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Posts posted by romhi

  1. I would not dare to dabble with predictions, as for my hopes:

    - Carrion King centerpiece model, riding an incarnate of madness (Klondspine but FeC themed)

    - A handful of new heroes representing court positions (Confessor, Spymaster, Huntsmaster, Master of Ceremonies, Royal Fool etc.)

     Having an extremely limited range of models, gave me the idea of making the Ghouls a modular unit. During the game, nearby heroes could give them extra abilities much like how Tyranids and Synapse work nowadays. In my opinion this would play into the madness theme of the army, and give a huge amount of utility to the most basic unit in the army.

    For example in a 12" aura a hero could select a ghould unit to benefit from a single buff for the whole round. In addition to being a priest, the confessor could give the ghouls on death mortal wounds, the Spymaster movement and charge bonuses, Huntsmaster extra rend and better hit/wound, MC an additional wound point (like the Glottkin's signature spell), the Fool could give the unit a debuff aura.

    I feel like the whole spreading madness theme is a bit underrepresented in the book right now.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. Salutations!


    Me and some friends have started a slow-grow league. After choosing Skaven as my new army, I've bought a Bombardier, a pack of Stormfiends and a Pestilens SC, from which I am in the process of turning the 20 monks into Acolytes.

    I've been thinking about my final 2k list and wanted to ask for some more experienced players about the viability of a pure Skryre force in AoS 3.0. Are there any examples so far? Is there any viable way to do it, or will this be a pure fun army until a new book comes out?


  3. 50 minutes ago, Sception said:

    should make it pretty impossible to blend in physically

    While this is true, in my opinion the madness of this faction is much more potent than people give credit for.

    I know it is a stretch, yet if we take this quote from their tome: "they are also the source of contagious madness. Weak minds are quickly turned, but even the strong-willed soon see the king as he sees himself" I could easily picture a high ranking mordant twisting the perception of others around it long enough to sow chaos in their ranks.

    Nonetheless I still think it would be a cool concept.

  4. I would really dig a proper realization of a Royal Court for the Flesh-Eaters.

    Carrion King is a prime candidate for a cool army centerpiece.

    There are a lot of court appointments that could be great thematic additions to the range:

    - Court Mage, on a Hurricanum/Luminark/Corpse Cart kind of vehicle, more of a support for other casters and troops (Corpse cart is already a good  base to expand upon and every proper court needs and advisor in magical matters)

    - Confessor, a priest and torturer in one, in charge of debuffing enemies and granting access to prayers (Blisterskin already has priest-like lore and a little madness goes a long way)

    - Spymaster, similar to the new Lumineth Loreseeker , a lone agent type of character (Potentially hiding in enemy units, like Grot Fanatics do in friendly ones, until they move on or get discovered)

    - Master of the Hunt + Dire Wolves, area denial and backline disruption with fast moving cheap bodies and a leader character that can buff them (Soulblight can keep their rats and bats, give us the meat puppies)

    If they are reluctant to add new troop options than these characters could specialize in transforming the existing range into new roles.

    • Like 6
    • LOVE IT! 2
  5. Now that the realm artefacts have  been thoroughly gutted and we lost Gryph-feather charm, what would you bring on a mounted Feast Day king (Dermal Robe already donned by a Regent)?

    The Grim Garland seem to be the best choice from our book, but I am interested in other ideas too.

  6. Had great fun using this list in the past few weeks: 

    Grand Court: Court of Delusion - The Feast Day
    Abhorrant Archregent (240)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Dark Wizardy
    - Artefact: The Dermal Robe
    - Lore of Madness: Spectral Host
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)
    - Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm
    - Lore of Madness: Blood Feast
    - Mount Trait: Gruesome Bite
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)
    - Lore of Madness: Miasmal Shroud
    - Mount Trait: Gruesome Bite
    Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)
    30 x Crypt Ghouls (300)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    1 x Corpse Cart (80) (Lodestone)
    - Allies
    Ghoul Patrol (180)
    Chalice of Ushoran (50)
    Extra Command Point (50)
    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2

    The +3 to casting helps immensely with providing buffs to the monsters and in no way felt like an overkill. With 5 drops I am able to control who starts the battle more times than not. Most players tend to deploy in an overly defensive way when confronted with two TGs and the (high) possibility of run and charge which means that I can more comfortably cede the first turn to them and hope for a double turn later.

