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Posts posted by kenshin620

  1. 1 minute ago, Kramer said:

    There are a couple of books that mention a warband of tzeentch who the protagonist/antagonist summons as a flock of crows who turn into a cabal of sorcerer warriors dressed in feathers etc. 

    Seems to be the source of inspiration to me.  

    Theres also the Chaos Zealot class back in the warhammer mmo who were very avian themed


    Tzeentch loves his little birdies!


  2. 5 hours ago, Euphanism said:

    I do really like the idea of the coalition force for order, but if it's only in narrative I might as well run Order and get to bring in my Scourgerunners and Seraphon.

    Plus Order still has a plethora of Firestorm Allegiances to draw upon.

  3. 11 hours ago, Bladedwind said:

    I noticed that Ironbreakers went from being available in several areas to being an GW webstore exclusive. :(

    I think Webstore exclusives are mostly due to Store Shelf Space.

    If they wanted to kill something, they can do it even if something is available in normal stores, ie Start Collecting Greenskinz.


    Plus plenty of 40k units are webstore exclusive like the Basilisk.

    • Like 1
  4. I think thats the point, RAI Battalions from Faction X have Faction X keyword.


    Otherwise what was the point of the Beasts of Chaos Errata which had to resolve the RAW vs RAI debate.


    Page 82 – Followers of the Brass Bull Change to: ‘Units from this battalion gain the Khorne keyword. In addition, this warscroll battalion is part of the Khorne faction and the Beasts of Chaos faction.



  5. 53 minutes ago, AverageBoss said:

    FAQ states that all battalions have the keyword of their battletome and their GA. So the battalions in the NH book have the NH and Death keywords.

    Plus they even specified it in the LoN Faq during the confusion at the start of AoS 2.0 when people were saying NH battalions didn't have NH keyword.



    Q: If I include a Chainguard, Execution Horde, or Death Stalkers warscroll battalion in a Legions of Nagash army, is the battalion (and the units in it) an ally?

    A: Yes.




  6. Unless they radically change the chariots in the update, theres not too much point in using basic chariots compared to gorebeasts unless you really need a battleline.

    I think the lists will be fine (maybe split up the knights and warriors in more maneuverable numbers), but Slaves struggle a lot with killing power.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Aryann said:


    From my perspective most of the things I cared about was changed for worse. As if this army needed any nerfs. Biggest disappointment in AoS so far I guess.

    What is this, Blades of Khorne? 😛

  8. 3 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    Hard to say because their all plastic and i think they have only updated metal/resin models so far?

    There has been one plastic AoS replaced so far...the night goblin fantatics.

    However Chaos Space Marines finally got their old as sin plastic kits updated.

    It's really hard to tell, especially with armies like Beasts or Skaven relying on so many 6th edition models.


    Worse comes to worse could always take the upcoming Warcry warbands and kitbash them into marauders. Or if you're going nurgle theres poxwalker conversions.

  9. 2 hours ago, Zanzou said:

     I can GUARANTEE you that they’d rather run out way too early than have even 1 extra box left that they couldn’t sell


    Or somehow end up with a dreadfleet situation. Thats a fringe case but it was pretty sad to see dreadfleet boxes around 3 years after its release.

  10. 2 hours ago, Qrow said:

    Having said that, I'm sure someone will win a tournament with them using some ridiculous combination of units that will seem super obvious once you see it on paper.

    Thats impossible, it doesn't have phoenix guard!

    No one expects phoenix guard!

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    In my efforts to collect em' all, Ive begun pursuing rat ogres, but it seems they're tough to come by. Island of Blood Ogres is ideal but generally way above my price point. As an alternative, I've begun brainstorming to kitbash some rat ogre heads onto something else. 

    I'm in need of suggestions for other models to make me some rat ogre boyz. Any thoughts?


    From google, you got things like minotaurs, chaos spawn, trolls, even stormfiends with less weapons



    • Like 2
  12. I think the lack of excitement for this allegiance as compared to Legion of Grief is evident in this forum.

    I mean it is a little odd the command ability is ONLY for Liberators who even within their own Allegiance are having a rough time. And you can't stack it with Staunch Defender since you can't take Staunch Defender!

    Too bad Dispossessed aren't included. Ironbreakers would love Warriors of the Grand Necropolis.

    • Like 3
  13. 8 minutes ago, Gibs said:

     then ditched the whole Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen concept as in theory it would bot be needed.

    If people got angry at the bretonnia/tomb king thing, writing out Undivided Chaos I think would have actually killed AoS and we'd all be playing 9th age.

    Plus as seen by Chaos 8.5, they clearly love undivided chaos. When they put their mind to it! (now if only imperial guard/astra militarum werent hamstrung by old plastic infantry...)


    Then again it is funny how "opposite" 7-8th edition WFB is compared to AoS for chaos armies.

    In WFB, they separated mortals, beasts, and daemons (outside of Tamurkhan) and there was ZERO incentive to run Mono-God armies. You'd have Tzeentch 5++ warriors being flanked by khorne knights and a slaanesh giant hitting as fast as sonic the hedgehog!

    Now in AoS, not only are mono-god armies the main way to play, but people are complaining they can't play Mono-Daemon or Mono-Mortal without missing out on parts of the army!

  14. 7 minutes ago, Gibs said:

    To me Chaos Warriors are the backbone of this army

    So are CSM to CSM! But they've had to put up with their old kit from 3rd edition to technically the first half of 8th! Methinks GW is slightly allergic to generic chaos. (and the Cultist issue but thats a gameplay thing)


    Well could be worse. Could be slaanesh mortals...that don't exist/piggy backing off of the eventual everchosen update!

  15. 53 minutes ago, Gibs said:
    • New Chosen Warriors
    • Varanguard champions on foot

    I think those would get rolled into one. Packed in a box of 5 like blightkings/skullreapers.


    While I would also love new dynamic chaos warriors, it's so hard to tell GW's AoS policy on replacing plastic figures. Yes, CSM finally got the update they needed, but AoS wise GW has been very reserved. You got the Night Goblin Fanatics, and thats basically kind of it for the past few years. Especially since at a minimum theres all the plastic kits from Warcry (6 warbands) and I'd imagine at least plastic chosen/vanguard.


    Then again somehow we're getting plastic Necromunda characters. Thats usually FW's job.

  16. 7 minutes ago, jake3991 said:

    Anyone know what is battle-line?

    I assume only "always" Battleline units.

    This is it's own allegiance, it's not Nighthaunt nor is it LoN (though the latter doesn't matter since that really only affects Grand Host of Nagash).

  17. 9 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Isnt the khorne version the lord on juggernaught?

    The Jug Lord is actually fairly new.

    I was referring to this






    As for Juggernauts, for some reason GW decided they're not daemons despite literally being daemons and they don't feel like changing that.

    Meanwhile a slightly diseased horse is a daemon!

    • Haha 1
  18. Great conversion!

    If I'm honest I'm curious if the Classic Mounted Lords will survive next tome. Khorne was long gone, Slaanesh just got axed, and Tzeentch while still existing is super niche and outdated (I'm sure many people forget the Fatemaster exists).

    Harbinger of Decay lucked out and had a pretty useful warscroll.

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