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Posts posted by mikethefish

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ashman said:

    I have a very different thought process on TE myself which focuses on making normal slow tanking units faster/tankier and fast anvil type units faster and harder hitting.  All my wizards are mounted battlemage types who don't have a degrading profile when they take wounds (mainly SCE) units.  I try to match my units to the alliance abilities basically.

    Aside from using mounted mages, I have a similar army list design

  2. So - the Hurricanum and the Luminark.

    What purpose are these in our lists?  And by that, I mean are they focal points?  Where you basically construct a whole army around them?  Or are they more like support, where you bring one along, and it's helpful, but it's more of a smaller element of a bigger picture?

  3. So I need some help brainstorming a project.

    I need a Soulscream Bridge for my Cities army.  I don't have Forbidden Power, and have no desire to spend 90 bucks on one single Endless Spell (I don't want or need the other stuff in the set).  So with that in mind, I plan on making my own version of the Soulscream.

    So, with that in mind, I am looking for some ideas of exactly what to build.

    My Cities army has a definite Steampunk vibe.  Maybe I make a Bridge out of magical cogs and gears?  Or maybe I make sort of a Steampunk Stargate looking thing?  Or something else entirely?

    I appreciate all suggestions - I am an experienced modeler and amateur sculptor, so I feel that I can make most things with this idea happen, with a little work.

  4. On 4/22/2020 at 2:02 PM, Boytoy said:

    destruction crab people. idoneth crab people or vampire pirates' crab people, i care not. just give me crab people

    Much as I would love crab people, the detail on that model is too crude to be a large model.  Odds are that it's a small element of a larger model.

    Given that the Rumor Engine guys seem to love posting random basing elements of larger models, this is most likely one of the random underwater wildlife that follows the Deepkin around.

    Essentially it looks like part of the base on a new Deepkin model.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah, I would love to see stormcast, Nighthaunt and Beasts o’ chaos, being brought up in level with like the skaven, gloomspite gitz, etc.

    but being honest I dislike the thought of seeing another wave of shiny stormcast models, when there are armies or faction that are in dire need of some love in models


    I mean we don't really need a new wave for GW to generate interest.  Maybe a fun New character, or war machine or something.  Some new model to justify the release of the new book 

    Hell, give them some Faction terrain and call it a day.  I think that some sort of Sigmar-themed building (that's not a ruined temple) has been a hole missing from their terrain line for a while.

    • Like 1
  6. 36 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    As much as I don't like Stormcast whole deal, I do agree with the first AoS 2 books getting an update. They've figured out a few things in the time of AoS 2, and it would be signalling the longevity of earlier releases. There are a few dead warscrolls in there, which is a sad thing, because there's a good chance a new player starts with Stormcast, and being told "No, don't get those guys, they're trash" (or worse, finding out when playing) isn't going to help them stay in the game.

    Certainly they need to be "user friendly" since a large number of players are learning the game with them.

    Additionally, speaking from the whole concept of AoS, the Stormcast basically ARE Age of Sigmar, in a very real way.  They deserve to be a reasonably competitive choice.  Maybe not to the level that Marines are to 40k, but the current situation is a bit out of balance.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    As long as it isn’t models I’m with you😉

    Oh they'll get models.  Come on now.  The latest Rumor Engine proves that.  Doesn't need to be a huge release though.

    Honestly Vince had some cool ideas on how to redo the next SC book in the latest Warhammer Weekly.  It's a fun episode and an interesting chat, from a design perspective.  Give it a listen.

  8. I know lots are not wanting this, but the Stormcast really need a new book.  For the protagonists of the game, they are in a very poor place.  They deserve to work a bit better than they do.  Hopefully we will see something in the preview (although the Gargants would be my first choice 😁)

    • Like 4
  9. On 4/15/2020 at 10:24 PM, Rune said:

    They aren't only good in groups of 10. But they are probably best used there, since their longrifles are great, which they can get 3 off if you run 3 groups of 10.

    Everyone loves units of 10 for them, but I usually take a unit of 20.  I'd rather have the reliable shooting buff to the regular grunts, and a unit of 20 makes a reasonable General's Honor Guard, since they are usually hanging out in the same table space

  10. I am collecting stuff for this game, mainly to play at home, and with friends (and their kids, who are old enough to game).

    I have painted Iron Golems (as well as some other bands).  Thinking of getting Spire Tyrants as well - purely based on looks, so far.

    How do the two compare?  Are they both too similar in play style?  Or are they different enough to feel fairly unique?

  11. While people dying or getting sick is by far the biggest tragedy of this situation, it's also a sad thing that we are probably going to see a whole lot more bankruptcies and small businesses (ie - hobby shops) failing than deaths.

    This pandemic will hit poor people the hardest, and let's face it - nobody runs a hobby shop to get rich.

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Myrdin said:

    The top one is too much scifi-esque in my opinion. If you would want to go with the second one, why not just get Wildwood ranger heads instead? they pretty similar if not the same aesthetics as these ones. 

    Because it would cost a lot more.  The Puppetswar heads are about six bucks for five.

  13. 16 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    i think the bottom you could get away with if you want to play official games, and they fit better with a fantasy aesthetic as well

    Depends on your definition of official games.  There's not a big tournament in the country (Adepticon, LVO or whatever) who would forbid a basic head swap.  Even my local GW store doesn't care about 3rd party bits, as long as the base kit is GW.  So I'd feel pretty safe swapping heads out.

    As for the sci-fi helmets, my particular City has a decidedly steampunk theme.  So I think of those helmets and being like the Aelf version of steampunk.  But I'm not sure I want it, still.  Will think about it

  14. So I hate the Phoenix Guard heads.  Like...loath everything about them.  I have taken it as a personal hobby challenge to make the unit into something I actually like.  

    Basically I think if I can swap the heads, I can live with the rest of the model.  I want them to look a bit wierd and different - something that fits into the wierder aspects of AoS.


    So these are meant to be alternate Eldar heads, but I think if I cut off or plug up those little intake ports on the jawline, and then painted them a gold metallic color, it might work well.  Still not sure...

    My other thought are these guys...


    A bit more prosaic fantasy theme, the hoods make them look fairly mysterious - which fits into their no-speaking fluff.  My only concern is if they look elfy enough.

    What do you folks think?

  15. 1 hour ago, Phasteon said:

    Please dont go the 40k route and make battalions basically detachments with no further purpose than ressource management. 

    The thing I like about Battalions is that they add to the narrative of a list and give a nice bonus in addition. 


    Oh I would agree with that.  The Detachment system of 40k is the single worst army creation mechanic I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.  It's about 75 percent of the reason I've stopped playing the game for now.

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