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Posts posted by Forrix

  1. On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2020 at 2:58 AM, JPjr said:

    I suspect “banning” non-FAQed tomes is the way to go, generally speaking we’re only looking at a delay of a couple of weeks.

    i think this weekend though is probably causing a bit more of a brouhaha than usual though because of a perfect storm coming together.

    Brand new BT released just before several major events.

    Tzeentch players had enough time to find (or just read what others were saying online) the more obvious exploits.

    But not enough time for the FAQ to hit it, or other players to figure out any possible counters, or even just how not to walk face first into a curb stomping.

    Throw in that it’s an old army, that had previously been competitive and whose major components are also 40K valid, and you probably had an unusual amount of players ready to go straight away.

    Finally, if I’m feeling particularly cynical/mischievous/etc I could suggest a lot of the extra rending of clothes, wailing and crying that the end is not so much nigh as here right now comes from the large % of players who thought they could just buy themselves a podium place with a Petrifex Elite build and found their investment turn to Shyishian ash in their mouths.

    Really like this post and figured I'd add to the last bit. Going into the tournament weekend Petrifix Elite had a 69% winrate (highest in AoS) and were also becoming the most played faction in AoS. If you were hoping to podium you could expect to face PE, probably multiple times. So I'm sure people tailored their list to fight PE primarily by loading up on high rend attacks and mortal wound output. Neither of which are super useful against Tzeentch in general and against Pink Horrors in particular.

  2. I'm not a fan of the half-unmodifiable destiny dice mechanic. They felt janky and un-intuitive in their previous state and more so now that they're unmodifiable in some situations but not others. What is the big deal with just making them modifiable? What were these problems they allude to during testing? Its just head-scratching to me.

    Also, lol at Gaunt Summoner still summoning 10 pink horrors.

    On the Brightside, hopefully this curtails most of the power level complaints for awhile and Tzeentch still looks competitive to me. I was worried they'd go crazy with the nerfs.

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  3. 12 hours ago, Kramer said:

    So again how do people see the book after two months of playing it?

    I'm taking a break from MawTribes until I feel like painting up another Stonehorn but a couple of players in my area have been playing it. They've caught onto the Stonehorn lists and are doing okayish with them. I actually lost a game with my cities vs a eurlbad thanks to a FloSH with ethereal amulet making a lunatic numbers of saves. Tournament wise, things are more meh with them the 2 players going 1-2 and 0-3 in our one tournament so far but I consider our scene to be pretty brutal and I think those players are newer.

    Probably, the thing that has changed the most for me as time goes on is that I consider Gluttons to be pretty much be a trap unit. They look good on paper but in my experience they're too flimsy to be an anvil, don't hit quite hard enough to be a hammer, and are too expensive for chaff. I think the strength of the book is in Stonehorns, Ironguts, Gnoblars, and Frostsabers. Basically chaff and hammers. I haven't watched Doom and Darknesses Cancon recap but he was practicing with a list that was pretty similar to what I"m thinking of building eventually and was having pretty good results with it in his practice games.

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  4. 56 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I'm surprised they're not combining the focus on Be'lakor with a new daemon prince model. I'd expected something new to come out of the campaign book, besides the book. That seemed like a pretty good candidate, since it would slot right into the Slaves to Darkness battletome, rather than being something new.

    Evidently its just a book though, which is a little odd.

    The lack of a new demon prince kit is one of the things holding me back from getting into STD.

    • Like 1
  5. Flamers are interesting to me. Their damage seems pretty intense, especially in Eternal Conflagration, but they are incredibly fragile. I can see why the Eternal Conflagration/Changehost combo is tilting people but its hard for me to picture flamers getting nerfed much without becoming too much of a liability in a list, especially if the aforementioned combo gets nerfed too. I'm already hesitant to field them outside of that combo due to stuff like OBR catapults and KO shooting. On that subject, anyone complaining about Tzeentch shooting out heroes should get some games in with the new KO.  

    • Sad 1
  6. Just now, Grimrock said:

    Munificent looks decent but jamming more than 1 unit of plaguebearers wholly within 12 of the general is going to be tricky. Could be decent though 

    I'd just park a GUO with bell/dagger in the middle of a 30 man plaguebearer unit and take geminids and use them as a big bully unit near the middle of the table. Don't expect it to be a top tier thing but if the rest of the subfaction stuff grants bonuses to cast or can ramp up their damage dealing abilities I could see myself taking it to a tournament. 

