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Posts posted by XReN

  1. 6 minutes ago, GlanceOnASix said:

    Played a game this weekend with:
    Ignax Stardrake
    Lord Ordinator

    10 Libs
    5 Libs
    5 Judicators

    4x Ballistas

    1x everblaze comet

    Played against a really tough blight cyst with: GUO, 2x10 BKings, 2x5 BKings, 5++ Aura guy, and wizard, and the throwing heads hero and COGS.

    I was given the second turn as with all his movement stuff he had his whole army on the 24 inch line top of 1.  The 10 libs +Ord + Ballistas drop outta the sky, the 10 libs form a line in staunch range with where the dragon ended up holding 10 blight kings (And eating the 3 command models).

    Ballistas took 13 wounds off the GUO (which he healed 7 back). Meteor and Dragonstarfall knocked most his heroes down 2-3 wounds each.

    I got the double, got all 3 of his heroes to 1 wounds, took off the GUO, and held the center with the line of libs (One protected a turn due to the LAoGC).  The remaining 4 of the first 10 man retreat from the dragon, He charged the full strength 10 man into the lib wall keeping the dragon outta 3, but caught the LAoGC.  I used my spirit flask and took out 2 blight kings of the 10 with a decent roll.  (And knocked a few wounds off nearby ballistas).

    His one 5 man having been shot by Judicators and my one 5 man libs knocking it down to 3, still whoop on the Libs bringing them down to 1 model on the right objective, while my griff hound was getting in the way of the 5 man on my other flank (Just to make it hard for them to move around it to better targets).

    We rolled for T3 and I won as well, and it turned into cleanup, got rid of the heroes, focused the ballistas on the 7 blighking unit in the middle, and the dragon went and ate a 5 man.

    Ballistas are really spiky, some rolls they were amazing, and some all 4 missed or rolled 1's for number of shots.
    Libs dont put out anything like Sequitors as far as offence for a similar defence.
    I think my Judicators appreciated being build because they were killing a blight king a turn.
    The comet was not SUPER great against nurgle (as I was expecting having played the matchup before) however I can see some other armies where it just mauls units that dont have mortal wound saves.
    The dragon is so freaken strong It makes me think about not taking Gav Evocator bombs, nothing in the Gav list takes the whooping he can, never took more than 2 wounds the entire game without healing them back up.  Eating models to split units, the raw 'holding power'/board position, and the 'poke' of the mortal wound starfall was crucial to what I thought was a pretty bad match-up.


    Well guys hope it was a good read, give another update as I play more games.


    If you used scions on 6 units, whille having 5 on the table - you cheated
    Otherwise it's great to hear that you got a victory after getting alpha striked and with such a low body count

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  2. 40 minutes ago, TheManiac said:

    And then either 3 Aetherwings to grab fast objectives or maybe an Endless spell.

    Is this a reasonable list that could work or am I way out there with this line of thought?

    It all depends on how competetive you want to be, really.
    Because for casual games with friends this list will work just fine, maybe even too powerfull against some armies that aren't considered strong.

  3. On 9/23/2018 at 2:34 AM, Bellfree said:

    At the cost of burning 100pts for a character that is utterly worthless outside of the drops and a really, really subpar Stormhost. Gavriel may be more reliable than cogs/etc but in taking him you're committing to winning with the drop on the simple basis that you've invested 100pts, your heavy hitter unit(s), your stormhost, a CP, and your relic slot in guaranteeing one drop. You're also almost always forced to drop everything at once(if you don't bubblewrap Gavriel, he dies 100%. If you do bubble wrap Gavriel, no way are you going to get more units wholly within 12 AND in a decent position to charge.) and in the same general area. You're pigeonholing yourself into not only an INCREDIBLY predictable strategy but in a very one note build that people and armies will eventually figure out how to deal with the same way they figured out hammerstrike.

    What using Cogs or w/e instead does is it trades a bit of reliability for flexibility and it also means that the army can be stronger outside of the one note 'BLAM FROM THE SKY, HOPE I WIN THIS TURN' strategy that gavriel lists tend to devolve into. Not being trapped using a largely useless stormhost(the one unit of sequitors that comes back every 3rd game on turn 4 or 5 isn't anything to write home about and the rest of the abilities are almost completely irrelevant even compared to the generic non-stormhosts ones.) is a massive benefit.

    Yes, gavriel is far and away the most reliable way to get Sacrosanct units into combat turn 1, but let's not pretend that there aren't some pretty severe opportunity cost associated with packing a weak model into a weak stormhost for the sake of telegraphing exactly what your gameplan is to every person who gives your list even a casual once-over.