    The triple summoning and the Patrol battalion adds up to around 800p threat to any side of the board, which is simply incredible and possibly game-winning in itself. I had multiple games where my main army of monsters and heroes were wiped but I could still pull a victory with a handful of Flayers and Ghouls prancing around my opponents deploy zone. 

    My only problem is the lack of experience with some factions. Anyone here with some nice tips and tricks against Idoneth, DoK, Fyreslayers and OBR?



  7. Greetings!

    This weekend I had a fun little tournament. I bought a Sylvaneth list with Kurnoth Hunters using Greatbows and supported them with a "Horn of the Consort" artefact.

    While playing, my opponent flipped out when during the shooting phase I only re-rolled my failed hit rolls (target number is 4+ so every 1s, 2s or 3s were re-rolled, 4s, 5s and 6s were not).

    The artefact states the following: "You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by friendly HEARTWOOD KURNOTH HUNTERS wholly within 12" of the bearer."

    The hunters have a similar rule Tanglethorn Thicket: "...If you do so, until the end of the turn, this unit cannot move except to pile in up to 1", but you can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target this unit."


    My question is the following: In the end, are you required to re-roll all dice in the case of these rules, regardless whether they failed or succeeded, or can you "cherry pick" your results? (For example I use 6 dice with the results of three 2s, and three 5s, do I HAVE to re-roll all six if I want to use the rules, or can I choose only the three 2s?)


    Are there any official releases or FAQs that help clarify this problem? The only seemingly relevant piece of rule was in the core rules: "RE-ROLLS Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. " Does this apply here?


    Thanks for the help!

  8. Hey!

    Can anyone tell me in which scenario would you buff Drycha's Squirmlings over the Flitterfuries? Both are Missile weapons but the Squirmlings' 2" range  means you only get to use them in melee when there is a chance they are already nerfed because of incoming damage.

    Am I missing something?

  9. First of all thanks for the replies. 

    23 hours ago, XReN said:

    Well first, if it is a tournament - I wouldn't participate because F those restrictions...

    22 hours ago, Honk said:

    Kinda depends, if they‘ll focus on the narrative, it might still be interesting.

    but no hero on mount AND no feeding frenzy?! Really sounds like butthurt supreme 😅

    are Bloodthirsters of insensate rage banned too?

    I would rather not go into semantics, I wrote tournament because it is a two day event with judges, at least 20 tables and prizes/awards at the end.

    As for the restrictions I understand the feelings but the whole thing is centered around bringing more people to the hobby and encourage them to expand their collections (hence the 1500p)  as the current player base is extremely limited. Just imagine going against a list that can very easily table you on the second turn (you know it happens, and it does many times).  Even long time players feel sour after experiencing that.  

    Turning back to restrictions, I only listed the ones that affect me, most of the current "meta" armies have similar limitations added to them.

    23 hours ago, XReN said:

    And even changing TG in your list for 6 horrors would be better.

    I had some trial battles yesterday and I must agree with you, although being a great distraction, a normal Gheist did no more than 7-8 wounds with feeding frenzy included during one of my games which can easily be achieved with a buffed unit of flayers. 

    I might change the list around to a Blisterskin one with 2x6 Flayers and a big blob of ghouls.

    • Like 1
  10. Hey people!


    I have a 2 day 1500p tournament at the end of summer in my humble little country. There are some house rules and heavy restrictions on lists that I need to keep in mind. No unit over 400p (new FAQ screwed me over, no Ghoul King on Terrorgheist for me), 2 monsters max, 1 maximized unit size (only 1 unit of 40 ghouls for example), and after a quick talk with one of the organizers no Feast Day for fec armies. All of the battleplans are homebrew ones with heavy emphasis on narrative play and a few twists.

    I know most people frown upon such limitations but I like to go about it from the direction that it is a great challenge to write a list that could win despite these rules.

    Here is what I came up with:

    Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
    - Grand Court: Court of Delusion - Crusading Army

    Abhorrant Archregent (240)
    - General
    - Trait: Dark Wizardy 
    - Artefact: The Dermal Robe 
    - Lore of Madness: Blood Feast
    Abhorrant Archregent (240)
    - Lore of Madness: Miasmal Shroud
    Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)

    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    40 x Crypt Ghouls (360)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)

    Royal Terrorgheist (300)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Chalice of Ushoran (50)

    Total: 1500 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 92

    What do you think, is there something better I could take with these rules and point limits?

