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Posts posted by BobbyB

  1. 35 minutes ago, Malin said:

    Lack of prices is either:

    - evidence of not the smartest photographer taking pictures

    - GW putting those pictures over the Internet intentionally to wet our appetites while not revealing everything

    Or that they're not shown in WD, remember they only show what's on preorder up to about mid month in WD so if pre-orders start later in the month the dates and prices won't be in there 

  2. I think if they were going to preview something like Adeptus Titanicus they would have done it at Gamma.   That is indeed a very bold statement about the reveals, but I would be surprised if they fully announced AoS2 as you'd imagine it might put a dampner on idoneth excitement,  maybe a very minimal tease?

  3. Yeah I got the feeling that GW were trying to link Shadespire more to independents who have the capacity to run OP events, but it does make me worry for the future of the game. Primarily because it doesn't feel like they have a great handle on where they want to go with it, which it really needs.  For example I think it's safe to assume that the next two warbands will be out quarter 2 2018, so when that happens if a new player wants to take up the game competitively they will need to fork out for the game and six expansions.  Individually these are very good value but I would say that's about the point where they buy in starts to become unwieldy.  So what happens at the end of the 'shadespire' season?  Will cards begin to be phased out? If not it's going to get out of hand very quickly.  I think probably the best thing GW could do for OP is allow all warband specific cards, and then only cards from the latest 'season', which would mean the max buy in for a new player taking on one warband would be a base game and 7 expansions (assuming 6 expansions per 'season'.

    I understand there is a huge amount of assumption and extrapolation in this post, and this probably isn't the place for it, just something I've been thinking about.

  4. I might be clutching at straws here, but I'm sure someone on here and dakka rumoured blightkings on plague drones, and this would be about the right base size for something like that and GW do like to have their nurglings mimicking the models they accompany...? Probably just a new beast though



    2 hours ago, Veillotron said:

    Well, here's a rumour (kind of) for those who might have missed it: at the end of the What's New in December article, GW wrote: "Make sure you come back to Warhammer Community on Saturday for a closer look at these releases and even more reveals – there’s one, in particular, you won’t want to miss".

    From memory, wasn't Tzeentch previewed in December last year, saying that Tzaanuary was going to be a great month?

    So I'm putting my thin foil hat, crossing my fingers and making the prediction that a new AoS set of models will be announced on Saturday. It's going to be BIG!


    Re the new Lord-Celestant:

    1) His face reminds me of Meatloaf (the singer). I am not a huge fan of the sculpt, but just to have Meatloaf in my team I might get him.

    2) I'm actually looking forward to this new Lord-Celestant's war scroll - seems like he will have more of a defensive focus...

    Interesting, but isn't the 40k open day this weekend? I wouldn't be surprised if it's just 40k stuff.  If memory serves the tzeentch stuff was teased nearer Christmas around the time they did the year end round up

  6. Well GW did a little summary of it on the community site! There wasn't much other than what's on there that was said.


    Off the top of my head things that came up in the Q&A:

    Malign Portents will make AoS darker, advance the timeline and hopefully deepen the fluff at the same time.  It will effect everyone in AoS but will be focussed on specific realms.

    I asked about whether there would be any AoS crossover with the daemon's book and they said any miniatures they make for 40k daemons are usually compatible with AoS...strange they didn't mention miniatures!;)

    40k but mentioned Space Wolves would feature in chapter approved



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