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Posts posted by EccentricCircle

  1. 1 hour ago, Ferban said:

    I got WH+ the first year and, while it probably didn't quite deliver for the price, I overall thought it was fine.  There were lots of animations, and several series.  At first it was weekly, then they went to an every-other-week format for animations.  

    However, this year has been relatively poor.  Many long stretches with no animations.  I get that they need to build up a library (it's not Netflix or Disney+).  But when nothing is coming out other than Loremasters, Masterclass, or battle reports, it's hard to stay invested.  I'm not a huge fan of battle reports to begin with and the WH+ ones aren't anything special.  Masterclass is neat, but my painting ability isn't really high enough to make use of most of the tips.  And Loremaster used to be really good.  They'd take a character (like Abaddon or Nagash) and go through his life - something that would take bits from many different sources.  More recently, they've just been taking a faction and describing it - the exact sort of thing you already get from a battletome.  So either they are re-hashing a tome I've already read, or describing some faction I'm less interested in.  

    I'm hopeful that Blacktalon will be good and we'll see more animations in the coming months.  But I'm going to have a real hard time staying subscribed in August (I bought the year) if things don't start picking up substantially. 

    Thanks, and to the others who replied.

    I've kind of gone off the hobby content, and haven't played a game of AoS since Covid, so I was mainly just subscribing for the cool Sorcerer model, and the off chance I'd like the cartoons. Between the exclusive model and the voucher a few months back, its not been a horrendous price to pay for some 40K cartoons, and I went into it knowing there wouldn't be much fantasy content. Still I don't think I want another year of it. I can watch most of the stuff I'm still interested before the summer when I need to renew or not, but will be slightly sad if I start Blacktalon and don't get to finish it. We shall see I guess!

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  2. How many episodes is it, and are they coming out one a week?

    i have wh+ this year, but it hasn't really been worth it, this might make it a better deal, but I really don't want to have to keep it into next year if the last episode airs after renewal day!

  3. 6 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    It's from faeit, which means clickbait with no substance. 

    GW themselves have said and shown that new bretonnian and tomb kings are coming, which invalidates that "rumour". 

    I highly doubt they've spent the past few years developing TOW to only release a box, a few books and gubbins. 

    If the pandemic lock downs proved anything, it's nostalgia is a powerful thing with so many people returning to the hobby. 

    This has the potential to make a lot of money for GW and making money is something they do very well. 

    I read the rumour as being that they'll put out a small but significant release this year for the anniversary, but we'll be waiting a long time after that for proper model support, as its not there yet.

    I'd say that is plausible, but also eminently guessable, so if the source has a bad track record, I'd agree its the kind of thing anyone could speculate.

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  4. All tyranid names are by default the faux latin imperial name for them. The xenos will call them different things but even as a die hard xenos player I get that they can't write five names for everything. The nids own names for themselves would be a mind melting psychic screech, so that doesn't help.


    At risk od getting too 40ky, Distinguish in gorkamorka from the chaos gods is also explained more in 40k than in fantasy. Essentially he forms through the same psychic process, but orks are cut ff from the warp, so their beliefs don't shape a god within the realm of chaos like with humans and elves. Instead they manifest one in the mortal realm. As a result Gorkamorka has many of the same properties as a chaos god, but isn't corrputed by chaos in the same way. How much of that can inform AoS is another matter though!

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Hollow said:

    All this talk around lore compendiums and fleshing out of the Mortal Realms makes my creative juices flow. (At least I think those are creative juices) 

    I would love to see a lavish 10-book series written in the style of a great explorer, who set out to try and map the mortal realms. 1 book for each of the 8 Mortal Realms, 1 for the 8 points, and 1 for the Atheric Void between realms. Not novels, but more like a series of journals (Think "There and Back Again" from LotR). Perhaps the protagonist could have some distant connection to one of The Old World's greatest explorers, Marco Colombo! (Aboard a giant flying ship of course!) 

    Big chunky leather bound covers (a bit like the limited edition Horus Heresy books) Filled with maps, sketches and tales of wonder. Detailed, in-depth looks at the citizenry, politics, architecture, nomenclature and cultural traditions of the many different races and societies that populate the realms. 

