrong. I guess they have still work to do.

    In the app I am seeing the Talumhook doing 2 damage.

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