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Posts posted by kenshin620

  1. 3 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Mechanically .... they are distinct

    I dunno, people are still using GGR over GG. And Chainrasps are very common replacement for skeleton warrior battleline.

    And Black Knights vs Hexwraiths not only come from the same box but they do the same thing!


    sit on the shelf! 👻


    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    The wyvern is a baby mawkrusha, orruks are baby ardboys, boarboys are baby goregruntas, even bow orruks are just baby arrowboys. So the only unique things are the warboss with banner and chariots.

    So by that definition, Death should squat Deathrattle. They're just non-floaty Nighthaunt.


    (and on that note people are still clinging onto the hope of Dispossessed and Wanderers getting proper battletomes)

    • Haha 5
    • Sad 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, Chickenbits said:

    So what do you guys think about the mentioned "Greywater artillery train"? I hope it lets you mix and match freely. I have 3 Helstorms and a tank, will be pretty bummed if I need to get more stuff (other than a probable engineer-type hero).

    I would imagine many old battalions getting reworked. Most old order battalions can be summed up as "have 1 of every unit".

    Like Ironweld's battalion would be very useful if it was like 3-4 of ANY artillery plus engineer, rather than shoehorn in every single piece .

    • Like 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    Greenskins as a faction have points in GHB 2019.  They haven't gone away. 

    Well please link me then greenskinz models on the GW webstore, or where they have presence in the upcoming Orruk Warclan book.

    Keep in mind Books are printed months in advance, so they may have printed GHB 2019 and then 1-2 months later killed off Greenskinz.


  5. I would also suspect if you want to use the Subfactions, you have to go full Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz? 


    Ironjaw Allegiance

    • Bloodtoofs
    • Ironsunz

    Bonsplitterz Allegiance

    • Bonegrinz
    • Drakkfoot
    • Icebone

    Seems like plenty of choice if you want to go full IJ or BS without touching the other.

  6. 30 minutes ago, SentinelGuy said:

    Hmm that's a point. Have ordinary orruk boar boyz been dropped?

    All models of the Greenskinz faction are no longer available, and there is 0 mentioning of them in the upcoming Orruk Warclan battletome. A bit ironic as the greenskin warboss with warbanner is a very popular support ally.

  7. 17 minutes ago, SentinelGuy said:

    I don't think the Spireguard will disappear, simply because they are mentioned so much in the Tempest's Eye fluff already that it would be weird to see them dropped now.

    The fluff also keeps mentioning orruks and how Ironjawz are bigger and meaner than "normal" orruks and Boneslippterz are crazier orruks.


    But I think "normal" orruks don't exist anymore gamewise.

  8. With the interesting developments with the 2 upcoming battletomes and some fans preferring more singular faction tomes (not a jab at them honest! Just observations), I am curious what the community thinks the "maximum" (or "optimum" if you prefer) amount of Battletomes the AoS game can support.

    Wasn't one of the speculated reasons for the death of WFB was due to its number of Army Books? Not counting Forgeworld or the End Times expansions, at 8th edition there were 14 Army Books which was more as compared to 40k at the time if you dont count space marine variants (though ironically today 40k has far more codices with things like ad mech or genestealer cults)

    As a thought experiment, under the assumption the 2 newest books didn't happen and everyone was still separate, here is what the map of battletomes would look like.


    1. SCE
    2. Seraphon
    3. DoK
    4. IDK
    5. KO
    6. Fyreslayers
    7. Sylvaneth
    8. Free People
    9. United Dark Aelves (assumption NOT shadow aelves)
    10. United High Aelves (assumption NOT light aelves)
    11. Wanderers (since sylvaneth just updated, assumption not combined)
    12. Dispossessed


    1. Undivided (under assumption its everchosen+slaves to darkness+darkoath)
    2. Khorne
    3. Tzeentch
    4. Slaanesh
    5. Nurgle
    6. Skaven
    7. Beasts of Chaos
    8. Legion of Azgorh (a man can hope right?)


    1. Legions of Nagash
    2. Nighthaunt (assumption will not become Legion of Grief and inserted into LoN)
    3. FEC
    4. Soulblight (many do seem to want a separate SB army from LoB/nagash)


    1. Ironjawz
    2. Bonesplitterz
    3. BCR
    4. Gutbusters (under assumption they are very separate from BCR)
    5. Gloomspite Gitz

    So in total that would be a whopping 29 Battletomes (ok 28 if you take off chaos dwarfs)

    And of course this doesn't include any speculative new armies like shadow aelves, brand new AoS Destruction armies, etc.


    I am not saying "theres too many battletomes! Everyone needs to be Legion of Nagash'd!" But given how very wide GW has become, there surely is a limit on how many books they can reasonably support. Heck Bretonnia was the ugly duckling of their old process, and that was before where GW only had 3 game systems. Now they also have to support Adeptus Titanicus, Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Underworlds, and so on.

    Do you think theres a limit on the number of tomes before the game buckles? Or maybe if GW just got off their lazy bums, they could easily give everyone a book? And finally I can have a Fimir book!

  9. 34 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    Didn't state troops get updated on 2012? Still old but 8th Ed.

    They were 7th edition. They're older than the plastic Wizards and Flagellants. Looking at the 7th edition book, it was interesting to see how much of the line was still metal.

