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Posts posted by cplhicks

  1. Finally got a game in with my ladz.  I fought FEC and got a minor win (came down to who scored more battle tactics tie beaker) very close game of 2 honest melee factions.  My take aways:

    Savage orks are so pillow fisted.  You pretty much hope to just roll 6's for MW but my blob of 20 spent all game trying to chew through 3 horrors, 10 ghouls and a varghulf.  This has been a theme throughout all my games plus they are so dang slow they often get beaten to the objective first.  We play with the full 8 pieces of terrain and have found their slow movement a major detriment trying to move around terrain. 

    First game with Big stabbas and I really liked them.   They made great speedbumps and screens for my characters while still being able to do some damage.  What a difference it was to actually have some rend on my attacks!

    Lazer eyes continues to be crazy good lolol.  One without the 4+ ward nuked 18 wounds off a mega gargant before blowing his brains out and the 4+ ward guy killed a zombie dragon and finished off the mega gargant  next turn after being poked by some boars and the first prophet.  My opponent immediately went online to look up his warscroll after doing it lololololol

    The Waaaggh is very helpful in blunting alpha strikes.  I've had a lot of success popping the Waaagh early so I can survive and i counter punch.  Really liking that ability.

    I really like the Rogue Idol but he feels a tad too expensive and it doesn't seem hard for my opponents to kill him easily in 1 round.  A small points reduction would be really welcomed for him as I love the model/rules and fluff.  

    Here's hoping the GHB brings us more buffs so we can collect more bones!!!

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  2. Glad to hear that Kragnos has been good.  I'm getting ready to try him out with my army.  I've been grinding away with my Boyz practicing all through 3rd and am excited to add him into the army. 

    I don't like the model though so I' trying to come up with a conversion.  

  3. I've gotten a few games in now with the new book.  I've lost all but one game so far.  However, I've been playing competitive players with competitive lists and I'm very new to 3.0 (all these games are my only 3.0 games lol).  Despite losing so much I feel the  army is better then what I initially thought.  Is it S tier?  Heck no, but I feel like it's a solid C+/B-.  It feels quite playable and I think as I get more practice and experience I'll start to do better. 

  4. Got my second game in today with my Bonesplitterz against Lumineth.  We were both new to 3.0 so we were learning the rules as we went and kept things causal.    Game went neck and neck with scoring up until turn 3 where I managed to kill every unit but Teclis and still had a good number of units left and my opponent conceded. 

    Some highlights were a Idol charging a Loreseeker leaving him on 1 would which would cost me the objective but I finished him off with the end of combat phase MW on a 4+. 

    I also used the Tikki mask to nuke a fox off the table in one round.  First roll was a 1 and then I rolled 4 MW's to myself (saved half) and then after that I just kept rolling 3+ like a boss lol. 

    I was able to do a cheeky pile in move on his spears to draw in his unit of 20 archers so I could charge them next turn with a Idol and not worry about unleash hell or redeploy. 

    It was a really fun game and my opponent was a super awesome guy.  I'm feeling a tad bit more hopeful about the army.

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  5. I'd love to see more rule differances between Morboyz/Savage Orks and Savage Boarboyz/Manaik Boarboyz.  The army feels very "samey" if that makes sense.  Some new units filling new roles like monsters or warmachines would help to mix thinks up. 

    I still love my naked Savages and am looking forward to playing them in 3.0.  😁

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  6. 3 hours ago, Graywater said:

    So it was only a 1 day, 3 game event, but I won an event with the Dave kerr Knights of the empty throne list the other weekend. Wanted to use a tried and true list for my first event with the subfaction. Its a great list, but I think it's days are numbered with new be'lakor coming. I've been playing around with lists that don't run him so I'm prepared if they change change him/take him away. Taking him out really messes with the feel of it. My favorite is a 1 drop army with the 6 varanguard and 2x10 chaos knights. 

    Would you mind sharing your list with 20 Knights and the 6varanguard?  I really want to see a armored list do well as they are my favorite models. 

  7. I moved at the end of summer and changed jobs so there was a big pause on things but I'm back at it. I'm still slowly chipping away at my army and have recently finished 20 Moarboyz, 6 Big Stabbas and a converted Wardokk.  I'm currently chewing through another 30 savage ork mob. Hoping to have a nice full sized fully painted army by the summer.  😄


    Big stabba 1.jpg

    Big stabba 2.jpg

    Moar Boyz banners.jpg

    Moarboyz boss.jpg

    Wardok 1.jpg

    Wardok 2.jpg

    • Like 2
  8. Another vote for  Frost Sabers.  I have a 48 kitty cat list I'm dieing to make but there is no way in heck I'm buying 48 finecast  Frost Sabers . 

