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Posts posted by EccentricCircle

  1. 51 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am not a resin fan, but I have to say that Forge resin is one of the best ones out there.

    That's not saying much. I've built a lot of forge world models and the detail will be nice and crisp, if it isn't warped or miscast. They have bad quality control, the material is fragile and hard to work with. Fine as display pieces if you manage to tidy up the flash, gates, warping, and general brittleness, but they aren't great for heavy use or being transported. 

    Big monsters go together a bit better in resin than in metal, I'll give them that, but really metal is better for heroes on foot, and plastic is better for everyone else.

    • Like 4
  2. Yeah, it's not that we want the Tomb Kings to be "Good", it's that warhammer has never been about good vs evil in the first place. It's a definitive order vs chaos setting, and while Chaos is undoubtedly very evil, that doesn't make everything that opposes it good.

    I don't have a problem with the Tomb Kings being the villains of this first arc, or being less isolationist in this era. But the fact that they were true neutral rather than being lumped in with all the other bad guy factions was always a nice bit of nuance. Those shades of grey are what endeared the old world to us, and a large part of why we want it back. The question is whether modern GW have the finesse as writers, and the historical expertise to realise that promise in the way their predecessors did.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    This. Super happy for all The Old World fans though at the end of the day this is an Age of Sigmar forum.

    There is an official thread for The Old World but aside from announcements or other major news, all postings for it should go there.

    Would the rulers of the forum consider adding a TOW board along with the warcry etc ones? 

    This is the friendliest, most pleasant forum I've ever seen, and it would be a shame to have to find somewhere else for ToW news once it gets rolling! Surely it falls within the remit of fantasy warhammer as much as say, bloodbowl does.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    Im tempted by the tomb king set having got into the hobby when age of sigmar launched. I am a bit unsure on models being part metal still. Will they hold up at all or should I just collect the plastic/resin sets. I haven't used metal models before.

    You might want to varnish them, as paint can chip, but other than that there's not really much different. Best to build them with superglue and a little green stuff, but they go together pretty well really. I'm very glad they are bringing it mostly back in metal rather than the terrible resin that these models were last available in. Metal models just hold up so much better, and have a lovely heft to them which modern plastic can't quite match, great as it is to work with.

    • Like 2
  5. 48 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I currently own skaven and dark elves as finctional old world armies.

    in theory the dwarfs I own in my cities army could work as well, yet with no battleline troops sustaining my army, I don’t think I can play a legal dwarfen army, unless those 40 ironbreakers I own can be played as troops rather then staying specialist units.

    the other two Armies I own are gloomspite gitz and vampir count of which I think I should be able to use them all.

    Especially since I got inspired to rework the ghorgon model the vamps have into what I think could be called a vampire lord on nightmareIMG_2622.jpeg.d7c3ba948335f723b1653852b957f71c.jpeg

    That looks great!

  6. I have full armies of Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Dwarf and Chaos Dwarf, and vampire counts from the wfb days, and honestly a lot of my gloomspite and cities armies should work without any hassle so I'm more or less ready to go mostly with whatever compendium rules they put out for the non focused upon forces.

    I'd like to support the game, but I'm not going to be affording big army boxes in January, and much as I love the Tomb Kings dearly I don't need a whole armies worth of more derpy old skeletons. More Usabti would be good though!


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  7. The new swarms and heros look great! Shame there doesn't seem to be a second plastic kit, but I guess Bretonnia just gave us too high expectations. I love the Tomb Kings dearly, but that Starter box isn't going to be useful for me. l already have a full tomb kings army, so the last thing I need are more skellies and chariots. Could do with more shabti, sphinxes and tomb guard really, so it's a shame they didn't put any of the ir good older models in the box!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am super curious to see what happens with those units that were designed and never released. Would they release them as part of TOW?

    I really hope that they do but it will depend on whether production moulds were ever made, which seems unlikely. If not then they'd have to be very confident in the kits selling in order to justify making them. Plastic injection moulds are insanely expensive even today, and tow mostly seems to be using old kits for that very reason. They may feel that if they're going to make a new mould it might as well be totally new, as reusing the old greens doesn't save rhem much.

  9. That rumour seems fake to me, like they just looked at skaven and listed the stuff most in need of an update. Seems like a pretty safe guess, but a really easy guess, not anything that really suggests inside knowledge. I bet we'll get some of this, but there will also be weird things we can't predict. They never just update existing stuff any more!

    • Like 19
  10. We really should have organised a letter writing campaign to ask them to split the voting into categories this year! I completely forgot that this was a thing. 

    I think 40k wins on numbers alone, but I agree it's great that our system has a plethora of options for best model, even if that splits the vote. It does seem as though the most famous space marine always wins, even if the model isn't that great. 40k has very dynamic stuff like the new carnifex, but it's not a space marine, so gets overlooked!

    • Like 1
  11. I agree that the man him self was a horrendous bigot who doesn't deserve to be commemorated. That said, i feel as though depicting him as (or as part of) one of the hideous abominations he inspired could be seen as a commentary on the monstrous nature of his beliefs, as much as a glorification of them. 

    I kind if love the mask idea, as your kind of capturing the notion that behind the veneer of respectability lies something as twisted and horrible as anything he imagined. If executed well it could actually be a fairly powerful political statement.

    The works in progress look amazing! I'll look forward to seeing more.