    They could include some fun and flavourful terrain and campaign rules (A bit like 2004's Lustria book for Warhammer Fantasy) with each tomb as thick as a core rulebook.

    I'm getting carried away, but damn... so much potential there. 

    This would be great. I could see Cubicle 7 doing it for soulbound, much more readily than GW doing it for main AoS. C7 have better writing, more in depth lore, and th is kind of book is just a better fit for the rpg line. It's nit hugely far removed from some of what they are doing for new wfrp. I'm eagerly awaiting the new Lustria book.

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  6. I agree that destruction is being neglected, and so are dwarves. But the thing is... I well remember the dark days when Death was just as neglected...

    Heck there was a time when we'd just got FS ans KO and it was the elves who feared they were never getting anything new. Scroll a few thousand pages back in this very thread if you don't believe me! The salt flowed, but the time came and they got their models. Elves weren't abandoned, slaanesh wasn't squatted, death had its day. So i fervently believe that destruction time will come. It might just take a decade...

    • Like 6
  7. We always hype these things out of all proportion and get disappointed so I'm keeping my predictions realistic.

    I think we'll see at least one Space Marine, at least on thing with skulls on and at least one massive hammer. Anything more than that will be a bonus.

    • Haha 5
  8. 20 minutes ago, Sabush said:

    You still could’ve recycled it. Don’t need gw for that.

    Or maybe the recycling possibilities are really bad where you live.

    In general its pretty good, I can recycle a lot of plastic and do.  But they don't take polystyrene, ( very few do) and you have to be careful not to contaminate your other plastic recyclables by including the wrong material. 

    The reason this is such a big step for gw is that they are offering us a way to recycle something which most councils don't accept, and which there isn't a good way to dispose of already.

    • Like 13
  9. Shucks, i literally just trashed two year's worth of sprues, as I finally got around to sorting my bits box out. Oh well, looks like I'd have to take them to Birmingham anyway, hopefully by the time they roll it out to my neck of the woods I'll have loads more to dispose of...

  10. 29 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I moved back to GWs consistently excellent LOTR game last year and found its had a hugely beneficial impact on my to do pile for several reasons


    1) Size + details.  

    GWs models just seem giant these days, a basic infantry trooper is now approximately the height of an old Stone Troll and about 18x as detailed. From a basic scientific viewpoint there's just More To Do when painting an AOS model compared to painting an MESBG or Oathmark etc equivalent. It's not an exaggeration to say I can paint a small MESBG army in the time it takes one AOS regiment. 


    2) Off the hype train. 

    MESBG gets a few new things a year, as thankfully GW have the sense to leave their impeccably balanced and comprehensive game pretty much alone. As a result, I'm not experiencing FOMO every Sunday and Monday (at least) every week with new reveals. GW are (as I predicted with WH +) more and more pushing the Marvel model of a comprehensive infastructure in which you collect AOS, as opposed to just one faction. Sure, if you're disciplined you *can* just do your thing but more and more of their products are designed with the idea of a buy in to the license as a whole. This in my experience leads to a curious oscillation between hype and then fatigue almost simultaneously. The sense of MORE STUFF 😁 becomes more stuff 🫠 and you drown underneath it. All this is compounded by the fact that the online Hobby Community are for the most part involved in this ecosysyem and Content Creators and Influencers increasingly invested in it, like literally dependent on it for money. 

    Step outside of the Big Two though and stuff is pretty chill and there's more space for you to enthuse or step back as your mood takes.


    3) More painting begets more painting. 

    I really like painting models but I was terrible at consistently painting them. Mainly because I was never "Finished". But it turns out thar a smaller less detailed surface to cover, plus the absence of weight generated by FOMO and keeping up with whatever is going on in AOS this week etc, leads to actually finishing stuff. And the more you paint and finish stuff the better and quicker you get, most of the below models are at 40 mins now. Its not "Speedpainting" as I see it because I rarely ever paint for longer and im not going for fast; it's just my painting window, where I'm content and engaged with creativity, much longer per model and I lose interest. 