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  7. 17 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    I play slaves, khorne, nurgle, tzeentch and slaanesh and honestly none of the previewed rules excited me. I'm hoping that the rest of the rules will make them a bit more interesting, but I find it hard to believe that, in an article that's supposed to build excitement, they somehow managed to pick out the least exciting rules from every single sub faction. A pretty big bummer that they glazed over the combined daemon allegiance and the best thing they could come up with was to buy 700 dollars of models that have absolutely no synergy with eachother whatsoever.

    I play all except Slaanesh and I'm excited for Nurgle, if only because its a super low bar considering Maggotkin's current competitiveness and lack of subfactions. The Drowned Men are looking pretty poor due to anti-synergy between its subfaction ability and command ability but hey, Blightkings are probably the best warscroll in the book now and doing a mortal wound when they die on a 2+ makes them better than they were. I'm paranoid the Munificient Wanderer's command trait will get nerfed but if it doesn't then Tallyband might be usable depending on the rest of the subfaction.

  8. Munificent Wanders: bf3c5b6e.jpg

    Looks really good and depending on the rest of the abilities could make a Tallyband List actually worth taking. It's what I'm most excited for now. Hopefully it doesn't get the DP of Nurgle treatment.

    Droning Guard: 9502023d.jpg

    Not bad, I'm actually not sure if this is the Command Trait or subfaction ability though I think its the CT based on the warlord flavor text. Not particularly amazing to me but movement buffs are good, even if its just 4 inches.

    Blessed Sons: 65417c17.jpg

    More speed is good and Rotbringers are command point hungry to begin with so I'd rate this pretty high. Still need to see what the rest of the faction brings.

    Drowned Men: f2e11927.jpg

    A meh command ability considering Blightlords can't be in a Blight Cyst (this would have been great on Blightkings). Considering their subfaction ability promotes large unit sizes (aka blightkings) the anti-synergy between the two sinks this subfaction for me. Their command trait/artefact is going to have to be mind-blowing to bail them out.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Didn't this just get FAQ'd off the StD Deamon Prince? 🤨


    Its was d3 mortals and could stack but this would have been a much more reasonable fix then what they did. The cynical side of me says this will get errata'd too once the game designers realize this is both good and a Nurgle ability.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Dreadmund said:

    At the Heat, which is held by GW at Warhammer World, it was ruled that DD do let you autopass Battleshock if I'm not mistaken. So it seems to be intended.

    They were probably just going on RAW though I've never been to an official GW tournament. In practice, I feel like making judge calls based on RAI is a bad idea in a tournament.

  11. My big issue with destiny dice being unmodifiable is that it feels very counter-intuitive and lame in practice. Its a design feature that gives you control over your dice rolls but instead lets you ignore rend or battleshock. It feels natural to use a DD to get a 1 on a unit of Pink Horrors to pass a battleshock and get some guys back. It feels weird to go "Okay so even if I roll a 6 the rest of the unit will flee. So instead of rolling I'm going to use a destiny dice to automatically get a 6 and thus pass my battleshock". Or "Okay, so you just hit and wounded my GS summoner with a -2 rend cannon ball. He has a 5+ save so I can't possibly pass a save roll. Cool, I'll just use a DD of 5 instead of rolling so he's fine". I can definitely see that irritating some players and wouldn't surprise me if that's were some of the NPE claims are coming from.

    On the flipside, it feels stupid to use a LOC's command ability to get +1 to cast and then not be able to use two 3 DD to cast a spell that requires a 7. But you can use a 3 and a 4 because Mastery of Magic isn't technically a modifier. That's getting into an aside but it always feels janky explaining to someone that changing a dice roll isn't the same as modifying a dice roll.  

  12. The spread isn't that bad but I'm truly amazed by how many Infinity factions are sitting within a point or two 50%.

    On the OBR/Petririx side of things, I felt they really impact builds. As in they are so incredibly resistant to conventional melee phase attacks that if that's all your bringing you're pretty much SOL. However, if you can bring a substantial amount of mortal wound generation/shooting then you can have an actual game and they aren't that crazy (those catapults are still scary to any low save faction though). Combined with their high meta % they serve as a gatekeeper for list building.

    In practice, for me, this means that even though Nurgle Rotbringers have received some major buffs in the Winter FAQ and are getting subfactions in the upcoming expansion unless they get some serious spell casting buffs (or ranged damage somehow) they're still dead to me as a competitive option. OBR (PE with Arkhan) makes up a very high percent of my local meta so unless an army has a substantial shooting component or the ability to spell cast through Arkhan's unbindings there's no way I'm going to bother taking them to a tourney. So basically Nurgle stays on the shelf and I'm working on Cities and Tzeentch (though holding off on the demon side incase GW knee-jerks and nerfs them into oblivion).

