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Proper introduction


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I have a couple of posts under my belt, but forgot to introduce myself when I registered so better late than never I guess.

Painted a few minis as a kid, then got into WHFB 10 years later in 7th edition with my friends, and as most of them dropped out and the few games we had was more about flipping through rules than playing we lost motivation and interest.

When AoS was revealed I stuffed about 3000+ points worth of unpainted Chaos Mortals and Gobbos in a closet and picked up some VC in case they stopped selling them.

After testing AoS with my remaining playing friends we got motivated again and I am now 20% of a Mortis Engine from completing painting an entire death army! My next project will be a small Kharadron force and we'll see where I go from there.

This forum is good stuff and I was glad I found it after all the others got filled with hate and rage. Glad to be part of it!


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