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Posts posted by kenshin620

  1. On 5/16/2019 at 2:42 AM, Myrdin said:

    Wouldn't make Centigors into Battle line. And this is crucial. It would completely overshadow any other battle line choice. Especially the Gors and Warhounds, despite them getting buffed slightly. This wouldn't be good for the health of the army as a whole.

    Yea I suppose.

    I just want more centigor love! I need new models!


    On 5/16/2019 at 1:23 PM, Myzyrael said:

    Question: can allies use artifacts from malign sorcery?

    I believe that nothing technically stops allies from taking items, it's just that they normally can't take items since GA items get locked out. But I never really thought about it.

  2. 3 hours ago, ChaoSwede said:

    How is STD as a faction havent been able to find much lore on the net or youtube, love the models!

    Well in a word, rough!

    The current Slaves to Darkness army is a bit half baked, with really old warscrolls and a General's Handbook Allegiance that results in an army that is a bit more like a supplement to the 4 Gods rather than a standalone thing.


    But all signs point to Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness update soon-ish (I'd wager July-August?)

  3. 1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

    So is there any reason to have a slave to darkness focused hedonites army? Was wondering about it but it seems hard to make work. Are chosen good to have in this army?

    I think if you want to run a lot of marauders, slaanesh works well. Exploding 6's with flails can stack on some decent hurt.

  4. 5 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    For a Duardin mix-up:

    Overlord allies in Fyreslayers?

    Fyreslayer allies in Overlords?

    Mixed Order?


    Forbidden Power has an Allegiance that has Fyreslayers and KO.


    To me it sounds like Firestorm 2.0 (slight alt of GA Order) so I don't expect anything too crazy, but it may be an option.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, fwlr said:



    So how useful do we reckon this is for us? If it costs nothing and we get it ON TOP of the altar, I don't see the reason to not take it really.

    It does affect enemies which could be as much of a problem as it provides a buff. However wholly within 12 might be difficult for enemies to get into, if we are clever with positioning.

    What do we think?

    I think they may do something where you can only take 1 terrain warscroll per army, so either altar or penumbral.


    Or it ends up as another Magewrath Throne.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Jetengine said:

    How  viable is a moulder force ? 

    Rat Ogors are pretty good. Giant rats seem great with their "range" but aren't all that punchy. Of course HPA are really punchy but random movement can be the bane. Stormfiends don't benefit from buffs but are your only dedicated shooting.

    May want some magic though, so either a masterclan general or bring the clanrats.

  7. 3 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    This applies to so many "tribes" within this hobby, though:

    • Open/Narrative players (i.e. AoS originals) towards Matched players
    • Matched players towards Open/Narrative players
    • WHFB fans towards AoS, and it's fans
    • AoS fans towards WHFB, and its fans (see: Tomb Kings)
    • Hobbyists towards Gamers
    • Gamers towards Hobbyists


    You forgot the most important tribe of them all

    AoS players against SCE players. Heyooooo!🤪



    You know if theres one thing I need to see is how this paint works with non-citadel paints/primers. Curious if anything odd happens.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Retro said:

    The point of it is that Sequitors won't be getting 3 "free" special weapons any more compared to our 1.


    We all know what unit you're referring to, don't have to hide! 😉


    Methinks though the simplicity (relatively) of AoS points would start to get compromised with additional costs especially since AoS is limited to Multiples of 10. Would it help "balance" the game? Maybe. But then it would go down the entire rabbit hole and then soon command groups cost points, weapon choices costs points, shields costs points, artifacts, etc...and then we'd have WFB.

    Which would be great cause I got plenty of square bases ready to go!

  9. I mean if I has to rewrite some things, here are some of my ideas for Fan Rule Buffs to make standalone BoC more interesting.  This is just some of my half baked ideas.


    Allegiance Changes


    Change Bloodgorge to “killed any enemy models” rather than “destroyed any enemy units”.


    Greatfray Changes




    Change Booming Roar to “You can use this command ability at the start of your hero phase. If you do so, you receive 1 Primordial Call Point. If the model using this command ability is your general, instead you received D3 Primordial Call points.

    Change Dominator to “Once per Turn this model may use Inspiring Presence, At the Double, or Forward to Victory command abilities without using a command point.”

    Change Blade of the Desecrator to “Improve the Rend characteristic of that weapon by 1. In addition, add 1 to the Attack characteristic of that weapon by 1 for every 10 models in the target enemy unit to a maximum of +3.”


    Change Desolate Shard to “Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, the bearer can use the Desolate Shard if they are within 6” of a terrain feature. If they do, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3” of that terrain feature. On a 4+ that enemy unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. In addition, for the rest of the game that terrain feature becomes Deadly for enemy units.






    Marauding Brayherd

    Drop point cost to 130

    Drop required number of Gor units to 2.

    Change Ferocious Despoilers to “When Units in this battalion make a Charge roll, if they roll a 1 or a 2 on any dice, they instead treat it as a 3.”