    Why would you ever want to dedicate units for protecting gavriel? :D
    As you mentioned, he is useless outside of the turn he delivers some melee units. Also, you seems to think that he is going to be used ONLY for evocators which is far from reality, I've won many games by tying up most of my opponents army with vanguard wing and I'm going to make my opponent choke on 20 sequitors whille I'm the one racking victory points. It also can be just him and 5 evocators, that is less than celestant prime, still deals a lot of damage, not going to handicap me if I wait for turn 2 or 3 and will get a guaranteed good charge because if my opponent is sitting in his deployment zone scarred to push on the objectives - that worth every single point and semi usefull artefact and lefts me with 1700 point for flexibility.

    Also the all-mighty cogs... As far as it goes you usually give your opponent a bigger favor by casting them and setting the for speed than you do yourself. I've won the game of Coallition of Death because my opponents casted cogs for us. So Me and my teammates got Orruk Megaboss, 2 units of brutes, 3 gore gruntas (with long charge bonus), 5 scioned retributors and 2 magmadrots into melee for the price of 30 vulkite berserkers that were slain 1st turn by two armies of undead, so we got our charges, inflicted a lot of casualties, got double turn and turned something that looked like a really bad position (we lost our most durable unit 1st turn against Legion of Blood, Legion of Nagash and Seraphon in 1000 points per player battle) into crushing victory with with score 18 to 12 in our favor and half of opponents frontline and support heroes dead by the end of turn 2. 

    You are also overlooking the possibility of footslogging Gav with whatever hard hitters and he will be safe and will do his job as good as heraldor/translocation+cogs

  4. 3 hours ago, James S said:

    Got 3 more games in with my learning 500pt list.  Played Maggotkin with Harbinger and 10 Blightkings and KO with Balloon Boys, Khemist, and lots of shooting.

    Squeeked out a win against Nurgle. Got absolutely demolished  by the KO guy. He just sniped off my heroes easily even with Look out Sir. I still can't figure out what I can do against that. I used the terrain to my ability and it didn't matter.

    Another night of using Flayers and just being underwhelmed with them. Thinking they have no business as a main unit but better served as harassment against weak units/heroes. I'm had I've been playing them a lot to atleast see what they can/cannot do well. Too much stuff has high Bravery these days. Feel like the scream is a waste. It took the Grim Garland and Sinister terrain just to peel a mortal wound off a Blight King. Couldn't keep my Infernal Courtier alive long enough to even try against KO.

    Try cogs+summoning units to tie up shooting units, but at this point format - there is not so much you can do against KO

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  5. 3 hours ago, Roark said:

    Giant point dump? I'm taking Evocators anyway because they kick ******. I'm taking a Relictor anyway because he has useful abilities. I'm taking Cogs because it's flexible and useful to my whole army. And of course I want the Evocators in combat - that's what they do (???)


    If it worked for you then fine, we all have serieses of great rolls, but I'm sticking to footsloging or Gav drop, because relible.

  6. 1 hour ago, Roark said:

    But we have sooo many tools to get them where they need to go: Translocation, Cogs, Heraldor, Scions, Gav et al.

    A 10 person unit of Evocators attacking twice in a turn is absolutely devastating, and I'm coming from Khorne (and liberal use of amped-up Letterbombs).

    Everything apart torpeding them with heraldor is a giant point dump (and Gav is not viable for Anvils) so You only get 11"+charge (spending CP 5/6 times for run rolls) to stay point effective, though it is not by any means bad, that's still a lot of points to take a unit from safety into combat and you still have to wait until next hero phase to throw additional activastion on.

  7. As I slowly approach my FEC waiting on sprues, I had a glance on this thread.
    Can't suggest the right size for magnets, but can give my two cents on magnetising, doing it with horrors is going to be far, far easier than kurnoth hunters that i did for my friend. 
    So this is what i do to not mess up polarity: I stack my small magnets on big, telescopic one and work around that, so I prepare a hole for magnet in body and glue it in by poking stack of magnets in, then I live two magnets there, one of them glued and second on top of the first, after that prepare a hole in hand, drop some glue there and press it in position. That way you should get all your models right.

  8. 12 hours ago, Nos said:

    While we're talking Vanguard, why are Gryph Hounds and Aetherwings getting bad press these days? Seem pretty versatile

    I don't like the range on GHounds warning cry, you basicly need to work out your deployment around idea of using them. I'm still going to try them because the number of undeads, seraphon and other armies that can summon units (as well as dropping stormcasts) 
    As for aetherwings - they are pretty good, I'm thinking of dropping a unit of raptors with 2-3 units of aetherwings to mess with opponents movement and feed him our battle pidgeons whille grabbing points and blasting enemy with shooting.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, ledha said:

    wut ? the longstrike were always average and the "look out sir!" rules is one of the final nail to their coffin

    Can't really agree on that, I happend to use a unit of 6 to amusing results as hero snipers. I belive double activation will effectively mitigate impact of look out sir when executing support heroes and give them enough damage to deal with elites/monsters. Also their headshots are not affected by modificators and with 18 shots a turn they can count for consistent damage deallers against very well protected targets. 
    But still very pricey and I doubt spamming them on 1k.

