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Posts posted by eciu

  1. 17 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    It's ridiculous the mounted archers have 4 wounds. Double a seeker or hellstrider? More than a deathrider or chaos knight? Just downright bizarre. The sort of thing you'd say was a typo on first glance...but not even GW could be that incompetent, so somebody somewhere thought it made sense. 

    I can't really see why you'd ever take the non-mounted ones. 180 points for 20 wounds on a 5+, 14" movement, decent melee, and 16 4/4-1/1 shots that do mortals on a 6 to wound...vs 160 points for 11 wounds on a 6", 6" movement, terrible melee, and 21 4/4/-1/1 shots with +1 to wound as long as the guy without the bow stays alive. 


    And people were complaining about KO shooting....


    Man those are really strong bows! (compared to that funny looking big tubes of KO thunderers). 




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  2. 24 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    Don't worry, Dwarfs will get something someday.

    After Elves have their 14th book

    Don't get me started.


    I got heartbroken after finding out that elf spearboys have stolen dwarf ironbreaker cinderblast bombs... ;(

  3. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I am still conflicted between: thinking this is the best looking army with the most compelling lore following my favourite of the Chaos Gods, and being worried about the problematic stereotypes perpetuated by the history of the faction.

    Too many damn elfes, not enough gyrocopters....

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  4. Also if you switch some textures (northalnder into skellies, skaven to some vampiric monsters and rats) you get a perfect intro to WHQ: Cursed City.


    (heck just give Hardin engineer skyhook instead of mini organ gun, and give salty boy some of the Sienna's treatment so he resembles more of a new vampire hunter)



    Or they could maybe do that with an actual miniatures:


  5. Also if you switch some textures (northalnder into skellies, skaven to some vampiric monsters and rats) you get a perfect intro to WHQ: Cursed City.


    (heck just give Hardin engineer skyhook instead of mini organ gun, and give salty boy some of the Sienna's treatment so he resembles more of a new vampire hunter)



  6. 35 minutes ago, ian0delond said:

    WH TW and also Vermintide have been massive successes but no influx into WHFB since both series got their first games in 2016 and 2015. 

    Man the Vermintide is so beautiful and climatic.  

    It's a love letter to an Old World ❤️

    (Empire in flames map opening still gives chills, even after all those years....)

  7. 40 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Interestingly, the Keeper in the video looks like Shalaxi over a regular keeper. While not an AoS character as such (they've appeared more in 40k), it's an interesting choice if so as they were never in Fantasy.   

    (Could not find a high res pic of Shalaxi's OG painjob but they do have goat eyes - you can just about make out the identical earrings!) 




    It would be literally least possible surprise if GW thrown existing (bolter free) deamons models into TOW. 

    It's like zero effort (ok, maybe package) and puff you have nice hero/monster mini fitting into TOW. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Does anyone else suspect The Old World might turn out to be small scale models (like warmaster) or something?

    Now they are talking about Kislev and Cathay, which is presumably in addition to the core old factions like Empire, Brets, High elves etc.

    We'd be talking about a game as big as WH40k and AoS. Presumably needing at least two factions to come out at once to get it started. 

    I can't see how the specialist games team can run that or GW have the production capacity. Also arent they worried about splitting their playerbase?

    I'm starting to feel like the old world is going to be something quite different and there could be some real rage when that difference comes to light.

    You know they have just been expanding their factories ?


    And regarding the split of playerbase it seems to not be a problem for 30k and 40k.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    And you can think "well, maybe they know that teleporting, shooting with MW and out of turn shooting/combat is turning too frustating for players" SO LETS MAKE A SNAKES TELEPORTING FOR FREE, SHOOTING 40+40 IN HERO AND SHOOTING PHASE WITH MORTALS YAAAAY

    Well that's the GW in nutshell. 


    Fix a broken thing by introducing even more broken thing. 


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  10. 16 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Artwork for Total War: Warhammer 3 that's doing the rounds which nobody can seem to find an original source to, suggesting it's a leak. I know the mods are touchy about those but I don't know if that extends to video games. We're also due for an announcement tomorrow on it. Whilst it's more than likely for the video game, you can see the Ice Guard and Bear-Hussars featured as well as presumably Katarin.


    Some people point to TW discord.

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