    Hungering Warherd

    Change Bloodscent to “Units in this battalion add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of their melee weapons on a turn in which it made a charge”.

    Thunderscorn Warherd

    Drop point cost to 120

    Change Raging Storm to “Units in this battalion heal D3 Wounds and enemy units suffer D3 Mortal Wounds from Beneath the Tempest”.





    Drop point cost of Gors to 70/180 and change Anarchy and Mayhem to “15 or more models” instead of “20 or more models”.

    Drop point cost of Bullgors to 140

    Cygor gains Desecrated Boulder: “Add 1 to hit rolls for the Desecrated Boulder attack that target enemy units with 10 or more models.”

    Centigors are Battleline in Beasts of Chaos army if the general is a Beastlord or Greatbray Shaman.

    Thunderscorn Models gain Heirs of Azyr: Roll a dice each time a model with this rule suffers a Wound or Mortal Wound from a Stormcast Eternals unit. On a 6, that Wound or Mortal Wound is negated.

    Change Beneath the Tempest to Raging Storm’s original effect (except it affects all friendly Thunderscorn units rather than battalion) and add the condition “As long as your army has any Dragon Ogor Shaggoths”.

    Drop point cost of Tzaangor Skyfires to 180

    Drop point cost of Chaos Warhounds to 70/180 and they are Battleline in Beasts of Chaos army.

    Drop point cost of Jabberslythes to 150.

    Increase Save Characteristic of Cockatrices to 5+.



    Endless Spells



    Ravening Direflock:  Change Black-souled Cowardice to “The player who set it up” instead of “The player whose turn is taking place”.

    Drop point cost of Doomblast Dirgehorn to 40.


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  10. 9 hours ago, the_nApi said:

    Thank you :)

    Ash-horn and Fire-claw Adult, but I was not really satisfied with Fire-claw, think will substitute it with Coal-heart, to increase survivability

    Yea Coal Heart seems great, I mean Ironjawz love their Command Trait for Rend protection.

    And you can have as many as you want without need to have a command trait? Sign me up!

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    I would wager instead that the restriction would be "you can add the following exact lineup of models/units for exactly XX points" and they could then control what you can bring very closely. 


    But that's just a guess.

    The only problem with that is that it's pretty easy to go over the ally limit. Heck they already talked about bringing Magadroths which eat more than 200pts already!

    Unless mercenaries follow a different set of point allocations, which would seem even weirder.


    Regardless I'm interested to see what FEC can bring to other armies even if they lose out on the spell lore, feeding frenzy, and deathless courtiers.

  12. 1 hour ago, decker_cky said:

    I'm really hoping Bullgors get a hefty discount in the new GHB. 120 pts plus a horde discount (12 for 400) would make them a fun, interesting unit that could be relied on as the base of your army.


    120pts may be too low, 140-150 seems more realistic

    Not really sure if horde discounts matter either, running 12 seems very unwieldy. That's just asking to get debuffed to hell (especially with a bravery bomb)


  13. Interesting that FEC is one of the "mercenaries" specifically pointed out for Forbidden Power.

    If you can still summon I think a Archregeant would be a good magic option for non-death armies as he also packs in extra goons, unless they do something extra in terms of bringing them (like require a "50-100" point tax for mercs or something, or remove summoning)

  14. 51 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    It just doesn't fit the theme for me.

    I mean that is kind of the point of Warcry as per the designers, to show a 'different' side of chaos.


    It does sort of make sense in a way, just because you're Unmarked chaos doesn't mean you're Nosrca 2.0 or a Spikey Knight.

    • Like 3
  15. 2 hours ago, minthras said:


    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Spear
    3 x Stormfiends (260)

    10 x Skryre Acolytes (120)


    Unfortunately if you go clanrats, you have to go all clanrats as battleline. Stormfiends and Acolytes lose their battleline status in mixed lists. So either the clanrats have to go or you add in a 3rd clanrat unit.

  16. For Lofnir 2k, is 3 Runesons on Magmadroths a good number? 2 Coal Hearts and 1 Ashheart. The only problem is that they really want to be near each other to benefit from both Ashheart and the Runeson reroll hits.

  17. 16 minutes ago, Frowny said:

    Hey there,

    I was considering getting into disciples of tzeentch, considering a deamon heavy army with some tzaangors as mobile killers. My biggest problems is that the models for horrors just don't appeal to me. I was considering using nighthaunt spirit hosts, 1 per base, maybe with some different faces as horros. Do you think anyone would have a problem with that? 

    Go for it!


    It's not like your taking grots and saying they're fyreslayers! Now that would be a stretch. 😜

  18. 7 hours ago, TheVenerableBede said:

    I also think our battalions need a points adjustment, there can't be many factions with more expensive ones.

    To be fair 2.0 battalions have also been very much simplified with almost always only having 1 benefit. If Nurgle battalions are going down in price significantly, it'll also have to come with rule slashing/consolidation.

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