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Posts posted by Silphid

  1. 50 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    The preview also showed an ork hero on a giant squig,

    If you look at it a second time, it looks like a large squig (with rider) pulling a large platform behid it with guns etc. Some sort of squig battlewagon perhaps. i do hope for a boss on giang squig but if it is to come, it’s not on the cave wall paintings.

  2. I think your themes and ideas are interesting and relevant, something definetly worth exploring; I however think GW isn’t the best place for it. It’s heavy stuff (what if the person wants to be eaten as an example) for what remains essentially lore and games for the whole family (with darker themes of course). I encourage you to continue your writing and there probably is a better venue for you, a publisher that will not be as concerned with mainstream market appeal as GW is. You don’t need the GW IP to explore these ideas...

  3. 3 minutes ago, kahadin said:

    Please no ;_;

    There was a time in 40k where every chaos space marines army was count as space wolves or count as blood angels or count as black templars. I don't want to go back to that.

    I’m not being serious. My count as armies (have a few) are designed and customized specifically for the role, not a cheap means tu play the power flavor of the month.

    just dissapointing to have to wait 4 months for the hope of points afjustments that will bring our listbuilding into sharper focus. I’ll finish 1000pts and move to the next project in the meantime.

    • Like 2
  4. Am I right to assume there will not be any point change until a GHB 2021 in July?

    reading the rules for new Lumineth windchargers where they basically get 6” pile in on the charge and do not have to pile in to closest enemy (free to move around the enemy every turn), I am frankly jealous. What we try to get from the seeker cavalcade comes built in for lumineth. i know, I know it’s not exactly the same, but it feels lie, a swit ability meant for our “fastest cavalry in the game”. They even get an ability to give their cavalry 16” fly movement... sigh.

    perhaps play lumineth count as with my new hedonites? I wanted moryals anyway, not interested to be forced into summoning dozens of daemonettes...

  5. The 40k preview of Be’lakor paint the picture of a massively powerful character, in the supreme commander weight class. It could stand to reason that his upgrade  for AoS will be in the same scale - that is, a massive 450+pts character.

    Hope it remains relevant to run him leading mortals doing his bidding...

    • Like 2
  6. Hate to rain on OBR’s wishes, but why would this archer simply not be a 1-of for Warhammer Underworlds? Like the sylvaneth archer or the blissbard melee mortal in Hedonites. i really don’t see how a surprise new kit of archers based on the same mortek guard design would come out of the blue for this. Stranger things have happen, but this seems like a super unlikely event when an underworld team is scheduled to be revealed for OBR...

    • Like 5
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  7. 6 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    I actually don't think the internal balance is that bad regarding what is on the warscroll and the relative costs between them. 

    For example let's say Seekers are much cheaper. The incentive structure would just be to 2.9 lock with as many units of seekers as possible and run up the score. Which isn't exactly in the spirit of the game. At least blissbarb seekers can pretend to fight and shoot at the target they are locking.

    Can someone explain to me this 2.9” shenanigan? You have to finish 0.5” from enemy by charging to even get within 2.9” of a unit... do you mean to pile in with a unit and tag another at 2.9” while doing so, using the larger oval cavalry bases as a means to easily get closer to your pile in targer and still reach other units at 2.9”.


  8. 2 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Looking back there seems to be quite a few chaos themed rumour engines. 

    I like the thought someone here mentioned about Be'l bringing in the Darkoath as a group. 

    A lot of the rumour engines look like they'd fit in with the Untamed Beasts and Darkoath Chieftains.

    Am I clutching at straws? Absolutely. Am I still hyped? Absolutely! 

    I d love  Be’lakor themed barbarian and chaos warrior theme completely unaligned (no marks of chaos but undivided allowed), but the fact that the big reveal of Be’lakor was with nothing but other daemons around him forces me to conclude that he will be more at home commanding other daemons.

    While clutching at straws, I’d hope BR3 launches with new marauders/horsemen (per the hoof in the rumor engine) as well as stand alone kits for the warriors and knights... and a few new undivided daemons 😁

    • LOVE IT! 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Just had a game against Gloomspite Gitz squig list (2 manglers, 1 colossal, rest are bounders who do 2 damage on a charge) using this intentionally awful list:


    - Glutos 

    - Sigvald

    - Lord of Pain (general), retreat and charge

    - Shardspeaker

    - Painbringers ×5

    - Twin souls ×5 

    - Slickblade Seekers ×5

    - Blissbarb Archers ×11

    - Blissbarb Seekers ×5

    - Slaangors ×3

    Somehow, even with this list, I managed to win on shifting objectives. The game was a lot of scrums over the objectives. I got a total of 25 depravity over two turns before tabling the goblins. 

    Glutos was a massive tank - he survived two rounds in combat with a charging mangler squig and killed it despite fluffing a lot, and his -1 to hit aura provided much needed defence for the rest of the army (especially against squigs). Glutos used the battleshock immunity spell which I'd really recommend on him until he can switch it out on the 3rd battleround. 

    Slaangors and painbringers weren't great, but somehow kept a colossal squig in check until Glutos finished it off. 

    Slickblades were great, doing a good amount of damage to boingrot bounders and got a lot of depravity points from them. 

    Twin Souls lost two early from a charge, but killed four bounders and helped a summoned unit of fiends to kill the rest of the unit of 10. 