  11. " Pitched Battle, faction terrain must be set up more 
    than 3" from any other terrain features and more 
    than 1" from any objectives, in addition to any other 
    restrictions that apply to it. "


    This on the other hand resolves some questions...

  12. 2 hours ago, puffinchunks said:

    Hey guys!

    Really solid list in my opinion especially for a 1000 points game. The only negative thing I can see is the lack of woods summon. TLC only summons one on a +4 with a pretty harsh restriction but I guess in a 1k game that won't be that big of an issue. If you plan on expanding this list make sure to add some low cost spellcasters to help. 

    43 minutes ago, Filius said:

    Can anyone explain to me, why the Wyldwoods have disappeared from the Warscroll Builder? 

    I did not see any official statements about this but in my understanding they were removed because of the new summoning rules. Everything that is summonable has become free and lost it's point cost. As the woods were free for Sylvaneth players the only reason they were in the warscroll builder is because of the Treelord Ancient's summoning ability. If you took an Ancient as an ally you could summon woods and you needed x amount of points in reserve to place them.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Did anyone try or hear about magnetizing revenants? I was thinking about giving Dreadwood a try but buying 4 boxes of Spite-Revenants only to be used in one type of a list is just too pricey for me. I might invest in them if I could alternate the models between Spite and Tree-Revenants as the Tree variety sees much more play in our lists. Could it work?


  14. 6 hours ago, Hoseman said:

    This gives us 9 spells  and 8 dispels per turn.

    Isn't that 10 cast / 10 dispel +1 cast with Cogs?


    Used a similar list not so long ago (used more dryads instead of revenants and skipped lifeswarm).

    I had two big problems: I was unfortunate enough to play against a Tzeentch army. This dropped my successful casts to a laughable level.

    My other problem: I did not have enough useful spells to cast during the game.  I feel like this list is seriously neutered in the event you have no access to realm spells or these realm spells are limited to you. In my case we had a house rule to roll two d6 to get two useable spells from the Chamon table. Curse of Rust and Glittering Robe were both quite lacklustre against a spell-heavy list.

    I blame my lack of experience with Gnarlroot  for that loss.


    Also, does anyone have any experience with Emerald Lifeswarm? My gut tells me it is too much of a risk.


  15. 1 hour ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    I'm looking at picking up my first AoS army soon. I've been playing Warhammer Underworlds and 40k (since 2nd edition). I've been a fan of old fantasy but am returning to GW after a hiatus. 

    I'm currently looking at Sylvaneth and possibly Ironjawz as my favourite of the "new" forces. I'm likely to be going up against SCE, Nighthaunt or maybe Fyreslayers depending on how one guy goes, Seraphon and possibly LoN. I'm looking for a force that won't roflstomp the enemy but also won't get roflstomped itself. I'm not going to any tournaments so I'm not considering that but am wondering how some of the "older" battletomes hold up against the latest forces out there? 

    The first thing to consider about Sylvaneth are the Wyldwoods. Without the woods you only have half of an army in my opinion. If you are up for some diy or don't mind spending extra money to bring out 100% of your army and you don't mind hauling an extra bag of scenery to every game than it is worth it. I really like the faction, the tricks and tactics of it too. I would say that after the newest GHB we are in an ok position amongst the newer forces, but there are more experienced players who could shine some light on that for you.

  16. Last weekend I attended a pretty large scale (for Hungary at least) AoS event . There were plenty of house rules, the most notable were the limitations on mortal wounds and summoning. We also had unique homebrew scenarios and battleplans. 1500 points,  units that were more than 500p were banned (no Alarielle for me), no more than 8 mw against one unit per phase.

    My list:

    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    - Trait: Gift of Ghyran 
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Drycha Hamadreth (280) (with Flitterfuries because of the mw rules)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact: Lens of Refraction 
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing
    20 x Dryads (200)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Scythes
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatswords
    Aethervoid Pendulum (40)
    Quicksilver Swords (20)

    Spells of Chamon: Transmutation and Curse of Rust

    1. Raid

    My first match was against a mortal Khorne army. (Mighty Lord, Bloodsecrator, 2 Slaughterpriests, Bloodstoker, 2 units of Blood Warriors, 1 unit of Bloodreavers and 3 Khorgoraths, pilgrim battalion)

    The battle plan was quite basic, with a defender and an attacker. Defender set up one objective in their own zone (12"x24"), and two outside of it. Every objective earned you 1 vp, killing an enemy unit was also 1 vp and offing the commander was 2p.