    • Thanks 1
  12. I'd love to see Chaos Dwarfs, but I don't think it will happen this edition. We seem to be getting towards the end of the post pandemic disruption to R&D, but it seems like they wouldn't have had time for another full army what with the general slowdowns and the few big things they have got out. I have plenty of projects on the go though, so that's no bad thing!

    I'd also prefer more expansion of smaller ranges first. Fyreslayers in particular could do with what the orks and ghouls have just gotten! I'd also rather see some more monster girls for DOK, before a complete Dark elf army. It seems like we'll eventually get dark elves back as part of Old World, so why not do something more interesting for AoS. (That said i've never believed Malerion was just around the corner!)

    • Like 2
  13. It's worth pointing out that some folks are much better at internalising rules than others. When we see thus sort of thing, there can be a trend for players who are good at rules to think "well, I learned it pretty easily, so its easy to learn". That might just mean though, that you are better than average at learning it, so please be sympathetic and have empathy towards those who find this harder.

    There is so often a feedback loop with games, where those who have good active memory, and can deal with a larger cognitive load get better, and those who can't get forced out because the majority can't wrap their heads around why it's hard.

    (Not trying to be critical of anyone or any post here, this just doesn't get said enough and is pretty key to accessibility in the gaming community. Warhammer should be for everyone.)

    • Like 1
  14. Yeah, this is an interesting one. On the one hand they are finally doing the concept justice, and I appreciate the cleverness and gory ness of the design.

    Sadly on a personal front, it's too gross for me to want to paint, or even really see.

    In principle I hope the army gets lots more stuff like this. In practice that means I'm not going to be collecting it. But that's fine. Not everything is for me and I'm happy for those this is for.

    • Like 5
  15. The webstore is an accessibility disaster. Tiny text, Light grey on white everywhere... It takes more clicking to get to just about everything and the core systems which used to all be listed at the top are now buried in unreadable menus. Plus changing all the URLs right before x-mas when I was compiling a list of gift suggestions was unhelpful in the extreme!

    I didn't buy much direct from GW anyway, but it used to be a good reference to check product info. Now it's an unusable mess.

    Good job I have a great flgs near me. I'd rather support them than GW anyway!

    • Like 18
  16. 10 hours ago, Luperci said:

    For sure, MESBG sculpts are notoriously bad, a lot of them made by trainees and new members of the team from what I've heard. They do still hold a special place in my heart as it's what got me into GW years and years ago but I wouldn't fancy building and painting any these days.

    Maybe some later on, but the whole original range was made by the Perry Twins who are legendary as good sculptors.

    The problem is neither the designs or the material. It is entirely an issue with the moulds.

    The more you cast with a rubber mould, the more worn it gets. 20 years ago those Uruk Hai were beautifully crisp and had hardly any flash. I know, because I built a ton of them!

    But with MESBG's decline in popularity they clearly haven't been remaking the moulds from the masters as regularly as they should have, and quality has dropped as a result. It's particularly noticeable for the made to order stuff, which has more flash than any other metal models I've seen.

    if you check out companies like Warlord, Foundry, Perry etc which mainly cast in metal, their quality is better across the board. There is always going to be a bit of flash unless its a nrand new mold, but unlike GW they've not given up on the material and let their quality drop.


    In other news I'm pretty sure the "liche on a dragon" rumour was just Ionus for the stormcast. My bet is someone didn't know what they were looking at and assumed it must be TK.



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  17. 7 hours ago, GhostShark said:

    Yeah. Anyone who has ever written rules knows that this just isn't true. My guess is that this person is majorly misunderstanding the information they have access to.

    Indeed. If we compare the famously rushed Gorkamorka rules, by all accounts multiple people spent two months solidly working on it. It was rushed because it lacked the robust internal playtesting that they'd given the other specialist games of the era. Physically writting the rules still took a ton of time and effort, by all accounts!

    • Like 3
  18. The one afternoon thing smacks of hyperbole. That's not just rushing the development. I think its physically impossible to write a rulebook in that short a time, even in draft. I'm sure it was a useful development excercise to all meet and try things. But I don't think for a moment that there was no iteration. You don't just write up your notes neatly and hit print after that sort of thing. You revise, iterate, explain and improve as you figure out how best to write it up. Even if they did no further playtesting, which I doubt, it couldn't have been "written in an afternoon" .


    • Like 4
  19. In death so far we have Ghoolies and Ghosties, so we still need the long leggity beasties and the Things that go bump in the Nght!

    They've kind of tried to roll werewolves into soulblight, but that's the other big Halloween archetype. Skeletal barrow kings could be spun out into their own faction, and of course we'll hopefully soon see the return of the mummies in ToW if not AoS.

    My friend and I tried to think what a completely new and original death army could be. The most warhammer thing we could think of was giant floating skulls, made of skulls. They'd be released by Nagash specifically as an anti Khorne faction to steal back the skulls, and thus souls, being taken to the skull throne. There could be other units designed to counter other chaos powers!

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  20. I'm a collector and hobbyist. I love collecting miniature ranges and spend lots of time at my painting desk building and crafting my armies. I enjoy the lore, as I am more of an RPG player than a wargamer. I play a little bit of warcry, but have basically stopped playing AoS and 40k. I love ranking up my armies, but actually playing army scale games tends to be quite boring. I play a lot more frostgrave, D&D and anything with a story basically. I like the idea of narrative AoS but find it tricky if the other player doesn't engage with it. I have no interest in competitive play at all.

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