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Posts posted by kenshin620

  1. 1 hour ago, bk5b said:

    So I have Warriors of Chaos army from WHFB and loads of Daemons. 

    Before I sell everything from WoC what can I play in AoS and can I play it competitevly?

    Also I can write everything what I have but mostly I have khorne stuff and characters from AoS starter from 3 years ago.

    Most mortal stuff is ok (but not super amazing), it seems the consensus is that Chosen and normal chariots are the only real yucky units (and sorcerer on manticore being really pricey). Oh and Forsaken are not slaves so they don't count for allegiances which makes them very moot (well they dont even sell them anymore anyways).

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  2. 2 hours ago, Nevvermore said:

    I'm sad that the name is the only good thing about the "Petty Vengeance" ability. It's no substitute for summoning that's for sure!

    Yea it seems like a band aid for budget players that don't have Blue and Brimstone Horrors.

  3. Great updates, though man I think those beasts are going to be toasty with all that fur on!


    Also this is semi related but these upcoming Runewars minis look like they could be a neat addition to a more volcano/desert land ogors (no idea exactly though their scaling). Just add some blood to their weapons and they may look like a good Non Cauldron Butcher.




  4. 4 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Wonder they will be a duel kit with those scytheed handed banshees?

    I dunno, GW seems to be very allergic to dual kits these days. They didn't even make Namarti a dual kit (granted it was probably better since the legs are quite different).

  5. 24 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    Unless an easy to build kit of 6 Grimghast Reapers comes out, it looks like the starter box unit is more of a "demo" unit that won't be filled out. Anyone doing anything interesting with their spares? I'm thinking that the four in the starter get built and added to 6 from the proper box, and use the leftovers there, since it'll be a multipart kit, for conversions and general bit box fodder. I'll probably use one of them as a cairnwraith, which really needs little conversion, but I need a way to differentiate it from the unit in case they end up next to each other on the table. But I'm not coming up with too much interesting to do with them yet, but maybe as more stuff comes out I'll think of something.

    Maybe use some of them for a custom Mortis Engine/Blood Palanquin?

  6. 2 hours ago, Dr. Lao said:

    Is there any reason not to assemble the command trio for the Blightkings?  That way you can field 2x 5 or 1x 10 and have full command with both configurations? I just assembled my second five without the standard and bell and am wondering if I made a mistake. 

    It's actually even encouraged to make as many banner bearers and musicians allowed (or generally 1 command trio per box set number). Some units have two different banners and there are many games that allow the usage of both unless 2.0 is going to get rid of that. The only restriction is the champions who are 1 per unit.

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  7. 38 minutes ago, The Cyclop Owl said:

    Notice Olynder's frightful touch rule. The 6 is the unmodified roll, which is a slight buff to the entire faction if I'm not mistaken (the Spirit Torment allows us to re-roll 1s but we don't have a support hero that gives attack rolls +1, correct?)

    I believe that AoS 2.0 is moving away from 6+ rules and instead is going for Natural 6 rolls.

  8. 1 minute ago, MightyMetro said:

    Haven’t we got the same number already?  2 SC and 2 NH.  I was expecting they would turn up in a Storm of Sigmar / First Strike set in a month or two.

    Ah yes they are the same number. I think I was counting the smaller starter sets as well. And technically the Khorgorath that doesn't even have its own box yet!

  9. 2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:


    Like the Poxwalkers I think we'll get an Easy to Build set down the line with unique sculpts, but only five or so in a box.

    And not to mention all the Easy Build boxes that came out of the original AoS set. Heck they even permeated into the Start Collecting boxes.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Mcthew said:

    Hi, gonna ask an incredibly naive question (?) but in the absence of a Slaves to Darkness Battletome, and because my Khorne force needs a little heavy metal in the ranks, can I use my Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights but with a Khorne allegiance and use them not as allies (in other words, as Khorne battleline)?

    Or would they still come under Slaves to Darkness for Matched Play and part of my allies allocation? ?

    All Khorne marked models are Khorne units and can be a part of a Khorne allegiance (same with other gods).


    However Slaves to Darkness sepcific Battleline ARE NOT Battleline for any other army.

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  11. So given that the biggest (if not the only) difference between Cairn Wraiths and Grimghast Reapers are the blindfolds, I wouldn't be surprised if a more cost effective method of getting a collection of Cairn Wraiths would be to replace the blindfold heads with normal skulls.

  12. 8 hours ago, Qaz said:

    You know what. Tzeentch is pretty powerful with realm spells in play. 

    Anyone tried them? Maybe the army is balanced with that in mind?

    Sort of doubt wizards are built with the realm spells in mind, aren't those sort of firmly in Open/Narrative play outside of specific events that do specify them?


    I mean how the heck do you balance Matched Play rules with gaining 6 extra spells for free.

  13. Do you think a future unit for FEC could be cavalry? And how would they make it special other than "ghouls on zombie horses"?


    Perhaps they could even make a dual kit to make either FEC cavalry or Blood Knights (though I'm not sure if GW will ever make cross allegiance kits for AoS).

  14. 4 minutes ago, Glaurung said:

    But I assume you can’t summon more than once with the General, as they stated that our command abilities will work only once per King...

    Otherwise sounds really cool, the problem is that you have to buy 6 Ghoul kings on foot...

    Well someone surely must have a bunch of spare GK via vampire zombie dragons!

  15. 6 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    The two (or three with Thunderscorn) really really really need to be a combined faction. 

    Not to mention Centigors. Ok I understand that maybe not all monsters of chaos belong with beastmen, but Centigors are literally Gors!

  16. Another idea is that since the Stormcast also have a lot of lion iconography, maybe there are lion rangers that work very closely with the SCE? And perhaps after a long partnership, some of these lion rangers are rewarded with equipment. Maybe even call them the warhammer equivalent of "Thunder Cats"!:P

  17. There could also be an expansion to the different magic realms. Surely not all lion rangers hail from a place where magic doesn't affect them/affect the local lions. Kind of inspired by warcraft cards. Even if elemental lions aren't really a thing, perhaps there are lion rangers that are more connected to Ghur.





    Another thing could be lions that lost their master so they charge forth with reckless abandon with little care to their self preservation, like slayers. 

  18. While cool, I think Lion Rangers are a little one dimensional atm. I can easily see them getting refolded back into a unified aelve faction. While you could try to finagle a battletome out of them, I think thats almost like trying to make a battletome out of Maneaters. Then again I did really like someone's suneater fan army (thats basically expanding the fire eater ogor, a single model!).

    Maybe since White Lions are far more about brute strength, maybe their ranged unit should use throwing axes rather than bows? Perhaps white lioness riders that trade power for speed?


    As for warscrolls that look like official ones, theres this website.




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