    And the thing with finishing stuff is you get to do new stuff. The Last 8 months or so I've painted men, ghosts, trolls, multiple species of orc, wargs, heroes, banners, siege weapons. With that has come different opportunities to try all sorts of textures, different ways to paint skin and different skin tones, leather, metals, colour schemes, basing and so on. In the equivalent time with AOS I would have started and stopped multiple things without ever finishing them, at best.

    Please dont read this as an attack on AOS. If you enjoy it then great, all that matters. But if you're finding all the hobby abit too much, just some thoughts as to how often the product and its culture can be as much of an impediment to motivation as anything else. Could be that you enjoy the hobby just as much but you need to give yourself an easier approach like i did.

    I've found that the issues around size and detail also apply to basically anything 3d sculpted. The more is more school of thought seems to dominate among 3d sculptors where the thought seems to be more about creating a fantastic image and very little thought goes into the idea of translating that as a 3D object. 

    If you feel overawed or overwhelmed, my advice is paint something simple, finish it, and repeat, see where it takes you. Just like when you were a kid. Paint a wee guy with a face and Shield and armour or whatever. Enjoy bringing them to life. 

    If you don't enjoy painting and finishing something basic, chances are you'll never enjoy painting, let alone finish, something complex and intricate.






    This is so true. The year before last I got really burned out painting highly detailed warcry warbands. I love those models, but it became a chore. I took a break, did Lego stuff for a few months, then got back into things painting historical models and stargrave stuff. That gave me the confidence to tackle the gw kits again, and not stress the details when I did. I now have untamed beasts, splintered fang done and some cool ancient Egyptians and a steampunk spacer crew! Win win.

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  11. Well, it really does look as though they're aiming to replace all the finecast doesn't it? I love this model. I've always liked the old resin one, but it's so fragile. This update is fantastic, and is hopefully a sign  of things to come when the fans of beasts, skaven and ogres get their turn!

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    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. Its worth noting that while some models get objectively dated, Others just go out of fashion. Quality plateau 'd a while ago by many metrics, but fashions come and go, so even models which are fine from a technical standpoint will fall out of favour sooner or later. 

    • Like 1
  13. Yeah, once, long ago in the dim and distant past Games Workshop made games. They were originally a board game and RPG company. However, over time they realised that their warhammer miniature lines were outselling their other products and so made that their whole business. They have gone through phases of wanting to license out their brand for other companies to make the games they don't. We're presently in a good place for Warhammer RPGs with all the stuff C7 are putting out. However, their falling out with FFG led to most of the licensed warhammer board games, and a fair few older GW created games which weren't part of the warhammer brand being discontinued. Since then there has been no indication that they plan to license those GW games to someone else, and the FFG developed Warhammer games are likely gone for good as the rights are split between two companies which are now rivals.

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  14. This update looks like it's going to be great. Lizardmen were my first wfb army, and I've always had a soft spot for big scaly monsters. I 've got thousands of points of lizzies... I in no way need more, but... I think I might need to start saving some pennies.

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    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. 1 hour ago, cofaxest said:

    I hope they will be redone in 32mm scale like StD with more dynamic posing.

    That already happened during 8e wfb though. Compare the current dwarves to the old warriors and thunderers kits, or the plastic heroes to the old metal characters. Peopke talk about them being an old faction, but they're really not. The model's came out less than a year before aos, and I bet they were working on fyreslayers around the same time.

    • Like 5
  16. 6 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I'm going to toss my hat in the ring before the lore talk get mod-nuked, but Warhammer was, historically, a setting, not a narrative. By that I mean it wasn't like the MCU where every piece of new content was pushing forward an overarching narrative, they were shining a light on different parts of the universe where smaller, independent stories were told. The Core Book, Codexes, campaigns, etc. weren't the latest comic telling the next part of Mr Imperium Main Protagonist's (Guilliman....) life, they were meant to introduce you to a faction, show you a cool new place in the world, and said, "Now go have fun." 

    If you wanted a story to happen, you'd read a Black Library novel or MAKE one with your battles with the people you played against. It wasn't "stagnant," it was a setting where players and supplementary material created their own narratives.

