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Posts posted by kenshin620

  1. 1 hour ago, EMMachine said:

    In case of the Leadbelchers. If there are only 2 in the box, the regular Leadbelcher Box has 4 models so if the size stays 3 there is a way to get 6 Leadbelchers or 2 units of 3.

    I'm pretty sure they will go with "out of the box build", so 2 or 4.

    They even accidentally made Sneaky Snufflers in units of 5 but the box comes with 6, which they FAQ'd later.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Osprey07 said:

    That's the one thing I dont care for in this book is each city being locked to 2 realms.

    Fixed for a more accurate statement!

    I honestly think they should have rectonned cities to be in different realms. Whats the point of having 8 realms if Cities of Sigmar only bother with 2?


    Greywater somehow being Ghyran doesn't seem to make any thematic sense, other than "we need to burn down all the rainforests"

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  3. 17 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    (which Phoenicium should have been able to, I mean, life and fire are the defining things of phoenixes),

    I think the problem is that they established the big cities in the beginning of AoS before they decided to make Malign Sorcery, and also limited the main cities to 2 realms.

    Shouldn't Anvilgard be Ulgu or Ghur? Shouldn't Greywater Fastness be Chamon or Aqysh?

  4. 1 hour ago, stratigo said:


    GW just doesn't seem to care as much about balancing AoS as it does for say, 40k.

    I think it's down to the design philosophy of AoS and GW keep changing their mind on what AoS is suppose to be.

    It's easier to "balance" a game that has stayed relatively the same (in a loose term). While there have been some more radical changes like vehicles, someone who played 4th edition can somewhat easily figure out 8th edition (minus the detachment CP system which can get crazy)

    So GW has been "balancing" 40k for the past 15 or so years since they started to standardize 3rd edition as the "definitive" start of modern 40k. And remember they have been plenty of times where the rules gone off the rails (wasn't 7th edition almost an Emergency 6.5 edition?). But in the end of the day 40k is still a continuous ruleset where concepts like MEQs, TEQS, GEQs, and etc have been firmly established.


    Meanwhile AoS is like 3-4 years old, completely different system from WFB, and they have flipped on what they wanted the game to be. From "everyone's a micro faction" to "people like having big  WFB style army choice".

    Remember AoS originally shipped WITHOUT point costs. Sure was a fun time to talk about AoS back then....

    I'd honestly think AoS 3rd edition might be the start of them hammering things all out.

  5. 26 minutes ago, hurben said:

    Do you know a good way to improve the hit of the arrowboys instead of Brutal Beast Spirits which gives them a +1 to hit.

    Could toss in Burning Head. But you'll have to hug the darn thing with its 9" wholly within and be careful to not burn yourself.

  6. If you want a weird fusion of pistoliers and demigyphs, you could also run Palladors.

    Not that many people run Palladors though...

    I'm curious if Gryph Charger models down the line would get the MW on top of normal damage, rather than ending the attack sequence.

  7. On 10/10/2019 at 3:12 AM, Dr Ben said:

    Great response thank you. That definitely clarifies the lack of clarity! Looks like I might be asking an FAQ question for the first time..... 

    Yes I think they'll cover the topic in the FAQ

    But I suspect it'll be more like Nighthaunt in LoN rather than BoC in God armies. BoC was a specific exception to the norm.


    Of course this is a tad odd since they specifically also made an exception for Da Big Waaagh which released the same time as CoS.

  8. 2 hours ago, HostilSpike said:

    Hi all, I'm a predominantly Beastclaw/Ogor/Gloomspite player and generally play Mixed Destruction due to the sad state of BCR but picked up the new Warclan book to try and expand my collection into Orruks. Reading through, Icebone seems like a really good fit thematically for my existing models but with the lack of Start Collecting box I'm a bit lost as to where to start or what to build towards.

    I'd like some blocks of Savage Orruks to use as battleline in Mixed but was wondering if someone could suggest a reasonable Icebone list? My group is quite competitive and my opponents are generally Nighthaunt, Nurgle, Idoneth & Seraphon if that helps.

    I think you can't go wrong with some big blocks of orruks and a few casters. A few boxes of the orruks and some extra bitz, you can easily make some converted wzards or big bosses.

  9. 1 hour ago, Halchuuu said:

    What's the point of the Kop Rukk now? The spell can't be cast twice, right? It's either the Wardokk or a Wurrgog, once per round. Weird. 

    In case you either didn't take the Wurrog, or if you wanted the Wurrog to cast something else.

  10. Speaking of magic, I guess I'm that oblivious but I just noticed the new books are the only books so far that didn't have a Endless Spell release. I mean I can understand CoS given they cover all the realms, but surprising theres no Orruk ES like a literal Foot of Gorkamorka or the Evil Sun.

  11. 2 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    I feel we are the first army that got overall worse after getting a tome.

    Have you seen the Blades of Khorne topic? I think at one point the mods had to step in because there was a lot of negativity at the launch of their new book.

    1 hour ago, PlayerJ said:

    Don't think I saw if anyone has said it, but if you take a ironjawz sub-faction, your general must take that sub-factions command trait

    That has been the standard for subfactions. Your first item must also be the subfaction item. It's a "tax" to get the benefits of the extra army wide ability and command ability.

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 9/20/2019 at 12:59 AM, Battlefury said:

    For my taste GW is creating vastly not interesting models right now. The level of Fantasy coming from WHFB was totally fine IMO. When stuff gets so much exacurated it kind of becomes "funny" and loses its claim to portrait an alternative world, as it more and more becomes a comic.

    I know, that since WHFB was neglected, that some designers went away and took their license for several armies with them, not giving those to GW. These are the armies, that are totally drawn away of the game right now, such as Bretonnia etc. .

    Overall it was a mistake, how GW went with the design of the miniatures and the rules.
    Why wasn't it just done like in 40k, to create a new rules set for the existing world / lore / model range and then remake the existing models and release new stuff for existing armie.
    Don't get it wrong please, I am not a whiner of WHFB, since I have never played it an totally understand the issues with that system.

    But exacurating the style now in that way they do is not a go to target IMO.

    Also add on that GW wants "can only find in Warhammer" Stuff

    For example they really don't want a dwarf army that I can easily buy something like this to have some stand ins



    It has to be Kharadron Overlords TM Arkanauts Company TM armed with a  barrelled aethermatic volley gun TM riding in an Arkanaut Frigate TM.


    Heck I'm pretty sure the main motivation (originally back then) for Fireforge Games was to poach Bretonnian players since they never got any new models.

    • Like 3
  13. Underworlds is a card game first, minis game second, or at least from my understanding?


    Nearly every card game in existence has a "recent sets" format. I don't see anyone complaining that WotC isn't fair... (ok maybe there are, and then when you try to play Modern you get nuked by a $900 modern deck 😛)

  14. 54 minutes ago, HiddenElephant said:

    The more I learn about Beastgrave, the more I think it's going to show fighters and warriors from smaller tribes that don't muster realm-shaking forces.  Weren't the Wolf Riders just flat-out squatted?

    Yup Gitmob grots went oop a long while ago, even before Greenskinz. A bit funny since their artillery were actually pretty great allies and gitmob grot archers were better and cheaper than moonclan shootas.

    Though on the topic of beastgrave to be fair one warband is a completely new race of alves (unknown where they fit either in their own army or eventual 3.0 sylvaneth?), and the other is beasts of chaos.

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