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Posts posted by EccentricCircle

  1. Well, my Friendly Local Gaming Store have just given me the replacement which they received from GW. Unsurprisingly, it contains the exact same thing as the one I returned to them on Monday. Given what other people have heard back I guess there's not much else to be done at this point. I wasn't going to make a fuss to the shop keeper, since its not their fault, and I'm not keen to try to sue games workshop for false advertising over a £30 kit!

    That said, I am really disappointed by the way this has turned out, and GW's apparent handling of the situation. I've been quite pro GW over the last year or so, but my attitudes to them are definitely swinging back to neutral after this.

    Ironically, prior to this all, I'd been considering getting the Blasted Hallowheart set in order to get the longer wall section. That assuredly isn't going to be happening now.

  2. Wow, that's really bad. If it was just the booklet that would be one thing, but declaring all of the promotional materials to just be wrong is shameful.

    It is rather telling that the sprue they are leaving out is the one that had hitherto only been available in the expensive Hallowheart set (and now looks to be in the big Christmas bundle.) I'd hazard a guess that they decided they didn't want to give people a more affordable way to buy that element, and chose to keep it exclusive to the bigger sets.

    It will be interesting to see how my indy store handles this (they told me to come back on friday, by which time they'd have the correct kit from GW). If GW will be turning around and telling them that there is nothing wrong with it, they might be in a tricky position.

  3. So they've saying that its the box art and instruction book that are incorrect, not the contents? That's quite a stretch. The long wall section can be seen in almost every picture on the box, and is clearly there in many of the marketing pictures! It was clearly advertised that that would be part of the set. Its not just that they've put the wrong leaflet in the box!

    I wonder if someone changed their mind as to what pieces would be included late in the process, and they didn't get around to changing all of the pictures and such. Either way, its clearly been advertised to include that piece, so i'd think they are on shaky ground trying to say that they never intended to include it.

  4. Similar at my end; I took it back to the indy game store where I bought it, and the clerk rang up the GW official who handles their stock. It was apparently the first that official had heard about the problem. We sent him photos of the sprues and the shop will be getting a replacement copy for me with their next order, while they send back the original. I'll be certain to check the box before I take it home though, as I've yet to see any evidence that complete kits actually exist!

  5. 20 minutes ago, Overread said:

    @EccentricCircle best to contact GW directly, they are very good at resolving issues themselves. Even though your contract of purchase is with the retailer, not GW, GW itself will deal with misspacks and the like. I had a german copy of the Necromunda rules in my box and GW resolved the matter very quickly. All they required was a copy of the receipt of purchase (ergo invoice). I also provided photos of the issue (sometimes they ask sometimes they don't, but I always provide them as it gives the most information on the situation to them). 

    If anything has to be sent back they typically give you a print-out pre-paid stamp that you just print and put on the parcel. 

    OK, thanks. I didn't know that they did that!

    That potentially makes things much simpler.

  6. I guess the next question is: Has anyone actually received the full kit?

    If its just a few faulty units that's one thing, but if everyone is missing a piece it could be somewhat more awkward to get replacements.

    I bought mine from a 3rd party retailer, rather than GW themselves, so I'm sure they'll refund me, but unless there is a product recall it might be tricky to get the full thing.

  7. Hello

    Can someone please confirm how many sprues there are supposed to be in the new Azyrite Townscape kit? I've just bought one, and am concerned that a piece might be missing. I've got two large sprues of two storey ruins, and two small sprues which look identical to the ones from the Azyrite Ruins kit. However there doesn't seem to be a large sprue of single storey ruins as depicted in the instruction book. I've looked on the GW webstore, but it only shows three sprues of single storey ruins,and doesn't show the two storey ones at all. So basically I'm not certain where the error lies.

  8. 8 hours ago, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    I have all Age of Sigmar factions which are currently about 232,000 points of models according to GHB 2018:


    I think the technical term is "Wow!" That is a vast collection.