    • Like 2

    On 9/17/2018 at 11:37 PM, Future said:

    Quick follow up question:

    I see a lot of lists that run carno at all running it at scar veteran. I thought most people prefer old blood for command ability + range damage. Also I kind of saw old blood as the defacto monster killer. Is that not the case anymore?

    I'm a SCE player and I'm going to get Old Blood on Carno for CP-farm list to feed him with many-many aditional attacks :)

  11. 2 hours ago, Marcoangelo33 said:

    Hello all,

    I have a question for you distinguished people.  I recently started a stormcast army and I had some questions regarding the Sacrosanct Chamber Battalion.  It seems to me that we would not be able to play this in normal matched play at 2000 pts correct?  It would require 7 heroes (4 from grand convocation and 3 from hailstrorm battery.  

    Second question: Let's say I do take sacrosanct, do I get the benefits of the battalions within it?  Ex: Cleansing Phalanx- Evocator buffs to sequitors along with the warscroll ability from the sacrosanct battalion(attempt to cast 1 more spell)?

    Thank you for your help, I appreciate it and Praise SIGMAR

    As above, also the only "chamber battalion" you can fit in matched play is Vanguard Chamber

  12. Just passing by trying to make my friend who is new to AoS 1k points skryre list...
    Found your discussion on Spark working with shock gauntlets, as rules state: sometimes an attack can cause multiple hits that you have to roll to wound and save simultaniously, so that means all shock gauntlet hits from 6+ are part of ONE attack, the Spark tells us that we can increase damage characteristic of a weapon by 1 for single attack and not add 1 damage to the attack. So for me it means that all hits from single 6+ will benefit.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, CountryMou3e said:

    2 extra wounds over judicators @160 points

    double the amount of melee attacks 

    reroll ones or rend 2 (or always rend 2 with Azyros buff)

    18” range has never been an issue if you deploy well.


    Solid points, but there are some things to remeber
    Range on Judicators guarantee first turn shooting without wasting SotS slots in any scenario unless opponent backs up with his deployment
    Azyros is anothet tax distributed over castigators, so the point-per-wound difference decreases, also if you will be able to protect castigators it might be significantly harder to keep Azyros alive
    Then there is a new big factor for shooting: Look out Sir! Judicators can give me 4 4+/3+/-1/d1 and 1 3+/d6hits 3+/-1/d1 against little heroes, whille castigators get just 5 4+/3+/-2/d1 and 1 3+/3+/-2/d1 
    So your good rend does not matter if you can't hit the target

    Summarising all that with the fact that judicators are Battleline places classic over fancy ghostbuster grenadires, at least for me. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Black Blade said:

    Is there a specific reason you prefer Protectors over Evocators? Otherwise this is a great list I will take my next 1k game.

    Nope, just the fact that Aspirant wanted polearms

    UPD: maybe some more shooting protection from protectors can be nice

  15. 24 minutes ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

    nderstand the SCE golden boys and girls as I haven't really paid them much attention with my focus being on the two Gods of War lately in Khorne and Khaine. 

    tl;dr - I want to make a value SCE army using mostly boxed set Stormcast and am looking for ideas for lists to help get me started. 

    For a 1000 points list this is something I would run:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Staunch Defender 
    Lord-Castellant (100)
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    - Prayer: Translocation

    10 x Liberators (200)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 2x Grandhammers
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows

    5 x Protectors (200)
    - 2x Starsoul Maces
    3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (100)
    - 1x Stormsurge Tridents

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 67

    Previosly (1st ed)  it was Lord Celestant, retributors and gryph hound instead of protectors and incantor, but since there is no more 5+ MW on paladins you can go with magic instead (also POLEARMS)

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

    So I have a question and I'm sure it's probably come up in some form or another before. 

    I was originally sold into Age of Sigmar when I saw the Stormcast Eternals. I loved the weapons and the armor and the helmets and everything about them. It was a great poster faction to relaunch Fantasy around which I had always had a minor interest in when compared to 40k, which was marginally better. So I went and got the starter set and pretty much fell in love with good ole' Khorne instead, but I still like my Eternals and would like to build them up since there's a lot of value with the army since they're involved in most of the releases. 

    Anyways, backstory aside, my question is: In just primarily building around Soul Wars, Blightwar, SC boxes and what handful I have now, are there viable lists to be made with Stormcast using those models? I would be playing for fun, so I guess the answer is yes, but I might just take them to the shop in the future and I'd like to not get steam rolled. I have a handful of other models (both winged Knights, the Knight Heraldor, Lord-Castellant) and would also want to eventually get some Protectors (I love pole arms) and Javelin Prosecutors (Love, love, love Pole arms) as well as maybe some Fulminators (POLEARMS) but would otherwise build my forces using those boxed sets and SC boxes. 