    Having 8 drops really helped get the first turn in all three of my games and going first here and getting the defender's side was a great boon. In the first turn I was able to deploy wyldwoods on two objectives. This made my tactics quite straightforward: split my forces in two and ignore the third objective completely. big unit of dryads with a unit of hunters went ahead and stalled the three buffed up Khorgoraths for four turns while the rest of my army was camping in the middle of the board duking it out with the rest of the enemy forces. Drycha's Flitterfuries and the Quicksilver Swords were incredibly useful in weakening and even killing most of the Khornate heroes. The Mighty Lord died to the swords turn two and the Bloodsecrator died to a lucky revenant charge from the back. The two priests boiled Drycha at the end of the game but by then she already did her part. 

    Game ended with a major victory for me. MVP: unkillable dryads.


    2. Resources

    Second match against Stormcast Eternals (Lord-Arcanum on gryph, Knight-Incantor, Ordinator, Castellant with doggo, 1 unit of judicators, 2 units of Liberators, Prosecutors with  javelins,  2 Celestar Ballista and an Everblaze Comet)

    The plan was the following: Objective in the middle, start from one of the four corners. If the objective is controlled at the end of the turn set up a new one 3d6 inches from the previous using a scatter die. Game ends with the fifth turn, five objectives maximum on board.

    Started the game with growing a big wyldwood right in the middle of the map. My plan was to cover as much of the available space with woods to get cover from those annoying ballistas, which I did with great success. I teleported most of my army to the middle point turn one. My biggest mistake was the comet. I failed to unbind it and it landed in the middle of my whole army, and denied a pretty big chunk of forest from being used in the upcoming turns. I left it there as I was much more afraid of it landing again than I was afraid of the are denial. A handful of dryads died and all my heroes and hunters received some damage. On the second turn my luck started to turn as the new objective appeared on my side of the forest "wall" right on the edge of a newly set up wyldwood. This happened on the third and fourth turn as well which denied my opponent from scoring any points. 

    Game ended with a major victory again. MVP: wyldwoods, not only they denied my opponents shooting phase but also killed a surprising amount of Liberators when they decided to charge into them out of frustration.


    3. Siege

    Last match was against a Nighthaunt list (Guardian with lantern, Executioner, Knight of Shrouds on steed, Spirit Torment, 2 unist of Chainrasp Horde, a unit of Grimghast Reapers, a unit of Glaivewraith Stalkers, a unit of Myrmourn Banshees and a Mourngul)

    The plan: both armies started on one of the short sides of the table in the corners. On the far side was a stationary bunker manned by neutral Kharadron dwarfs. The bunker had +3 save and +5 mortal wound save, could shoot us at the start of the turn, and could be activated using a command point to shoot a volley on our opponent. No model or scenery could be set up in a 14" circle around it so no forests for me there. The bunker had 50 wounds and every wound you scored against the structure gave you one victory point and killing enemy units also awarded points.

    The Plan was to put a wyldwood as close as possible to the bunker and teleport for an early boost in movement and start earning victory points with my heavy hitters while the dryads stalled for time. This was a good idea until I saw my table. In my opinion one of the worst nightmares of  a sylvaneth player is a scenery heavy table. In my case the half of the table with the bunker on it was littered with rocks, buildings and walls. The closest that I could place my woods was around 24-25". My opponent, unhindered by the scenery thanks to the fly ability ran across the table for an early charge and sneaked in a hefty amount of damage. by the time I got there, I had no time nor space to overtake him. It was a really interesting and fun battleplan to play.

    Game ended with a major loss. MVP: were the two hunter team. they not only scored some juicy points at the bunker but also cleared up some spooky ghosts for some sweet revenge.


    Thanks for reading through my experiences.

    • Like 4
  17. 4 minutes ago, Lhw said:

    Where in Drycha's rules does it say you ignore LoS? That would be the ability taking precedence. Just because it doesn't mention something, doesn't mean it ignores it, if it is in the core rules. 

    Nowhere, and there is not a word about it requiring any visibility either. That is my point. It is vague enough to warrant discussion, which brings me back to my very original advice: discuss it with your judge/friend/opponent and come to an understanding.

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