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Posts posted by BobbyB

  1. 9 hours ago, tripchimeras said:

    I'd love to see a narrative driven RPG game in the vein of Dragon Age: Origins.  I think the setting and lore are great, and most of the GW offerings have been very game play heavy (makes sense given that they are based on a table top game).  But considering the shear volume of quite good lore and novelizations, I would love to see a more narrative focused branching paths bioware/obsidian style rpg or whatever.  Travelling through the realms on some epic quest accompanied by a motley crew of companions from a bunch of different factions, developing the characters etc along the way would be great.  Would love to have choice of any of the races, but even if they forced you to be in stormcast or whatever, feel like it'd be pretty damn cool.

    This would be cool.


    I've also been playing Shadows Of Mordor recently, and thinking about how great an AoS game it would make.  Play as a stormcast, and you could specialise into different variants of stormcast,  Could be set during the realmgate wars with khornate daemons and mortals, use the nemesis system to progress them from reavers to blood warriors to mighty lords to daemon princes

  2. Have you got a source for that? Before the the split to separate teams he was always described as a product developer, now more ambiguously as megaboss (ie in the WH Fest program).  He wasn't involved in the rules team seminar at WH Fest either.  It's always been my impression that his role is more about co-ordination of the products and team than having an active role in any rules design

  3. When asked about a StD battletome at the WHFest seminar Pete Foley said that the warcry stuff may have the StD keyword (in a leading way). So while I wouldn't hang my hat on a battletome coming out at the same time, I think the warcry warbands will feature in a forthcoming StD battletome

  4. Wasn't there a pretty extensive rumour about what Warcry was going to be a while ago that seemed to be right and said there would be no magic in the base game? I think that probably sounds right and then we'll get a kill team style expansion to add magic

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  5. 6 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Well there is at least two podcasts (or was it in some White dwarf article too ?) talking about a future revamped AOS WHQ. 

    So, knowing that GW already have materials and feedbacks (from Silver Tower, Shadow Over Hammerhal and Blackstone Fortress) to work from, and  that the creative process usually takes years (firstly in terms of models designing), it's quite clear they are already working on it - otherwise they wouldn't even mention it.

    I think 2020 is a realistic expectation for a release date.

    This is how we get situations where people get uppity about things that never happened.  Pete Foley said on stormcast that Warhammer quest was 40k at the moment, but that he was sure it would come back one day, everything else you've added is conjecture

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  6. 15 hours ago, sorokyl said:


    "2019 will see new battletomes for every Grand Alliance! Some brand-new armies will be joining the fray, as well as classic armies updated for the new edition."
    If you take this literally, then there are 2 or more brand new armies in 2019. 

    No mention of Aelves though, which is my point

  7. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I believe GW mentioned that one new army was coming recently, 

    Does anyone have a link to this? I don't remember seeing it.

    The impression that I get is that this is all based on them being mentioned in various books.  We know (from Nick Horth on stormcast) that the writers nest stuff into the books for potential inspiration for the miniatures designers at some undetermined point down the line, but it definitely doesn't have any bearing on how likely they are to be released soon, otherwise we would have grotbag scuttlers.

    I could be wrong, but this seems like one of those situations where the community works itself up into a fervour about something with no real indication it's happening, then convinces itself that everything is a clue towards that end, and then blames GW when something they never promised fails to materialise.

  8. @Lanoss I have been running double maw krusha bloodtoofs (and will be for the foreseeable future because I'm moving house and won't have a chance to paint anything else before my next tournament).  I love it, and have a decent record in club games recently. (I went 1-4 at blood & glory but that was my first games of AOS2).  To be honest I'd be surprised to do better than 2-3 at a tournament, but then I've never done better than that with any army anyway 😂)

    It means you can use one to cover most of the table for the waagh, and then stick the other in their face (I take mirrored cuirass for some mortal wound defence).  Yes taking objectives can be tricky so you have to push to do enough damage to keep your opponent off them, but that's part of the fun!

    PS. If you ever play escalation with this list then good luck 😂

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