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Posts posted by cplhicks

  1. Kunning Ruk 1 big boss 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Arrow boyz.

    Can still shoot or move in Hero phase must be wholly withing 12" of the Big boss.  Unit size in this battalion capped at 20. 

    140 pts

    So is the age of arrow spam dead or is is still workable?  I'm a bit surprised GW didn't nerf arrow boyz/kunning rukk in to the ground.  It seems still usable to me but we now have some other tricks or choices to run. 

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  2. I grabbed the points from GMC video review. 

    Savage Orruk  120-300

    Savage Orruk morboys 120

    Savage Orruk Arrow boyz 120

    Savage Orruk big stabba 100

    Savage Orruk Boarboyz130

    Savage Maniaks Boarboyz 140

    Maniak Weirdnob 120

    Wurrgog Prophet 160

    Savage Bigboss  100

    Wardokk  80

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  3. 7 hours ago, TheNotebookGM said:

    I cannot afford a splitterz release. I want nothing more than a board of naked dwarves battling naked orks.

    That's the classic retelling of Battle for Nudist Beach lolol.

    Also I want a new Bonesplitterz book so bad.  I bought a 2K army recently but with all the rumors swirling around it has been put on the back burner. 

    I would kill Sigmar himself for a Savage wyvrn model.  Please GW Please!

  4. I have a silly question for you guys.

    Can I brutally sacrifice a fighter who has been frozen in Time? 

    Time Trap reads:

    Choose an enemy fighter and roll a defence dice. On a roll of Shield or Critical Hit that fighter cannot make any actions or be damaged in this phase

    Brutal sacrifice reads:

    Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to another friendly fighter, and an upgrade in your hand that can be applied to the fighter you chose. The other fighter is taken out of action, and the upgrade is applied to the fighter you chose.

    Is there a difference between doing damage vs simply taking a fighter out of action?   Thanks for entertaining my silly query :D

  5. He knew what was coming and teched out.  Don't worry my player group (and my opponent) is awesome and full of friendly guys.  The group and the store owner already gave him a friendly roasting over it lol.


    It takes me a bit of time to learn and im still pretty new to AOS so I plan on just praticing until I get it.  


    I am considering getting a rogue idol as I just freaking love the model (which should be reason enough lol)

    • Haha 1
  6. Had my first two games today.


    Both my opponents were playing FEC.  My first game mission was  shifting objectives.  I got turn one charged by a buffed Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist who ate my Big Boss and then doubled attacked my arrow boyz while being supported by 6 Crypt Flayers.  Lost one of my arrow boyz mobs right off the bat.  After that it was a slow decline to being tabled.   The FEC shooting was pretty good against my low bravery boyz and I lost a lot that way.  The AGKRT also had the Ragged Cloak so I lost a turn of shooting against him. Savage Orks are criminally over costed.  120pts for what you get is just sad.  I found myself desperately wanting cheap chaff units to screen my arrow boys and block out flankers (I miss my Chaos marauders :( )  


    The second game was Scorched Earth ended pretty much by turn 1.  I got doubled charged by two buffed ZLD who ate an arrow boy mob and a savage ork squad as well as a Weird Nob.  Outflanking Crypt Flayers and Vargulf also got in my back lines causing havoc.   The store was closing in half an  hour so I called it.  There was no way to outscore him at this point. 


    I still had lots of fun and learned lots.  I’m struggling with hero positioning to protect them and still have them be in range of buffing units.  I figure that will come in time with practice.  I rolled a 5 for every loads of boyz role throughout the day lol.  That BS right there is why I worship Chaos lolololol.


    Oh jeeeze...


    Not like this!




    One funny thing to end this post on a positive note.  I rolled a 4 to cast Bone Spirit and my opponent laughs saying how he will deny it no problem.   Karma sucker!!!

  7. 1723127115_Bonesplitterzboxes2.jpg.70cfa5e232ffbc4b82126d99694bc823.jpg


    Reinforcements have arrived. 




    This is Stubz. He had his hands bitten off by a Dracoth.  He then proceeded to beat it to death with his bleeding stubs.  His positive  can do attitude is a inspiration to the rest of the ladz :P

    I also have my first local tournament coming up on April 13.  I didn't think it would be that fast so I am working extra fast( I'm currently covered in red paint ;) )

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  8. I just started playing AOS about a year ago and I just finished up my first army Slaves to Darkness (2520pts fully painted).  When I first started AOS I wanted to start with Maggotkin or Bonesplitterz.  I chose Maggotkin but that quickly became STD because I LOVE the Warqueen model (a decisive factor for me starting AOS lol).  I am looking forward to the big STD release but I just can’t get the Bonesplitterz love out of my system.  The solution is simple just build and paint an army of them!  


    There is a big tournament in my old home town that was partially set up my LGS and it is happening late July.  The goal is to build, paint and practice in order to attend this tournament.  I have very little experience playing in tournaments other than 2 small team events I went to with my buddy (we won one of them though!)  So with my lack of experience and my more “thematic” choice of faction my real goal is just to win at least 1 tournament game.  It just helps to motivate me to have a deadline to finish everything. 


    I’m not a great painter but I really want to push myself for a personal best for this army.  This way I put the hobby side first and winning comes last.  I hope to update this thread with my building, painting, practice game battle reports and ultimately the day of the tournament itself.




    The start of my humble army.  I have a few more sets I ordered from my LGS I will be picking up later. 


    Here is the first 40 built! 



    Got my first batch of boyz primed up. 


    You also can't can't have a great WAAAAGGGGHHHH on a empty stomach so I made cake and apple crisp lol. 


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  9. 6 hours ago, Imperi-um said:

    Hey all, dumb question as I'm still a noob regarding AoS.
    I really really want to run a Jabberslythe in my Maggotkin army as they seem to fit in perfectly, so gross. Now they don't contain the "Nurgle" keyword but is it still possible to get one included some other way?

    It has the Monster of Chaos keyword so you can take it as an ally. 


    • Thanks 1
  10. A quick update on my doubles tournament I had 2 weeks ago.  My partner and I managed to come in 4th which we felt was pretty good as we're not hardcore tournament players.  My take away and fun moments:

    Wheel abuse is real and extremely good.

    Archie pretty much got turn 1 charge every game due to my cheeky Nurgle tree.

    Summoning 5-10 plaguebearers to grab or reinforce an objective is clutch. 

    30 Chaos Warriors tarpitted an opponent's  Archie all game.

    Overall I had a great time and we raised $1400 in direct donations to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto (the real winners of the tournament).  😊

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