    I'm mostly looking for ideas to get my started down the road as I can come to better understand the SCE golden boys and girls as I haven't really paid them much attention with my focus being on the two Gods of War lately in Khorne and Khaine. 

    tl;dr - I want to make a value SCE army using mostly boxed set Stormcast and am looking for ideas for lists to help get me started. 

    It's all up to you, everything that is sacrosankt are solid choices, from blightwar there is not very much you can grab (longstrike raptors) and everything else is just weaker then new chamber, but can perform decent. 

    Three of SCE main weaknesses are Bravery, Speed and Damage so you will need to focus on those, as well as having enough chaff and roadblocks to protect your heavy hitters (since you don't have a luxury of heavy-hitting roadblock that is 20 sequitors) and score objectives

    As for heroes Incantor and Castellant should probably be your go-to choices, Azyros now can buff melee, while Heraldor's buff is really good if opponent is trying to tie you down 

    Maybe it's just my bad rolls, but I see a tendency to get heavy losses from battleshock. That is something to remeber about.

    • Like 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I have boxes of soul wars (3) and a tempest of soul. Is it worth getting rid of one of soul wars box to get one sequitor box and one evocators box? (in term of number of miniature, that gets me 31 seq and 11evo but one less balista  (3) and 5 less catigators)


    Totally, same ETB miniatures are not really worth keeping in that numbers

  18. 6 minutes ago, Namelessone81 said:

    I am thinking something like this 

    but I have 120 to spare 

    what say you ? 



    Maybe split Evocs (unless its really important to run a unit of 10) and take cleansing phallanx, getting aditional CP and taking artefact from Hysh to restore spent CPs on 5+, I belive you will benefit from that, since you are running a really CP-hungry list.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Namelessone81 said:

    I am going to play against Nurgle this Sunday and I really want some tips and tactics against them cause the first time I played I got decimated :( 

    should I use a ranged focus army ? Maybe a spell oriented ? 

    Or just raw meele power ?

    Depends on what you have, but I suggest you bringing Incantor to delay Blades of Putrification for at least a turn and some dedicated hero sniping unit like longstrikes, or even celestant prime to assassinate some of opponents characters. But don't take Venator for that, he is not gonna do ******.

  20. 3 hours ago, Mark Williams said:

    I regularly play someone who is running 12 of them plus a lord arcanum on one. They are very strong, but only upper mid tier in my estimation. His games seem pretty binary. If he plays someone with poor stopping power, he just runs them over unchallenged. But when he faces an army with high attacks, he gets overpowered. The main issue is they are basically 100% assault, so they do amazing until they hit something that’s better at assault than them, or something that has a lot of shooting. We’ve had a lot of talks with each other about how to make the list stronger, but basically the crux of the issue is the cats are expensive so the model count is low, but there aren’t many good choices to replace them with that are stronger, except basically just swapping them out for foot evocators. Honestly I think the unit is in a weird place. Not quite as good as dracoths imo, so mostly just take them for visuals.

    So, I totally agree on what PJetski suggested and want to throw some thoughts on running a pack of 12. 

    Since 12 dracolines already have a lot of killing power I'd suggest taking relictor for divine light and castellant for warding lantern to boost their protection.  And with 3 battlelines, Arcanum on dracoline and pack of 12 that is going to wrap up his 2k pts list, with some room for endless spell(s).

    If he is facing enemies so resilient or wisely placed that the dracolines cannot remove the right away - get the anvils of the heldenhammer stormhost and swing at the opponent one more time the next turn after the charge.

    Now I'll also suggest dropping 3 cats for heraldor and 2 ballistas, so the list will have at list some shooting and an ability to escape unnecesary fights.

  21. 4 minutes ago, Fisren said:

    Hi, still relatively brand new to this game. Aiming to build a 1,000 point army based on the tempest/soul wars boxes (so mostly sacrosanct units (LA on gyphon, 2x 5 sequitors, evocators or castigator, knight-invocator, ballista). Most lists I've come across seem to include one or more endless spell (in particular chronomatic cog for the extra movement if I'm not mistaken). If I don't plan on using endless spells, does this cripple the army/ is it designed to be used with endless spells? 

    Hi there! The answer is no, you don't need to take endless spells to be good, but you probably want some defence against magic, so - knight incantor. If you would like to try epic malign sorcery shenanigans - get a box of SCE spells, the comet is nasty, the flying disk gives your wizard +1 save and another unbind roll, so good for defence, and hammernado just looks super badass.

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