    Greatswords and Archers (ironically, though they are suppose to fit the Huntsmen unit I think) were 8th.

  10. I dunno, Forbidden Power was pretty hyped up but is basically an Endless Spell expansion.

    Though it could also be a proper LoN 2.0 update? Theres a lot in that book that needs to get updated, like Battalions.


    Also Settra turned out to be a SCE didn't he? I thought I saw a topic on that.



    • Like 3
  11. HOT TAKE with what is occurring in other factions (like the orruks)

    Legions of Nagash 2nd edition would "eat" Nighthaunt. The original Nighthaunt allegiance still exists (ala Soulblight) but Legion of Grief will also be a full LoN allegiance and all wrapped in one book.

    (and hopefully they fix grimghasts vs grave guard so that guard are worth using)

    What do you think? I mean whether you like it or not, the Legion of Grief IS a Legion of Nagash with a Mortarch and everything. Plus hit 2 birds with one stone (update both NH and LoN)


    Either that or somehow Soulblight claws it way out

  12. You know the more I think about it, the more "Count As" options open up (assuming they make more abilities "Order" rather than "faction specific")

    For example, War Altar of Sigmar? Thats now Thorgrim Grudgebearer! Lumiark? Anvil of Doom (well the classic one one wheels)! Steam Tank? Something more Beardy!

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    There hasn't been any word yet on the timeframe for this book, is there? I've been working for a month on list variations that will likely be heavily impacted by this tome. I'm hoping we see it sooner rather than later.

    Unless theres another china delay, most previews are 2-3 months tops. (well except for warcry, but thats not exactly a traditional release)

    • Like 1
  14. 53 minutes ago, Nick in York said:

    The example he gave was of a model which carried 2 weapons but warscroll had them using 3 in the same phase/turn.

    Anyone know which models these may be? I don't recall too many models using 3 weapons

    Or was this referencing on weapon options where many models have weapon options that no longer exist officially.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Zadolix said:

    Yeah they will be city sub factions/allegiances not racial ones. I don't even want my dwarves to come from  free city... 

    Then just say they don't come from a city?

    I mean heck thats basically Wanderers MO! They...wander!


    I understand people want their own book, but I don't think GW can support literally everyone in WFB having their own book PLUS AoS books. Sure they squatted bretonnia and tomb kings but imagine if they didn't consolidate, then what do we have?


    • SCE
    • DoK
    • Fyreslayers
    • KO
    • Sylvaneth
    • Seraphon
    • Free Peoples
    • Dispossessed
    • Darkling Covens/Dark Aleves (not to be confused with the real shadow aelves)
    • Wanderers
    • Light/High Aelves (not to be confused with the real light alves)
    • IDK

    12 books! Thats almost the entire library of WFB!  And who knows how long it'll take to print each one.


    36 minutes ago, FPC said:

    Other than BoC for the most part, has this ever happened before?

    Even BoC, it was a pretty major jump. Very few people ran Brayherd Allegiances and even the stuff that got copy pasted over were altered a bit (like there was the old GHB artifact weapon that got purely buffed in BoC). And then they gained accesses to 2 brand new general traits, 2 new item lists, 1.5 spell lores, several battalions, tzaangors, many things under the monsters of chaos faction.

    Even if you just ran a pure Brayherd force (no warherd, thunderscorne or monsters) from BoC, it's leaps better than GHB2018.



    Once again I don't mean to belittle the pride of dwarf players, I'm a person who to this day still love Tomb Kings so I understand that gw doesn't share the love equally, but I think people are sounding a wee bit too hostile to this?

  16. On the bright side, I imagine something like Anvilgard will fit "Dark Aelf" forces pretty well. Now you can have a proper force of darklings, serpentis, and privateers. Maybe DoK allies (I keep forgetting if DoK live in the cities proper so whether they'll be available as non-ally units like SCE or sylvaneth)

    And honestly the more I think about it, the more this is probably for the best. Yes of course the "best scenario" is separate battletomes, but then ironically you have the issue of even more books than WFB which I think GW wanted to avoid, and a release schedule longer than the development of half life 3.

    Also this still doesn't cover those dang Shadow Aleves! WHO ARE THEY!!! 👻 Mistweaver tell me your secrets!

    • Haha 1
  17. Though on the topic of "metal/fine cast" minis, GW is so inconsistent with their stance it's weird.

    On one hand, slaanesh mortal heroes died.

    On the other hand, friggin 6th edition Skaven and Beasts of Chaos are still romping around. You want Tuskgor chariots? Pay the iron price!

  18. 42 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    I hope Ironjawz will get some new warscrolls and minis  either with this Battletome

    Very doubtful as Malign Portent Herald releases have pretty much set in stone who gets (significantly) new models and who doesn't outside of 1 new model from VS boxes (and of course endless spells + terrain)


    "but slaanesh!"

    All 40k compatible models so that doesn't exactly count.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Charlo said:

    Soooo excited!

    Only question is WHAT will move to legacy units. Id love to say nothing plastic but, you know... Thoughts?


    Theres not a whole lot left honestly but Dwarf Warriors/Thunderers/Quarrelers comes to mind. They are very old, still using the 16 box system when warhammer was based on ranks of 4. Though the artillery should be safe, I mean theres no other source of cannons.

    Glade Guard on the other hand are the quintessential "green elves with bows" I think they're safe.


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