    I say "was" for a reason, as we've seen with post-Gathering Storm 40k and now AoS, that GW has shifted their approach. We're seeing a larger overarching story that gets pushed forward with new content, albeit very slowly, and that is, I believe, by design. GW isn't trying to write Lord of the Rings here, they're still writing something players are meant to set their battles in and authors are meant to write around. So we're not going to get Guilliman reuniting the Imperium and finding all the loyalist Primarchs, or Kragnos ruining Sigmar's plans in six months of releases, because after that happens... then what? You have to keep writing more, and more, and more new, different things to happen in order to keep stuff interesting, and when they want all their characters they're selling to feature in the lore so players keep using them, they can't keep writing dozens of different plotlines around them without ending up in the same situation that DC and Marvel comics are in. Spoilers for them, but it ain't a good one.

    GW is playing the long game. They're planning releases three, even four years ahead, and they have to write these developments under the assumption that they'll be keeping AoS and 40k around for another 30 or 40 years. 

    Any developments in the "narrative" (and I hesitate to even call it one) are going to be minor, and they're going to happen very, very slowly.

    Also, Kragnos is like the Avatar of AoS: everyone keeps talking about Kragnos, but only to talk about how no one cares about Kragnos. It's very funny to me that his biggest impact on the community seems to be a meme about him being horny for Alarielle.

    I agree totally. This has always been the problem with Metaplots across pretty much all gaming. RPGs have it in spades.

    The setting has to adhere to a status quo dictated by the products the company wants to sell, so it can't advance in a satisfying manner. You either get "big events" with no lasting impact on the status uo, or you get an end times situation where things do change, but in the process it's no longer the setting you had before.

    The solution though is for us as players to tell our own stories through narrative campaigns, which can be as sweeping and earth shattering as we want. This was the original intent of game settings before things like D&Ds dragonlance led to the style o rolling, externally imposed narrative we have today. The setting was fixed at the point YOUR campaign starts  and all the history described in the books serves as inspiration for what could happen next.

    But the onus is on us to make that world our own and tell whatever story we want to tell, rather than waiting for an official supplement to tell us what cam or should happen.

    Now, the downside to this approach is that your world will diverge from everyone else's. Beyond your player group no one else will acknowledge those events, and official material will need a bit more work to implement. However AoS is big enough that there is space for lots of !medium scale stuff to be happening. 

    This is though why I prefer to make my own setting. I'd rather take inspiration from canon and then go do my own thing with those ideas, rather than be beholden to a metaplot which will break my narrative, while not providing a good enough substitute of its own!


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  17. Legends are basically fine, but most of the online discourse around the game is dominated by the tiny majority of players who are into matched play, tournaments, and keeping up with the meta game.

    GW sales vs tournament attendance numbers show that demographic to be small overall. However they are the folks who go out of their way to talk about the game , both online and at stores. They are also the ones most likely to want pick up games rather than playing with a small group of friends and not breaking out of that bubble. So they are the majority of this and every other forum, save a few narrative and old school communities perhaps.

    To the tourney crows playing anything but the latest gw approved material is heresy, so being sent to legends is a death sentence. Really though, its fine, and as a casual player I'd rather play a single finished rules set where all the warscrolls are out, rather than try to keep up with an ever evolving slate. Its much easier to houserule the newest factions into legends than vis ersa after all!

    • Like 7
  18. 7 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    It truly does feel like AOS took a back seat this Edition, not only to 40K but to Horus Heresy and even Necromunda.

    Warcry and Underworlds are more exciting than the mainline game because we are guranteed more than a single mini for those Warbands!!

    I reckon we're right in the middle of the period when all the lockdowns impacted their R&D two or so years ago, and that slump is coming down the pipeline. 

    The smaller games have really taken off because they are likely designed on a shorter timescale. Most of the endless stream of necromonday reveals are for traditionally sculpted resin models from forgeworld. Those have a quicker turn around than anything we get for AoS so were likely designed after the bulk of the lockdown. We have a longer lead time, so are seeing a focus on warcry and underworlds. I suspect some of the heroes are old sculpts, that were on the back burner. It's frustrating that they seem to have prioritised 40k, which by rights should have had the same issues. But that's not really surprising.

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