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Posts posted by EccentricCircle

  1. I think the worry is two fold. Firstly the lore of AoS is very dispersed, and not easily accessible. The cost and number of battletomes and campaign books mean that only the most dedicated or obsessive fans will want to read them all, and even for many of us who love the lore, cost is prohibitive. Then there has always historically been a drop off in attention when it comes to BL books and the rpgs. Those are often the in depth books, but fewer people are aware of that lore. I am really keen on reading lore, but even using audible I can't actually keep uo with BL, I can't afford every battletome ( in terms of space as much as money), ans while I love soulbound, they are taking forever to release the books in print, so I'm behind on that too. And I care, and am actually trying to keep up. Most don't, and we can't really expect them too.

    The second issue is that GWs attitudes to aos lore has historically been quite inconsistent. we know from interviews how things get developed and it isn't a lore first system. The money people say what sells, the designers design models, these are given rules, and then the lore writers write lore for them. Only the last step has any requirements to observe canon, and only that last step has any guarantee of being done by people who keep up with their own lore. I think there isquite a high likelyhood that the model designers and rules writers do not read BL or soulbound and are likely unaware of the lore unless directed to consult it. GW is notorious for the right hand not knowing what the left is doing, ans that means in short that past lo re is not guarantee of what is to come. The lore writers will do a valiant effort to make ir all fit, but they have to work w ith what they are given...


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  2. 2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:


    CSM, Warcry, Necromunda and Underworlds before Tzeentch vs Lumineth 


    There isn't much necromunda left to come. I think they've done the first wave of ash wastes. There will be more vehicle kits for the classic warbands down the line, but nothing imminent.

    I think 40K is most likely after a few "filler weeks" but warcry is a definite possibility. They've really been pushing it this last week, which seems to happen when they preview a box late, or release it early. A mainline AoS week seems less likely, but not beyond the (mortal) realms of possibility!

  3. I'm torn. I love the warcry terrain so far, and the new set looks amazing too. Its definitely my favorite game on the fantasy side, and so far I've been collecting it quite religiously. This is probably a good format for Warcry, as it gives you a lot to play with out of the box. But I kind of wish they'd stop with the big box releases. There is basically a £100 plus set every few weeks these days, for one system or another, and while I love the ones that I've picked up this year, I can't keep buying them. Still I guess that's just telling me to focus on the systems I care most about rather than trying to split my resources across too many games.

    I kind of wish you could go into games workshop and buy a blister pack of metal orcs for a fiver still though. I didn't know that pocket money priced warhammer was the good old days until they were gone!

    • Like 3
  4. 28 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I may just have to borrow your idea if thats ok mate?

    Go for it! Trolls are a long way down my list of army projects (right after, actually finishing painting a hundred or so goblins who need my love more...) An army of big, lumbering monster trainers is much more your shtick than mine in any event! I look forward to seeing the results.

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  5. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    You know when you hear something and absolutely fall in love with the idea and begin to realise you may have to come to terms with it not being a reality? Yeah thats me right now.

    That is such an epic idea mate, one of my favourites Ive read on this site.

    A Hill Troggoth lumbering through the forest with Squig Hounds on chains...mate Im in love.

    Glad you approve! I think, even if it doesn't come to pass it would be easy enough to convert and proxy. There are so many sources of cool monster out there that kitbashing them with trolls, and doing a coherent base and colour might be the simplest way to realise the idea. I really don't need a new army project at the moment... But maybe one day!

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  6. If I were doing troggs, I'd build on the mollog's mob idea. Have lumbering trolls, but as beast masters with manageries of weird squigs, rabid wolves, hulking swamp monsters, killer sand worm riders, and basically the most weird and wonderful monsters of destruction they can think of.

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  7. For each grand alliance: 

    Order, naturally lizardmen would be a good fit, but warcry kits basically don't just update an existing archetypes so I don't expect new saurus or the like. As with chaos marauders we'll get something similar, but which doesn't quite fill the same role.

    I'd like to see some wardancers, as that's a classic warhammer archetype we've not seen in a while. They could be  Kurnothi, wood elves, or even sylvaneth dryads.I

    The other option would be militia and mercenaries, get some of that classic dogs of war feel. 

    Death: some sort of mortal death cultists would fit the bill, as would ghouls of course. Again I wouldn't expect them to be from a specific faction and echo it's roster. But rather something which is its own unique thing, but fits in somewhere after the fact.

    For chaos I only really want chaos dwarves, but I suspect that what we'll actually get are a season of god specific warbands. That could be cool if they keep pairing a major god with a minor one. They are pitting Hashut against nurgle, so why not warbands for necoho and zuvassin, maybe even Malal if they've somehow cleared up the rights issues. 



    You can do anything with this alliance, and they should. New monsters, new mercs, new weird ogor bands, insane goblin cults, human gorkamorka worshippers...

    Really the sky is the limit and they should make the most of that as they did for chaos last year.

