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Posts posted by Sunchaser

  1. I may have missed talking about it so excuse me if I have...

    I'm deeply curious how this command point change will effect Ossiarchs since they're unable currently to use CP. It seems like a pretty significant advantage not to be able to use a very important buff to the rest of the factions. Thoughts?


    Likely if a change occurs it will be with errata for them. Although I think the more hopeful among us would say we get a new book for OBR with archers and such haha.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I swear we get this post at least every other month...

    It is nothing new. Dates back to 2017.

    Please people let the vampirates meme die already. Thought this died 3 years ago when malign portents was coming and LON

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  3. 27 minutes ago, shinros said:

    The whole point of Death is the loss of agency, you take that away then there is no downside to becoming an undead abomination, there is a reason why the courts that are not under Nagash run so as they get a whiff of him, because soon as he gets to the ghoul king that's it. Undead characters have their own plots, their own plans, constantly fighting each other for power, but when Nagash says jump, they all say how high? That is the cost of becoming an undead monster. 

    It's like chaos, yes you get personal power, but now you are at the whims of unknowable gods that can spawn you and you have the break down of society itself. 

    Destruction is well, destruction.

    Order provides freedom and security, but all the factions have different plans and agendas, we see this clearly in broken realms morathi, when they shouldn't be fighting one another they come to blows anyway, allowing their enemies to gain strength. 

    Remove Nagash, you remove the net-negative of becoming a undead. 

    I agree. Nagash is still the boss. That being said they seem to be at varying levels of obedience. Vampires being the least. Neferata basically does crazy mental gymnastics to allow herself to disobey Nagash. I'm sure these guys will be like Manfred and Neferata.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Rachmani said:

    GW should adjust its strategy for people like me (limited time for the hobby, have to choose wisely, what to buy).
    Since the SoB I basically wanted to buy every army, but bought NONE, because the next thing always seemed a tad cooler than the last. 

    So, GW, how a bout a BIIIIIG, FAAAAT blunder? 

    Isn't this the point of contrast?

  5. 1 hour ago, FFJump said:

    It looks like a blood dragon/dragon warrior. Taking a guess from the name, that zombie from the Halloween preview and the zombie in the last preview will probably be in this army and it will be soulblight + undead army like old Vampire Counts. Will we finally get new Blood Knights? (Probably not). I hope we see some new bloodlines rules though.

    Please PLEASE a new blood knight kit. All of the new cavalry kits have been so amazing I'm sure a new blood knight one would be too. Oh god what if we got blood knights on foot?!

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    I'm not familiar with him. Is he undead? If so, how can he rebel when Nagash has absolute control over all undead?

    He doesn't have absolute control. He still rules through fear since he's all powerful. Undying King has good examples of it. 


    Sometimes though he seems to let people disobey. Partly because his mind has faded so much.

  7. Just now, elfhead said:

    New elves look pretty good! Liking the overall look and seems like fun to paint. Would have preferred teclis without the big monster and I think it’s gonna be a pain to separate them. 
    I also like this isn’t everything. So we can spread out the excitement until the actual release 


    in the last shot of the video you can see a masked face in the back. Might be Tyrion? 

    I kinda think it looked like cat ears initially and my first thought was "if they made Tyrion into a cast member of  'CATS' I will quit this hobby.."

    • Like 2
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  8. 37 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Not gonna lie, I was real excited for Teclis and his new aelves but with the news of the Sons of Behemat being an actual thing pretty much all enthusiasm I had for them has been replaced by gargants. I honestly never thought they'd actually do it.

    I think if the new Giants are more like Titans. I would get them with the elves. Something like the Titans from heroes of might and magic 3 (for those of you who played that lmao)

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    So, how many of you are Tolkien fans?  A random conversation with my wife made me realize what I want most from this new army.  I want Glorfindel, the Lord of the West.  I want the Elf Lord that reminds you why you do not mess with an elf, because they are beings of true power.


    24 hours to go!

    Well I started the mini hobby with LOTR minis so. Hahaha

    • Like 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    It's times like this I really miss the short stories from Malign portents. I think they did a good job hyping up factions like idoneth deep kin and daughters of khaine, and I really miss that kinda of extra insight.

    Those were so great. Especially the short animations showing off stuff during LoN and Nighthaunt drops

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    There are cthulhu old ones in aos? 

    Minor spoiler but a certain book has a part where the character sees into the ethereal. Another explains there are bigger beings out there that would make chaos gods look silly. Kinda implied their were boogie men out there floating in between realms.


    Shadespire is the book for those who care.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, GeneralZero said:


    PS: LVO has been claimed by GW as the biggest event, ever, for them. (biggest LVO it seems 😎). So, some reveeal are expected here. Hense the relatively poor reveal of open day...

    Why does everyone keep saying LVO. it's not LVO it's Adepticon... As they have said multiple times on Warhammer community. Here's a literal quote. LVO reveals will be minimal and likely not full release of pointy. Especially since they have already said Spring 2020 for the elves... Which wouldn't you know is right after adepticon.


    "2020’s AdeptiCon Warhammer Preview is going to be the BIGGEST and BEST Warhammer preview EVER. In fact, it’s so massive that we’ve commandeered more space, so we can fit in as many Warhammer fans as possible to experience the sheer majesty of the reveals. Start bracing yourself now…"



  13. I hate to be a Debbie downer but they all but confirmed there are NOT going to be undead pirates on FB. They posted a comment on the last omen post saying not to take the omens too literal. This was in reply to someone celebrating the fact that this omen meant undead pirates.

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