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Posts posted by Sharrankar

  1. Long time lurker, got drawn back to AoS by the new edition - curious what people think about GW "fixing" Nighthaunt, namely addressing the issue of named characters not being named characters (Crawlocke the Jailor, Liekoron etc). Do you think they will see some changes or the boxes will remain as they are?

    Also, what changes are you folks expecting from the new book, once it eventually comes out? Chainrasps going to min. units of 20 maybe? Plastic Mourngul? Etheral changing into ignoring negative mods? Any warscrolls you'd like to see rewritten in order to make Nighthaunt competitive? 

    Curious what do people think and wish for!

  2. Hey everyone! New player here, haven't played a single game of AOS yet, but I'm very slowly painting my spooks, between other models. I came here to ask if LoG is in a decent state rn - can they win things, are they worth investing into as a new player, what are some of the must haves (other than the Harrow) and where should I start with a 1k list?
    So far I have the Soul Wars Nighthaunt part, SC: Malignants, 10 Bladegheists, 5 Hexwraiths, Cairn Wraith and 3 Spirit Hosts (from this box that included them, forgot its name). Do you also have any ideas whether we could expect any bigger changes for Death in 2020? 

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