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, sorokyl said:

    their existing battletome is their 2.0. GW has said as much.  4 batallions (2 of which already exist in some form in the current tome) is not going to move the meter at all for Nurgle. No Warscroll reworks. No allegiance abilitiy reworks. 

    The Cycle of Corruption is fine, the warscrolls are good enough barring outdated language. These are almost certainly not battalions but sub-factions as they have already confirmed that the Drowned Men are. An extra layer of allegiance abilities, new command abilities, artefacts, and traits could do wonders for the faction. Especially if any of them wind up boosting spell casting. Rotbringers just got buffed in the Winter FAQ with unmodified 6s and Blight Cyst at 140 points, they are close to being competitive again.   

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  14. So based off of today's preview it looks like we're getting 4 subfactions:

    The Munificent Wanderers: Yay Nurgle Daemons!

    The Droning Guard: Nurgle Daemons and probably plague drones in particular. I have high hopes since I think drones could be competitive with relatively low buffs. I'm hoping they get +1 to hit somewhere.

    The Blessed Sons: Rotbringers. Maybe focused on durability based on the current battalion. Could be nice, hopefully more impactful than Drowned Men.

    The Drowned Men: We saw them yesterday. They might blightkings better than they were before :P

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  15. 49 minutes ago, smartazjb0y said:


    More previews for Wrath of the Everchosen. Kinda surprised there's no Death stuff at all, but they do mention Chaos Mortal subfactions at the end. Hoping for maybe a mixed-god Mortals subfaction! 

    Looks like Nurgle is getting 4 subfactions based off of names. This is looking like Maggotkin 2.0 for them.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  16. 12 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Then theres Horrors...whats everyones solutions to change them? Without them doing a complete warscroll overhaul i dont see them changing at all. Maybe points adjustments

    I really don't think their warscroll needs to be changed much. There's enough similar stuff in other armies like the often quoted clanrats that if 50 wounds per 200 points was fundamentally broken then these units would be far more common on the competitive scene. Hell, Squigs are 48 wounds for 280 with 2 attacks at 3/4/-1/1 and they're generally considered bad.

    That said, I think they are hyper efficient with resurrection abilities so I'd reduce their Icon to from d6 returned to d3. Fold reality might also need to be looked at. People tie it to Horrors but if Horrors are nerfed into uselessness I predict we'll hear people cry about resurrecting 6 flamers or screamers next. Maybe have it return d3 models and slay a model instead if you roll a 1 or a 2. 

    I feel like a broken record at this point but I think the balance issues are a combination of some strong warscrolls/sub-factions/changehost. If you nerf all of them simultaneously you wind up with a bottom tier unit. Unfortunately, the YouTuber crowd in particular seems to have such a strong hate ****** for this battletome I don't think they'll be content until Horrors and Flamers are gone from the competitive scene altogether.  Someone on Twitter pointed out that just this year FEC and Slaanesh had higher win rates at their initial tournaments. Hell, Daughters of Khaine had a 71% going back to June 2019 (I remember them having 77% months after their release but Honest Wargamer stats don't go back that for on their site). I get that this battletome is over the top and it sucks to see stuff like this released but its hardly unique. To single out DOT as a unique failing on GW's part is disingenuous to the extreme. 

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  17. 46 minutes ago, Zplash said:

    Every little bit helps... 

    Looking at the rotbringer model count its kinda weak plus considering first of all u don't want to lose your few models... And if you play max 30 blightkings that's 25 mortals if every model is dead XD... Not a good trade. 

    But yeah better than nothing. I'm curious what the other sub factions will look like :)

    ... again, we heal std nurgles but they still dmg us with their nurgle mortal stuff? I don't get it... 

    Yeah, as a subfaction ability I think its pretty meh in practice but its something at least. And who knows, maybe it will come with a command trait/ability/artifact that improves spell casting. With all the OBR in my meta I don't think Maggotkin will go anywhere competitive unless they put out ranged damage somehow.

  18. 24 minutes ago, MattyP said:

    i am nervous about the FAQ.  Im seeing quite a lot of comments where people are up in arms about how Flamers, horrors, changehost are broken/overpowered/ not fun etc. (this is summation of what i'm seeing) and an over correction or large nerf may be the result.

    Yeah, Flamers are already so fragile for their points and all the pitchfork waving about how 50 wounds for 200 points is game breaking just by itself has me worried that GW will knee-****** and nerf them into oblivion.

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