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Posts posted by Nick907

  1. 15 hours ago, Nicholunch said:

    What are good volley gun tactics? I have a hard time finding value in those equipped on any unit. (Sorry if this was addressed earlier)

    The vollygun is great for a battleline unit that you don't intend to augment with the chemist buff. Typically most KO lists will contain more infantry units then can be targeted in a single round by a khemist's  '+1 attack' ability.  A unit of company that will not be targeted by the Khemist is slightly better with the volleygun then with the skyhooks.
    On average 3 volleyguns will make 18 shots and score 6 hits and 3 wounds. Against monsters and heroes they will score 9 hits and 4-5 wounds. 3 skyhooks will average roughly 2 wounds per turn with a higher rend, but 4 wounds per turn if you augment them. 

  2. Another thing to consider is that Blood Reavers and Bloodletters are the only Khorne units with only 1 attack, meaning an ability that grants  '+1 attack' isn't doubling the damage output for a Khorne army. KO have several unit/weapon options with only 1 powerful attack, adding an additional attack does double their damage potential.

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  3. This is a great discussion, I hope the company picks up on it and acts. GW has been really good about that lately. KO are a fun concept and my favorite force so far in any tabletop war game, so I will continue to collect them regardless of the rules. Thanks to the yearly release of the GHB and the ease of changing online warscrolls, it really wouldn't take too much effort to change rules for the Khemist and reduce points for infantry.
    I  think the KO can avoid a 'total remake from the ground up' this way.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Fully agreed.  If this change was made, this unit would evaporate off of the table overnight.

    I'd be okay with the Khemist going away if it meant cheaper infantry and Special-Weapon stacking Thunderers.  People don't take Skywardens because they 'd rather augment the Riggers saws, and they don't take Volleyguns on Company because they want to augment Skyhooks. People don't take Thunderers because they cannot stack the special weapons anymore, and they don't care about augmenting the rifles .
    Reducing/removing the Khemist would require lower point costs for all the infantry, but I think all those warscrolls (and loadout options) all look more attractive without the potential to add an extra shot. The augmentation ability takes a lot more than it gives. Good news is that the Gunhauler is now the same cost, so an easy swap!

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  5. The Khemist is why the Thunderer warscroll had to be changed. A mortar team as written was okay, but doubling the shots was too much.  Adding an extra shot to a weapon profile is an uninspiring game mechanic, and the difference in values between augmented and not-augmented is too great to be properly balanced by point costs. 

  6. 11 hours ago, WatcherintheWater said:
    •  Only 1 hero, and if he stays in the boat he can’t use command abilities.
    • If you keep all the healing stuff in or by the ironclad, that’s over half your army clustered right together.
    • Not that familiar with they gyrobombers, but feels like your list lacks some damage output. 


    1. Yeah one hero, I'm not big on them, I wish I could still elect a unit champ to be general.
    2. this is true
    3. gyrobombers are great for screening alpha strikes and dropping mortal wounds on units that lock up with the Ironclad (assuming it can survive combat)

  7. I'm toying with a new build idea but I'm not ready to commit. I dislike the Khemist and want to build a sky fleet without him, and use small rigger units to repair.  I think the Gunhauler's 'escort' ability might be necessary to help the Ironclad take a big hit.  Can repair a max of 11 wounds per turn. I have not tested this list, but I've done similar at 1000 points. 

    Edrinmaster w/autotinkerer
    Ironclad w/selfhealinghull
    3x10 Company w/volleyguns
    5x3 Edrinriggers w/volleygun and drillcannon
    4x Gyrobombers
    1980 points

    Let me know what you think?

  8. I don't think you can use the 'protective volley' ability to shoot out of combat, because you cannot shoot out of combat in the shooting phase and you treat them 'as if it were the shooting phase'. 

    I personally like the idea that we abandoned Alarielle and have since been rejected by her and the Sylvaneth. My Wanderers general is a primadonna/narcissist/womanizer/hunter/fur-trader/carnivor, so of course the hippy/vegan/plant-people that control the realm would try to chase him away. Luckily, the Wanderers know how to navigate around all of nature's hostilities. 

    "Yo Alarielle! I only came here to trap some of your Fey Steeds so that my woman can ride them! Thanks for the venison! I hope you lose some weight soon! See ya later!" 
     -Governor Trojanoak to Alarielle, seconds before fleeing from 'The Battle of the Birch Trees' 

    • Haha 3
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