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Escalation Legue leading to tournament army


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So my local club is running a very mild mannered escalation league and this is how I've got into AoS. We are using matched play points and the only restriction is you cannot summon more points than you started with but can summon back to it (from casualties)

It started with 800 points and is growing 200 points every month up to 2000.

We are currently @1000points and this is my list;

Great Unclean one (240)

Herald of Nurgle (100)

x30 Plaguebearers (300)

x10 Plaguebearers (100)

x5 Putrid Blightkings (180)

Leaving me with 80 points to take/summon nurglings, or a beast of Nurgle.

The pool of models I have for expansion is 6 plague toads, Sayl and nightmaw, chaos/nurgle sorcerer lord, epidemus x50 plaguebearers x6 plague drones 15 nurgling bases.

I'm using the slow progression of the league to get to know my troops well and how to best utilise them.

My question is what will I need to get a really good tournament list. I'm wanting to stick with the Nurgle daemons theme (potentially) going for a tallyband. I'm happy to add a couple more mortal units if needs be and realsie Nurgle untill they get there own book wont be a table one tournament army. I'm just looking for so.ething that wont get steam rolled and I can really enjoy in competitive play :)


Thanks in advance guys

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