  9. I'm pretty sure that the Nurgle book is one of the "white spine" books which were "written to work with 2nd edition"*. Thus it likely was written with the philosophy of providing exceptions to the core rules, rather than setting out rulings that 2e core would then errata.

    * I.e. they likely wrote it after the new core rules, even though it was published before, while 2e was still being playtested. I'm pretty sure that we can pin down when the 2e rules were in development as being that big gap between the last turquoise spine book coming out, and the first white spine one. I seem to recall it was a few months at least?

  10. There does seem to be a pattern to this year's releases, first they update or expand something (Daughters of Khaine for Order/Elves, Legions of Nagash for Death.) Then a few months later there is a much larger new range (Idoneth for Order/Elves, Nighthaunt for Death.) Nighthaunt rolled in a few older models, but was definitely more on the scale of the Idoneth release than the DoK one!

    Thus it wouldn't surprise me if we see an updated Beastmen book, in the style of LoN, followed by a fuller Chaos release (I'd like Dawi Zharr, but Darkoath are cool too I guess...) Likewise could destruction see a "grot soup" battletome, with one faction left out to be revised further a month or two down the line (Moonclan)?

    If they planned to rerelease the grand alliance books for this edition they would likely have done them by now, which would seem to suggest that they are planning a more substantial replacement for them down the line. LoN definitely seems like it could be the template for that.

    Just a hypothesis, but it will be interesting to see what the faction line up looks like a year from now.

    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    Spells doom for twilight sisters losing points value. 

    Minis going “legend” = death

    Awesome, that's one of the few wood elf sets I'm missing. If only they could bring back Ariel and Orion that would be perfect. Not to worried about the lack of points, so long as the stats don't change too much the old ones shouldn't be far off should they?

  12. 8 hours ago, Kronos said:

    The death of a God didn’t stop Morathi and her cult, mind you she is leeching his essence, rewards, prayers. Same goes for the Fyreslayers and Grimnir, and of course most recently the Idoneth and Mathlann. Chaos dwarves will be fine without Hashut.


    Would be cool if their ehole premise was rebuilding their God, A brass bull as large as a God Beast that needs ever more slaves to construct.

    Ooh, I love that idea. Would need to make sure it is disticnt fisting om what the fyreslayers are trying to do, but I think thats doable y adding in a lot of tyranny. What if instead of collecting a material, like ur-gold or the  shards of Khaine they are stealing little bits of divinity from other gods so that they desperate prayers of their slaves will empower Hashut instead?

    • Like 1
  13. I may have whipped up a couple of concepts. Here is a very rough sketch of a hexagonal cogfot plan, with a bit of foot detail, and a 3d model of one of the constituent cogtowers.

    I need to add more detail to the model. but will probably work on the skeleton of the rest of the castle first. clearly it should ultimately be as gothic as possible, but there's a limit to how much of that I'll be able to implement in sketchup.

    I'm imagining a set of gun ports all around the tower. Gear teeth at the top and bottom of the bridge level would allow the bridge to remain stationary, while the tower rotates within an armoured sheath, bringing different gun ports to bear on the enemy. It can rotate at the rate it takes for the gun crews to reload their canons, so that there is always a loaded gun pointed outwards.

    Additional bridges will lead inwards to the central boiler dome, which will be suspended above a mass of gears and clockwork, with pistons and cam shafts to drive the legs, and the rotation of the tower. There should maybe be six legs to mirror the hexagonal profile of the castle.

    The bottom of the structure will be an armored bowl like structure, to stop anyone from getting under the fort, and attacking the clockwork from below (I'm looking at you goblins and skaven...) It will probably need some defense against aerial assault as well, maybe some angled metal plates suspended above the mechanism.

    Sorry that the plan is so rough. I wasn't intending to draw up proper blueprints, but rather get the scale of the different componants straight in my head before starting on the 3d model. Once that is done I should be able to output whatever views I want, to turn into proper paintings, blueprints etc. Or, you know, get it 3d printed at 28mm scale...