    I suspect the chaos gid themed bands are most likely to actually happen, but I just want non humans. I don't care what as the models will be great regardless. But throw a bit more diversity in there. Not every dwarf needs to be aligned with KO, FS or cities. Nit every Orruk needs to be an ironjaw. Lets just see sime weird stuff that doesn't quite fit. That's what warcry does best!

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    While I'd love to see more Seraphon we already know that last two warbands of this season from a very reliable individual who correct predicted every other warband this season. They will be Witch Hunters and Khorne. I hope we see both warbands. They are both probably going to come out in the next three months.

    The warcry starter will probably feature the Rotmire creed and the Horns of Hashut. It looks like the legionaries are also a warband. The big question is whether we are actually going to see any  non chaos warbands this time out. 

    It was a pretty big disappointment that despite the change of setting, the actual warbands are just more chaos humans even if the minis themselves are quite cool. 

    I'm also curious to see what's in store for Kill team. The all new kill teams have been pretty good but the upgrade sprues have been a bit disappointing for the most part. A new box with two all new Kill teams would be tempting especially if one of them is Leagues of Votann.

    The Votann trailer was also set on a space hulk, so I think tha t is entirely possible. If they do dwarves vs genestealers then I'd actually get a kill team set for once!

    I feel that warcry is kind of tapping out the chaos concepts. Besides doing the big four, they're already covering a lot of design space. If they keep doing more, they run the risk of starting to repeat themselves. 

    Shaking things up with non chaos lets them move into unexplored territory again!

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  9. 10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Warcry - Full boxset reveal (Swamp Warband vs Horns of Hashut), confirmation of it being a new edition, "keep an eye on WarCom for more information!"

    Underworlds - Witch Hunters

    Kill-Team - Karskin vs Genestealers (upgrade kit?)

    Blood Bowl - Chaos Dwarfs 

    Necromunda - Scavies?


    I don't think it wil be a new edition, seems more like ash wastes for necromunda, a new setting, slight expansion and tweak of the rules, but ultimately the same game as before. 

    i know they are addicted to a short edition cycle for the main games, but I don't think they can afford to keep reinventing the wheel for every side game. Look at underworlds, how much actually changes from one season to he nexf?

  10. 12 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    With the Soulblight updates (i.e. Blood Knights, Fell Bats, Zombies, etc.), the "Derp List" has been further reduced...:


    A few kits narrowly escaped (e.g. Gnoblars, Saurus Guard, Kroxigor, Flegellants, Plague Monks, etc.), but were either not quite bad/dated enough or my expectations for the concept are just too low in general (I mean, what else can you do with Gnoblars...).

    As a long time lizardmen fan I can't see the problem with a lot of their models. Sure cold ones are quite cartoony, but what's wrong with chameleons, kroxigor or salamanders besides them being resin? Sure it's a bad material but the models look fine to me? The 3rd party lizzies certainly set a n astronomically high bar, but that doesn't mean the gw sculpts are bad, just not as good.

  11. 1 hour ago, Wordy9th said:

    My first cynical reaction is - these look like shades but diluted more? Without the option of greater opacity from the old range which I could thin myself.

    The concept is interesting though, I'm looking forward to hearing more about them.

    This is my thought too. I generally use them as a glaze, to tint the surface less than contrast would. Its rare I want a shade to just go into the recesses, but when I do, I can always dilute it a little. I feel as though they've just focused on one potential use of these paints, and in trying to make that "better" they've made the tool less versatile as a result. I don't want to say its just pandering to the lowest common denominator, but serious, dilution isn't that difficult people!

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  12. 3) varghulf, it's actually a nice model but it's the last resin model in all of death, so its time has come.

    2) chaos dwarf iron daemon. Phenomenal model now sadly out of production, but I want loads of weapon options on a new plastic version so that I can convert a whole fleet of evil doom trains!

    1) and while I'm being cheeky and mentiing oop stuff... Tomb Kings necrosphynx! Come on gw, you know you want to!


    Bonus,bring back the dread maw as a new plastc beasty for necromunda ash wastes. I mean it writes itself right?

  13. 7 hours ago, JReynolds said:

    I've written quite a bit outside of BL/licensed fiction. You can find links to much of it on my site, if you're interested: https://joshuamreynolds.co.uk/works/creator-owned-work/. My largest body of work is probably the Royal Occultist series, which is basically urban fantasy by way of PG Wodehouse. I also have a Patreon, where I publish new stories and essays on horror films and such.

    But be warned, little of what I write is what I'd call 'literary'. I'm very much a pulp writer, in spirit.  

     Nothing wrong with that, I'll check that out! Thanks for the link.

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  14. 11 hours ago, JReynolds said:

    Oh definitely. With BL books, it's hammered into you early on that the majority of the readership is buying because they want to read about their favourite faction/character/lore nugget. Everything else is secondary, including and especially any pretensions you may have in regards to the craft.

