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Posts posted by Carnith

  1. 2 hours ago, Laststand said:

    I think its likely that many of the older factions without a battletome will stay that way for a number of reasons. 1. Tightening up intellectual property (anyone can sell knights, only GW can sell stormcast, orks and elves changed to Orruks and aelves). 2. It makes no business sense to put huge amounts of work into a battletome and maybe 1 or 2 new models so that guy with 3,500pts of brettonians can play them again when you are in the business of selling models. Far better to launch a new faction or update something already supported (i.e. dark elves must largely disappear when malerion's shadow aelves arrive. Ironjawz and KO who need life support)

    What I can see happening is certain key factions like skaven, making a big comeback as they have wide appeal, great lore, a presence in the story thread of AOS and a ton of models that are either hard to collect or resin/metal. They, like grots have the potential to sell huge amounts of new and updated models.  

    At some point there is also prob going to be an anti nagash death faction and that could mark tomb kings return, perhaps half flesh, half bones.


     We also have to remember that 2018 was battletome rapid fire for 40k and they could easily be planning the same for supported AOS factions this year. 

    I think we could definitely need some battletomes come out for older factions. I think factions in the GHB are definitely safe and will see books with some updated models. Darkling covens I don't think will be squatted when they have allegiance abilities now, same with freeguild and old-dwarves. Now old high elves are certainly in a weird spot. The closest to be a full faction is swifthawk agents, but with no abilities and all of their models really being old kits you can't get anymore, who knows where they will go. 

    Also, we saw beasts of chaos which threw several factions together to form a larger faction. Perhaps this is what will happen to old high elves so that they can work together again. Maybe it'll be more akin to Elves in end times with lists allowing all the elves to work together. So just because some factions dont have abilities at the moment, I think they can get thrown in. I'm assuming at this point a skaven book right now will contain all of the clans, BoC or LoN style.

  2. Ironjawz

    Maw krusha

    2 megabosses

    2 warchanters

    1 weird nob

    20 brutes

    20 ard boyz

    9 goregruntas

    1 troll hag

    1 Gargant 



    90 Daemonettes (80 plastic, 10 metal, about to be about 30 more from wrath and rapture, another SC)

    20 Seekers (about to be 35 for same reasons above)

    1 Keeper of Secrets

    1 Exalted Daemon


    3 exalted chariots

    15 hellstriders

    2-3 regular heralds. 

    I also the ability to make 2 regular seeker chariots or 2 hellflayers or a fourth exalted chariot, with 2 more on the way from another SC box.

    3 fiends after W&R with another box set hopefully

    1 Enrapturess, hopefully another.

  3. Hi all, I'm usually a Slaanesh player, but for an upcoming doubles sometime in the future, me and a friend are pairing up. The problem is, he runs beasts and since I run slaanesh daemons, where 5+ normal saves are everywhere, I was worried I could gimp myself. 

    So my currently slaanesh list would be two giant squads of daemonettes, a greater daemon, and 2 support units. 

    For a BoC list I made

    Allegiance: Beasts Of Chaos
    - Greatfray: Allherd
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    Tzaangor Shaman (180)
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    9 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (420)
    10 x Tzaangors (180)

    Total: 1000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 20
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 87

    With the idea of having the bray shaman stay back to sacrifice ungors while the enlightened and the shaman run up ahead and slam into a big unit. My buddy is still testing out lists, but likes a big squad of ungor raiders, big squad of gors, some bestigors, a shaman and a lord with gavespawn, and I think his last list had a spawn in it. 

  4. Ive been asking for Slaanesh elves for about a year. It would give Slaanesh a non-human faction to worship it to be special. I actually bought some DoK models to be used as my Slaanesh themed roles. For example, I bought a mistweaver saih (yes, not a DoK model) as a chaos sorcerer. I bought a unit of Khinerai to proxy some heroes. The unit champion will be a regular lord of chaos, a heartrender will be a lord of slaanesh, and Im thinking of buying some chaos chariots and replacing the charioteers with some of the khinerai to give them a more daemonic looks, the gorebeasts would be placed with fiends I think depending if fiends get a rules update.

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  5. Early AoS was basically Calvinball, where the forces are made up and the points don't exist. 

    From the onset, AoS was a pretty good game, just lacked by any real balancing mechanics. How could I switch up lists after me and my opponent after testing several games finally found a combination that made for an interesting game? It really couldn't work, and a lot of people just asked for points. When we finally got the GHB, a lot of people did enter the game as it had finally reached a good level, but now all of the skeptics of Sigmar used the pre-ghb era to paint the game in the same light. Hell, even in my GW, I get these few guys who used to play fantasy keep making snide remarks that it looks like fantasy, but the lack of movement trays disuade them.  If people who didn't like sigmar before, would give the current edition and set up a try, I'm sure they'd like it.


    Now all that being said, where's my Slaanesh rumors GW? The Dark Prince awaits their return.

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  6. I know managers in the states are in Texas this week getting ready to go for Second edition. I had initially decided to take a break from aos for some 40k, but with second edition being announced and being absolutely excited for everything so far announced, I'm back to playing sigmar when I can get up to my GW once a week. 

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