    The on foot archers died immediately on a charge but did some small damage beforehand. The blissbarb seekers were weirdly tanky with Glutos nearby. 

    Sigvald survived a mangler charge and did 9 damage in return, before he finished it off next turn. He was okay, but was stuck in a corner for a while.

    Overall, I had a lot of fun and it reminds me more of old AoS where combats weren't decided by who attacks first. It is much much more fun to me for combats to be decided over multiple rounds rather than in huge alpha strikes. Certainly this list wasn't optimal, but I'm kind of glad we don't have some crazy way to get 50 attacks at 2/2/-2/3  on a first turn charge or something.

    How did the blissbarb seekers feel, vs slickblades? Did you feel like another  of slickblades would have been preferable, or they played their own jseful role? Wondering If I build one of each or 2 slickblades. I am considering Glutos in larger lists (planning and painting 1000 pts first).

  10. I bought 2 units of exhalted seekers, and am currently painting blissbarb archers. I am aiming for 1000 pts, and when that is painted And Inplay a few games, will determine if I go to 2000 or start the next shiny new thing.  I like variety but am concerned that I end up preferring the melee slickblades to the ranged seekers, especially since I am considering the seeker cavalcade at 2000.

    For those with experience with this army, do you feel 1-2 units of slickblades and a single unit of seekers is a good build, or should I really specialize my cavalry to melee and compound interest with the Cavalcade battallion?


  11. Assembled archers today; one of the worst kit I’ve even done (and  I built them most of them). Half an arm, a third of a head joined with an ankle; you have to insert in, rotate the piece and hold, hoping it didnt stick before you find it’s place. Some arms are so tiny that getting them to hold it the intended position is extremely difficult. Since the micro details are cranked to 11 you end up with mold lines in ackward places. The worst is mold injection points that covers details, such aS hair. When you cut it off, you would have to manually re-sculpt tiny hair lines to keep the original intended texture.


    the past t years of kits has been stellar, this seems like it was cut for sprues by amateurs. Also, zero customization in poses. Of course you can cut and resculpt joints, but the kit itself will always produce the same 11 models save the leader which has alternate face and hand weapon (but exact same pose).


    Beautiful  (and tiny! 28mm bases) but what an unpleasant experience to build. Hoping seekers were better planned.

    • Like 1
  12. Summoning seems strong, but extra cost baked in units seems high. I think long term, summoning DP costs should go up and pts per unit down, to reduce abuse.

    As it stands, looking to be as competitive as possible, could we not run the hedonite alliegeance ability of summoning, but use mostly S2D units for their lower point cost? Sure you lose locus (which a mortal themed army wouldnt have anyway) and exploding 6’s, but for that loss, you get more bang for your buck in S2D units, which will all generate Depravity points for summoning, without the summoning tax baked in Hedonite-specific units. I would run painbringers as chaos warriors , melee-converted blissbarb archers for marauders, etc, Glutos as himself or a warshrine, and fuel the summoning.

    Doesn’t that make sense, again, if you are looking at optimizing power?


    • Like 1
  13. Pondering the following list; would appreciate oponions as I am new to Hedonites (My mains being DoK, skaven & Sylvaneth)

    Lurid Haze Host


    Lord of Pain


    3x Blissbarb Archers

    2x Fiends

    2x Slickblade Seekers

    The intent is to surprise attack using Lurid's ability Glutos, Fiends, and LoP if I get a lucky D3 roll. My assumption is that Glutos supported by Fiends in the opponent'S backfield should create a significant/survivable threat.

    Syll'Esske , archers and slickblades march up the board to reinforce Glutos attack. Summoning is obviously meant to fill holes as my opponent tears them apart ;)


    What are your thoughts on such an approach for a list? (no battalions Gasp!)

    • Like 1
  14. To me the fact that no mention whatsoever has been hinted towards the Depravity summoning mechanic is clear indication that it didn’t change. You would bring it up right away if you changed it, as it is the center of attention and “desire” for all fans. Or you just have no clue that it is in such need of an overhaul, in which case you wouldn’t have changed it anyway...

    sounds like the old codex with new units and 3 battalions to go along with it. Everything that was remains as is.  Dissapointing and unsurprising.

    Doesn’t mean however that interesting build can’t be made using the new  toys; I sure will try! But without changes to the core mechanics, i will hold off buying and theorycraft a few weeks before I decide if I can have some fun with this army “extension”, as opposed to an army “revamp”.

    • Like 1
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  15. I think expecting different centerpieces based on other depraved angles is just wishlisting. We have received a great offering of new models, we won’t see more for years as the focus goes to other armies.

    This centerpiece model is intimidating to paint, but very impressive. Although it is obviously unique, It won’t stop me from converting to whichever angle of depravity I chose, give it a new name and use it’s rules to represent my own theme. Yes it remains unique in your army, but let’s be honest it’s so much work (and probably 400+ points) that you wouldn’t want two anyway...

    • Like 2
  16. The bullgore reused head is laughingly bad. Thankfully the covered head is excellent.

    So we can forecast the following kit:

    -Myrmidesh/sybaresh armored infantry


    -light archer infantry (no melee dual kit it seems based on absence in warcry)

    -dual kit archer light cavalry/glaive light cavalry



    -palanquin-type centerpiece model in background of preview video

    Thats a good lineup,; we have yet to see the new mount for the cavalry; no sense reusing the hellstrider mount since its a dual kit so I expect it to be something new. 

    • Confused 1
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