    I know I can proxy (wolves, pigs) but that ruins the theme which is CATS!   I bet with the Underworlds warband we will get plastic cats in the next 2 years as a CAD file exists.

    • Haha 1
  9. I was trying to figure out a Big Rukk list and this was my Stab (Stab, Stab!) at it.


    Wardokk (80)

    Wardokk (80)

    Wardokk (80)

    Wardokk (80)

    Wurrgog Prophet (160)

    Savage Big Boss (90)



    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)

    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)

    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)

    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)

    10 x Savage Orruks (120)  (can be swapped out for 5 boars if needed/wanted)

    - Chompas

    30 x Savage Orruks (300)

    - Chompas



    Big Rukk (80)

    Kop Rukk (140)

    Kop Rukk (140)

    Brutal Rukk (140)


    Total: 1970 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 4

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 193


  10. On Warscroll builder it  is giving me the option to add a ravagers command trait to Archaon.  Clearly this is a mistake?  The ravagers rules just  say any Ravagers Hero can take one.  While Archaon  is technically a Ravagers Hero in that Dammed Legion there has to be rules else where stating that named characters can't take CT's?  Unless the Ravagers rules get around that because every hero can take one instead of just the general.


    *EDIT* Looked it up and the specifically mentions Archaon   in the example as not being allowed CT. Boooo! But also understandable haha😆

  11. I feel conflicted.  I really  want to make a effective   Big Stabba heavy list.  BIG WAAAGGH makes a ton on of sense as the bonus there really buff them up.  However, I LOVE the Bonesplitterz and really want to make a pure army.   


    Some pro's for the Bonesplitterz

    The scout move really helps Big Stabba

    The monster hunter chart can help a bit but they will already nuke a monster off the table lol

    Clan bonuses: I think Drakkfoot is best as it helps turbo charge their lethality (plus they have hilarious fluff)


    But is that better then +1 to hit and wound +1 to charge rolls, and the Zog em ablity? (take damage and can move D6")

  12. I was playing around on warscroll builder looking at a Kop Ruk, Teff Ruk MSU Big Stabba list

    Here is a quick rough draft:

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz

    Savage Big Boss (100)
    Wardokk (80)
    Wardokk (80)
    Wardokk (80)

    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)
    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)
    30 x Savage Orruks (300)
    - Chompas

    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)
    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)
    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)
    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)

    Kop Rukk (140)
    Teef Rukk (140)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 185

    • Like 1
  13. MSU Big Stabbas has been on my mind as a big block of them is too juicy of a target for my opponent.   I wonder if MSU will reduce their effectiveness because you can't buff one big block.

    Would a Teef Ruk be good for MSU?  The ability is wholly within 12" so you could get more then 1 small squad to benefit but it does force you to clump up near the Big Boss (now 10pts cheaper! lol)

  14. I had built a balanced Big WAAAAGH list to be used as my main AOS army for the next year or two but it got hit hard by the points changes so I think I will be going  back to pure bonesplitterz. 

    I was considering a pretty spammy boyz list (296 wounds, 2 drop list) but I don't think it would be fun to play (or play against).  With the point changes to Bonesplitterz the only real impact in the Idol going up 20. 

    Has anyone one had any luck with a Big Stabba list?  Like 10+ (because I'm a  Maniak!)

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  15. Long time no bump!  I stopped working on the army due to moving and then waiting for the new book to come out.  Once the book released I got back at it.  Also the pandemic has messed with events and such so I haven't had a lot of chances to play either. 

     I have a psychomotor disability that affects my fine motor skill (my mom got me in the hobby at the wee age of 11 as  a form a physical therapy).  Still over the next 2 decades of practicing and learning new techniques as well as new tools such as washes I was able to improve my personal painting skills.  The goal with this army was to paint it to a personal best standard which I feel I have hit and I am very proud of them.    I am feeling a bit burnt out and am taking a small break after painting so many naked green butts...so...very many...every time I close my eyes all I see are green butts....😆

    I have 6 Goregruntas that are 95% done as well and am waiting on some  sealant before fishing them up.  I also have a partial Greenskinz Orruk Warboss conversion I'm working on plus another converted Wardok and Maniak Weirdnob.  

    Anyways on to the pics of dubious quality!








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