    Cog Tower 3a.JPG


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  14. 2 hours ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

    While the creativity on display in this thread is wonderful, for me a lot of these designs are all fort and no cog. Plonking a literal fortress down on top of some kind of propulsion system just doesn't do it for me. 40K Titans could also be described as moving fortresses, but they're not literally buildings with legs - there's a lot more going on in the concept and design than that.

    Given that these structures are presumably so closely associated with clockwork mechanisms that the word 'cog' makes up half the name, perhaps a design that takes its inspiration directly from some of the more bizarre, complex and wonderful clockwork creations would be more evocative. There is some truly mesmerising clockwork automata out there, both historical and modern. Very few of the concepts I've seen so far truly give me a sense of some grand mechanism, rather than just architecture that's on legs but is otherwise as static as any other building.

    For me, if something is called a cog fort then I would want it to be a fort that's literally, visibly made from clockwork in large part, not just nominally propelled along by it.

    Just some constructive critique.






    I absolutely agree. However, the tricky thing with this is that it also has to be a fort. Logically any clockwork which is essential for its function would be safely tucked away behind the armoured panels so that it can't be broken during a battle.

    The trick is keeping the mechanism exposed enough to suggest the cogs, while armouring it enough to make a solid fort.

    I'm envisioning something along the lines of a ring of watch towers, connected by armoured bridges, with a massive clockwork engine at its heart. The towers, and their batteries can be rotated using massive interlocking cogs, while the engine drives a mass of armoured legs. In the centre is a vast smokestack, belching steam into the air. Skyships and Gyrocoptors come and go from skydocks build on the pinacles of the steel towers, while vast hangers can be lowered to the ground beneath the legs to deploy squadrons of steam tanks.

    • Like 3
  15. 43 minutes ago, Overread said:

    @EccentricCircle an army that vast calls for a photo showing off the over 2000 models in one go (go forth and dominate the floor and tables!)

    Lets see what i've got in the way of gr oup shots... 
    Some of these aren't the best, since i'm trying to photograph too much at once really. The Lizardmen were my first army, and i've collected them on and off for years. The Tomb Kings are what I was collecting as the End Times struck, and I just managed to complete my collection before they vanished into the mists of time. The Chaos Dwarves are probably the one I'm most proud of, as it took several years to track down the older models, and I got very lucky on a few of them.
    The Dwarves and Vampire Counts/LoN shots are the most recent ones I have to hand, but those collections have been expanded on a bit since. Alas I don't have time today to set everything up for a more complete photoshoot!

    Tomb Kings.JPG

    Vampire Counts.JPG

    Chaos Dwarves.JPG



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  16. I have quite a large collection of models, spread over several "armies". However I tend to try to collect a variety of models, rather than build specific army lists. I generally get models when I need them for RPG purposes, and then try to expand those forces into full Warhammer armies if I enjoy painting and modelling them. I thus tend to have lots of varient models, and heroes, but don't have the rank and file in the same numbers that most people seem to.

     I have three "grand armies" where I have all of the available units, and can *mostly* field them in sufficient numbers. These are my almost 500 Lizardmen, my 300 Tomb Kings, and 270 Chaos Dwarves.

    Dwarves are practically a grand army at this point, as I have almost as many of them as I do Chaos Dwarves, however it isn't a complete collection, simply because of the vast number of dwarf models that have been released over the years. I'm currently working on some Kharadrons, which will add to my good dwarf roster.

    I have a 160 model wood elf army, which is currently a work in progress. They are taking a bit of a while to paint up. When combined with just under a hundred High Elves they form a reasonably large army. I then have around a hundred models for Sylvaneth, Legions of Nagash and Collegiate Arcane (I did a collection project trying to get all of the varient wizards for the different colleges of magic. I've completed the collection, but the painting is still a work in progress.)

    Throw in a few other factions, and the full breakdown looks like this:

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