    I'm sorry to hear that, though not surprised. I've enjoyed you AoS novels a lot despite any executive meddling. I must admit though that I'm not familiar with your wider work. Do you have series where you do have creative control, where you are able to be more "literary"* than when doing work for hire?


    * For want of a better term. I'm firmly of the opinion that genre writing can be just as literary as so called literary fiction itself, if not more so. But there is a clear difference between something like one of Joe Abercrombie's novels and the best of what black library puts out, even if the subject matter is ostensibly the same. 

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  15. 37 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Personally, I have been buying gloss and matte medium from artist's stores and mixing them 1:1 with water and a drop of dish soap in old paint bottles. You can thin inks with those mixtures to make them behave like washes with the appropriate finish.

    Interesting, thanks!

  16. Very disappointed to hear that they are getting rid of the gloss wash paints. That seems like quite a poor trade off for what they are adding. I use Nuln oil gloss on so many things...

    Does anyone know of a good alternative? Does one of the other paint ranges make a good gloss black wash, or is there a reliable gloss varnish I could put over whatever the regular Nuln oil ends up looking like? I've got some big projects in progress which are going to need buckets of the stuff, so I'm quite alarmed that they are just scrapping it with little warning!

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  17. 47 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Because AOS makes a point to show us that there is no singular Azyrite/Reclaimed/mortal/etc culture? I can get on board with Fyreslayers being for copyright but like... naming places has always been weird and inconsistent. Because that's how real people are. "Anvil Guard" sounds more like a regiment than a city. Misthåvn umlaut so you know to pronounce it as Misthaahven, etc..

    I believe that circular accent on tje A comes from Norwegian so is a different stress to the German umlaut. I *think* its an "au", see Alesund in Norway for a pronunciation example.

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  18. I think part of the problem isn't just having good lore or not. Rather its how well coupled that lore is to the game. BL novels have always introduced a lot of great characters because they are character driven. That's how stories work. But the war game doesn't reflect that. This was true in WFB to an extent, but you at least had Gotrek and Felix in the dwarf books and some rpg material front and centre in the codexes (lizardmen had maps of cities, info on the glyphs etc other books had poems and flavourful little bits of background. They still try to do that, but haven't been as good at it since 7e)

    Soulbound is great, but it's off as its ow n little side thing which gw don't acknowledge or promote. I  think they barely give it more attention than their mobile games.

  19. I've said it before, but I'll say it again.

    AoS and WFB have the exact opposite problem.

    Warhammer fantasy was a really bad idea executed really well. They started from the most generic seed; historical earth with fantasy races. But they wrote it in a really compelling, really engaging way. They made excellent use of anarchic themes, social and religious tension, and the fact that no one was good, and everyone had centuries long feuds to really give that world a sense of depth and character which it perhaps didn't deserve. Add in the excellent chaos cosmology, and WFB is rightly beloved. It provided a grim and gritty "punk" counterpart to D&D at a time when that really resonated, and will go down in history as one of the best fantasy settings ever as a result.

    Age of Sigmar is a much better idea, but executed quite poorly. The multiverse they've created for this game has amazing potential, and is the perfect playground both for the game it supports and those classic "warhammer-y" themes of gods and ideologies clashing in worlds of magic, while chaos devours all from below. Done well it produces some spectacular ideas, and provides a far more open and diverse sandbox than what came before. Unfortunately the quality just doesn't live up to its predecessor. I don't even know that its not well written, some parts of AoS really are great. Army books in this day and age aren't as engaging as they once were, but I think the main problem is one of presentation. The derpy names and uninspired presentation of the setting put off a lot of folks who would recognise how brilliant it was if they only read the lore and gave it a chance.

    40K is successful because it is the best of both worlds. It was always the better idea, and the more creative lore than WFB, but it was written at a time when warhammer had that edge it needed to get popular, and become beloved. AoS is still young, so might catch up, but I think it would take quite a lot for it to do so.

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  20. Tricky one. It depends on the definitions of what games I guess. I spend more time playing RPGs than I do painting, but far more time painting and building than I do playing wargames. I gave up playing AoS last year with the dawn of 3e, and since then have only played warcry once, and 40K maybe twice when it comes to GW games. We're starting a necromunda campaign, so that will get me gaming a little more, but really its mostly been frostgrave and stargrave about monthly.

    It took a while to come to terms with it but I've realised that while I love building and painting massive armies, I have zero interest in playing mass battle games anymore. I'm still reading the forums because this is a great community, and I'm liking the new models that come out, but if I do play again it will probably just be 2e, since I have everything I need for that.

    So for all intents and purposes its hobby all the way for me. Just jumping into skaven with the Echoes of Doom release so I'm not going to be short on stuff to paint... I thought about getting some of them for years, but didn't want another horde army. Now I know I don't need to worry about it being a functional army I can just paint the models for fun. So much happier.

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